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Hundreds of Kansas City Tenants Will Strike to Demand Repairs, Rent Caps
  • Tenant unions and rent strikes are wild. There was a funny reddit screenshot that was going around during the pandemic that I cannot find, but I remember it being the icon for a podcast, which I found and linked. It’s a good source on what rent strikes could do and critiques of its use.

    oops the tenants organized

  • Finally, inner peace…
  • Half of me wants to be snarky and call you privileged for being able to ignore these types of things, or some string of expletives for choosing to ignore an ongoing genocide. But then I thought about it and damn, i really wish I could ignore this mess, and I can’t blame you for just giving in. Your mental health must have improved drastically after this. I would be a hypocrite to call you out while wanting it to end so badly.

    As someone who is politically engaged to the point of being an activist, I don’t mind seeing political news, and I read a fuckton of it. But jesus christ do I want this election year to just end, this season has been insufferable and exhausting. I’ve been struggling to find a way to participate beyond the regular praxis I do, since I can at least find solace in my friends as we address queer issues and homelessness in my area. But going beyond that brings me into the purgatory of American politics in this hell year.

  • efficient game design rule
  • I’ve written code that has generated logs like that. In my case, I had all of my 12 threads writing to a logger, and over the course of 2 hours it got to about 250gb, which was the remainder space on my drive

  • Food Not Bombs
  • Recently, I was invited to board game night at the local synagogue. I’m not jewish, but they love that chapter, and invited everyone who was at that serve, as well as the rest of the group. If I wasn’t busy, I’d 100% attend because I love that feeling of being involved in the community. I’m just sad I live half an hour away, otherwise I’d be able to be more involved.

  • Food Not Bombs
  • I fucking love food not bombs. It’s probably one of my favorite forms of praxis, and it has a huge boon on people’s lives.

    If you are someone who only votes or protests, please try FNB, it’s a good introduction to how direct action and mutual aid networks work, and you will meet some lovely people. You might provide the only meal someone has that day or maybe even a few days.

  • DMCAtendo
  • The world is full of creatives who make things without any expectation of income, but people create anyways. Look at open source software, or the many youtubers who don’t get enough views to get paid yet they post anyways. There’s quite a few journalists who operate solely on optional donations.

    Fuck IP. Copyright is theft. IP kills.

  • New RansomHub Attack Killing Kaspersky’s TDSSKiller To Disable EDR
  • I work in security, and I’ve seen a lot more EDR killers lately. Every incident I’ve seen regarding ransomware or potential ransomware has used EDR killers while compromising DCs, backup servers, file servers, and the odd workstation used for persistence.

  • America's #1 Cult
  • I want something that sticks so they don’t want to wear that outfit anymore… any other ideas non-violent ideas to make them feel unwelcome??

    I’ve got just the thing for you. Vegan milkshakes. Well, any milkshake will do, because the point of throwing a shake is to get them soaked in a liquid that will smell awful if it bakes in the sun. It might stain clothes, and it will certainly be uncomfortable. You should probably use a chocolate shake with the klansmen, it’ll stain their bedsheets real good.

    The best part about it is the physical harm inflicted is minimal, while the social harm, humiliation, is pretty significant. This is important because humiliation is the achilles heel of fascists, since their world view is based on imagery, and this action disrupts it.

    The other good thing this does is it can be used to make a potential agitator leave so they can clean up.

    This, unfortunately, is assault (or some other illegal activity), so keep that in mind.

  • America's #1 Cult
  • Parts of CT are KKK strongholds.

    I have a friend who used to live there and he told me his town had some prominent klansmen there, and there were rallies a town or two away.

  • In response to all the pro Taliban comments on my other posts.
  • People who hate america in such a way that they start liking those who oppose it.

    Like, hating america is fine, this is a horrid country, there’s not much to love for many minority communities. Hating america because of political views is also fine, our politics suck.

    Some people create two camps: pro america groups, and anti-america groups. If they want to oppose america, the only logical choice is to support the opposing camp.

    At least, that’s my theory.

    I don’t see how you can be pro-taliban without being either in line with their views, or just seeing the world as having two sides and sticking to one arbitrary side.

  • Yarrr
  • If you can’t own it, you might as well “steal it”

    But hey, property is theft anyways so who the fuck cares if I copy media without paying the ghouls who “own” the work made by other people they pay pennies of their dollar

  • after 40 all meals are horror
  • I make slow cooked chicken burritos and freeze them. Takes about 1 hour of prep, and about 6 hours to cook so it isn’t easy, but I only gotta do this occasionally. If I do this in conjunction with meal prep it takes a lot longer to prep, but then I can have a work week of food, and have like 8 burritos for when I’m too lazy to cook.

  • Khaled Juma, "Oh Rascal Children of Gaza"

    > Oh Rascal Children of Gaza > by Khaled Juma > > Oh rascal children of Gaza. > You who consistently disturbed me > with your screams under my window. > You who filled every morning > with rush and chaos. > You who broke my vase > and stole my lonely flower from my balcony. > Come back, > and scream as you want > and break all the vases. > Steal all the flowers. > Come back.. > Just come back..

    After reading this poem for the first time, it broke me. I broke down in tears, and an hour later as I went to post this and typed the transcription, I cried again as I got to the last few lines. Although this poem was written in 2014, I feel that it is just as impactful now as it was a decade ago.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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