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Any fellow olds remember when sexting was called "cyber sex" and it's slang was "cyber"?
  • nah i think he just thought it was a funny situation. Obviously whoever longshlong69 in this story was was probably a kiddie creeper though.

  • Any fellow olds remember when sexting was called "cyber sex" and it's slang was "cyber"?
  • my friends sister got caught talking to some dude name longshlong69 or some shit lkke that at a 3rd friends house when we were about 14 lmao. the 3rd friends dad loved telling that story, was hilarious to him.

  • If AI Takes All Of Our Jobs... Who's Going To Buy Everything?
  • If AI takes our jobs we'll have time to practice our pick up lines

  • Are gamers really that much of a baby that they need to be told to not pre order games from trash studios lol
  • ill preorder games sometimes. Why not? Usually you get a bit of a discount and they throw in a lil something extra. I dont do it for every game I buy but from devs I trust to not fuck it up I’ll preorder.

  • Liberal techno-fascists are utterly deranged
  • palmer luckey had been a fascist groyper for years. Didnt he get pushed out of oculus over something related to that…

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • i dunno i feel like were at a point where we can metabolize things that would be big news and keep time flowing at a rate of 7 days per wek.

  • Retracting my statement from yesterday about agitating on .world
  • wow who could have anticipated that thread would go places

  • title
  • really hard to strike a balance between becoming important enough that people pay attention to you and unimportant enough that you'll be on the chopping block during the next layoff.

  • US House votes to bar new DJI drones as 'China week' gets underway
  • amazing that you only have to spend a million dollars for this result. I guess having the tailwinds of American politicans losing their shit over China helps.

  • We should probably be agitating on .world
  • I'm going to be honest with you, you aren't going to find a lot of sympathy for Ukraine here. Civilians perhaps because civilians always suffer under war, but not for the country and especially not the government. If you are here expecting us to be sympathetic to Ukraine you will not last long. What is happening in Ukraine is unfortunate but it is a natural result of NATO brinkmanship and constant encroachment of Russian red lines since the fall of the USSR.

  • We should probably be agitating on .world
  • imagine being so small the state department doesn't even know you exist yet you voluntarily doggedly stick to their party line.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • are you looking at hungary? Mexico looks consistentish

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • nah the american economy has slowed down quite a bit, they cant keep at it for too much longer unless they want to set off a recession.

  • My short Comrades do you feel dating is as hard for you as some incel types make it out to be?
  • If you walk around with your pockets full of coins women will think you're rich and be more attracted to you. Just giving you single guys some tips, no need to thank me.

  • Polar Bear Dens
  • poop

  • Fact-Checking Is Killing Us
  • Yeah I think this article really missed that callout. Yes there's the legal pedantry that they do to lie without really lying, but then there's the bigger lie that is the consensus of reality that exists in the political class of the global north. Things that bolster the consensus are facts, things that don't are lies.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • From what I've heard there aren't really imminent breakthroughs there and companies that have historically invested a lot in QC are scaling that back. People I know who have worked in that domain have said to me that what often ends up happening when they get a quantum algorithm working they'll figure out that the classical one is just as fast but needed more work to optimize it, which is what it gets when someone tries to prove a QC algorithm is faster than a classical algorithm.