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People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • Yesss! My first five minutes with OpenSuse.

    I mean, you can change that behaviour somehow. But there are so many other small things like the constant vendor changes. Zypper is just so quirky. It's a cool distro and to have a rolling release option like tumbleweed is always a big plus in my opinion, but I just wouldn't recommend it to people who are not really eager to play around with their distro.

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • Ah, OpenSuse. The distro with the package management that spams your drive full of unnecessary optional dependencies.

    Would always recommend EndeavourOS.

  • Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed?
  • That doesn't work. Either there is physical proof or there is none. Afaik the latter is correct.

  • Science is more like a conversation.
  • If you really think that the core of capitalism is what you described, you have no clue what you are talking about. Funny, that you ended that by calling other peoples claims stupid.

  • Science is more like a conversation.
  • We seem to be talking about different things here: science and the scientific method. Science is a process involving many different institutions and individuals with their personal worldviews, problems and interests. The state of the scientific method is a whole other discussion, I am not able to lead.

  • Science is more like a conversation.
  • The process of science is not corrupted but deeply flawed. It is like that, because we as a species are as well. Science is the best method we have to create secured knowledge, but it is far from perfect. Things like predatory journals, lazy to non existing peer reviews in established publications, reports about scientists who are under pressure to create positive results even if their research had none of those etc. show us that .

    Capitalism plays a big part in this problem. To plainly reject that is simply naive.

  • Climate Zones
  • Ah. For some reasons Mulch blocks the mapbox element here. Thanks for the info.

  • Wasps
  • That is lovely. Ticks are far worse then wasps. Thanks for the info.

    Can't they also start to annoy ticks and fly around their faces?

  • Climate Zones
  • Very nice and helpful site.

    Sadly it disn't work with Mull (Firefox mobile).

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Interesting. I was a triggered vegetarian and didn't like those guys calling me a cheese breather (I'm still ambivalent towards them). When I became a vegan it was because of the non-drastic stating a fact people, not because of the jerks.

    So maybe we need both – and many more forms of activism?

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Look at it like that: Many people become vegan because they realize that there is no magical difference between humans (or dogs, cats and so on) and the animals who are raised to be slaughtered. We all feel pain, fear and grief. So a society that kills sentient animals and eats or wears parts of their dead bodies is not too different then one which does that with their fellow humans. How angry would you be to live in such a horrible society?

    The only reason to not being angry all the time is, that I needed more than 30 years to realize those things myself. How we are handling most animals, how we are torturing and killing them is normalized. It is really hard to get from "steak yummy" to a vegan world view. How can I expect that other people change their ways just like that?

    It is still fucking sad and I totally get, why some vegans are so angry. Live and let live is the most cynical shit one could say in this situation.

  • Removed
    Israel's end is near 😎
  • That seems clear. My point is: how did they get from warcrimes to Israel being purged from the world? Aren't there steps like … bringing the responsible people to justice in front of an international court or something?

    Seems like OP has some freaky genocide phantasies themselves.

  • Removed
    Israel's end is near 😎
  • What the fuck is wrong with you?

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • If that comprehensive worldview leads people to defending russian imperialism, they really seem to be big dummies or just inhumane scum. It's actually pretty simple.

  • [Review] Skilhunt EC200 – look at this fantastic EDC light!
  • Thank you for making me instabuy yet another flashlight. 🥴

    Great review at your site!

  • With self-install solar panels, and a €150 plug-in adapter that feeds power directly into electricity sockets; a DIY home power system is becoming popular in Europe.
  • OP mentions this delivering 3kWh on a typical day, about 10% of a typical US household's consumption.

    Wow, this is much. If you are correct, a typical US household consumes two times the energy than a typical german household.

    The last numbers I found where from 2021 with 5411 kWh for a household with 3 or more people.

  • Rechte Parole und Hitlergruß: Sylt-Urlauber schockieren in Disco
  • Was für hässliche Menschen in jeder Hinsicht. Da kommt einem das Kotzen.

  • Nightdive Studios confirm Linux and macOS ports of System Shock are cancelled
  • Yeah, it runs on Linux. After the last update, my PC transformed a bit into a heat pump, though.

  • Rule
  • True, it's amazing. But don't look it up.

  • blackris blackris
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