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  • F-Droid has high inclusion standards (not high enough IMO but apparently too high for many Android developers). If a project isn't in F-Droid and has no interest in being in F-Droid I consider it a red flag, but it's crucial to find out if an issue has been opened and what the project's response on that issue is. Sometimes it's just because the developer(s) haven't gotten around to it yet, but other times it's because there's a proprietary component that can't be easily removed.

    For example on this app (2fas) the reason it's not on F-Droid is apparently because it uses Google cloud messaging (FCM) and there's no interest in developing a version without.

    Unfortunately with the security FUD against F-Droid peddled in part by PrivacyGuides and other organizations (which Obtainium and its fanbase happily help spread) there is decreasing interest even in using, let alone developing for, this repository.

  • Can I refuse MS Authenticator?
  • AFAIK on Android it has a hard dependency on Google services. I don't mind installing proprietary stuff to my work profile for the express purposes of work but that requires modifying my system to accommodate this specific app and that's a step too far for my personal device. So I use a free software option (Aegis) instead.

    edit: if for some reason I really did need MS Authenticator and not any old TOTP app, I would procure a googled device specifically for work rather than install google or microG into my personal device.

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • Android emulation works better on it because the difference between Linux and Android is not that big

    To be clear, the difference between Linux and Android is about the same as the difference between Linux and Fedora, in that they are both Linuxes. That's why this works, and why the reverse (running GNU/Linux apps and even entire systems on Android) is possible as well.

  • Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT
  • There is, I believe, a fundamental misunderstanding as to what exactly a site like Stack Overflow is. It's not a forum; there's no such thing as "your posts." It's more like Wikipedia, as in a collaborative question-and-answer site, or a knowledgebase. Each question and answer can be edited like a mini wiki page. They aren't "yours" any more than the Wikipedia page you created ten years ago is; you contributed it to the commons, so (at least in theory) you don't have the right to take it back.

    Whether whatever "Open"AI is doing is right is another question, of course. But, I don't think destroying or poisoning the commons to strike back at it is any helpful either; it feels like "destroying it to save it."

  • Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT
  • I would certainly hope so. Stack Overflow content is Creative Commons licensed, so the argument is basically that the GDPR would take precedence over the CC license grant. It'd be scary if GDPR could be weaponized against forks of free software projects in this manner.

  • TIL: FairCode is the software model Redis, ElasticSearch, etc. use
  • There's a certain irony, I think - the original free software movement was based on ensuring the users' freedom to use, modify, and share software. "Open source" came about as a "business friendly" rebranding of Stallman's movement (see Open source misses the point). Naturally, being friendly to business doesn't mean business will be friendly back. That is to say, I acknowledge the unhealthy relationship between "business friendly open source" and the proprietary software industry.

    That said, it should be extremely obvious that most hardline free software supporters like Richard Stallman and Drew DeVault ( are far from "corporate bootlickers" the latter of which even runs an (actual) free software company (and yet also started this community fork of Redis).

    If you can't make money from free software then feel free to sell proprietary software instead. What we take issue with is the attempt to co-opt the open source label, the attacks on real free software/open source, and (especially in this thread) the incessant name calling and accusations of bootlickery (while also characterizing anyone who pushes back as being "toxic"). Maybe we're not just simping for Amazon here, maybe we actually see the forest for the trees and recognize the dangers of normalizing fauxpen source licenses.

  • TIL: FairCode is the software model Redis, ElasticSearch, etc. use
  • Damn this community is getting really toxic.

    You're upset that a community called "open source" is pushing back against an attempt to co-opt the open source label? In my view this attempt is highly insidious and far worse than one corporate actor "stealing" (i.e. using) an open source project. These projects were all true free software before pulling the rug on the community and switching to a fauxpen source license, which makes it even worse - if these were proprietary from the beginning no one would have cared, but also fewer people would have contributed, because it doesn't feel as good doing volunteer work for a proprietary product.

    I agree there needs to be a mechanism in place for free software developers to be financially compensated but if you're changing the license so that it's no longer free software then it's just proprietary software under some faux "open" label, at which point you might just drop the pretense of being "open" at all - just admit you're a proprietary software company that puts your financial interest ahead of the community's.

  • Question about GPL-3 and deleting files from a Github project
  • Everyone can write a new version of the GPL.

    The standard GPL permission statement explicitly clarifies that the license is "as published by the Free Software Foundation" so any later version of the license has to come from the FSF.

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    The reason for the "or later" clause is to allow the FSF to update the GPL in response to flaws that are discovered. The "or later" clause is controversial because it effectively allows the FSF to change the licensing terms of any software licensed under such a clause, and so some developers who don't trust the FSF with this authority omit this clause. Famously, Linux is licensed only under GPLv2 with no or-later option (Linus has been a vocal opponent of GPLv3)

  • Copyleft licenses are not “restrictive”
  • You do realize the whole discussion is about what terms to use for differentiating between GPL-like “restrictive” licenses and BSD-like “permissive” ones? Saying that both are “conditional” really doesn’t help anyone.

    That's fair, I suppose - but going back to the word restrictive, you could also frame the requirement for attribution as a "restriction."

    DeVault suggests the term "reciprocal" at the end of his post. Another term often used is "share-alike." Both of these terms, I think, more accurately hint at the exact conditions of the grant without negatively framing it as a "restriction."

  • Copyleft licenses are not “restrictive”
  • That's true of any free software license, and as far as I know most formerly-free fauxpen source projects were licensed under a permissive license, because the intent was to be "business friendly" open source projects.

    In fact, copyleft actually has an advantage here; other members of the community can sell your work, but they are also required to respect the copyleft. Stronger copyleft licenses like the Affero GPL even protect against proprietarizing free software as a "cloud" service, but "business friendly" projects don't want it.

  • Copyleft licenses are not “restrictive”
  • What word that doesn’t offend you should I use to describe this fact?

    Conditional, as in you are free to incorporate the GPL code into your work on the condition that you preserve the freedoms downstream. By default you have no rights to distribute; the GPL does not take anything away, but it grants conditional rights. A restrictive license, like your proprietary EULA, would take away rights that the user would normally have.

    Whether or not proprietary EULA's are enforceable is a matter of dispute; see Software user's rights (D. J. Bernstein). Regardless, as Bernstein notes, this default set of rights does not include distribution, which is governed by copyright law. Free software licenses such as the GPL are copyright licenses and grant limited rights of distribution. Note that even most "permissive" licenses are by definition conditional as they include at least the requirement for attribution.

  • What laptop do you use/recommend?
  • In my experience Intel graphics have better compatibility with Linux-libre. I'm unsure about Linux-libre on AMD; according to at least one report it requires firmware blobs, which I'd rather avoid.

    (I'm aware that firmware blobs are unavoidable with modern-ish hardware but I'd prefer to avoid as many of them as possible)

  • What laptop do you use/recommend?
  • I use a NovaCustom laptop. As far as I know these are the highest end laptops that work with a Linux-libre system. I was interested in the Framework 13 (which I think can accommodate a Linux-libre friendly wifi card) but it's too small for my tastes, however a Framework 16 with an Intel CPU would be ideal if/when it comes out, though.

  • Did you choose for Linux for freedom or ...
  • I don't care about Linux. I care about freedom. It just so happens that the best free software operating systems are built on Linux, so that's what I use.

    I use GNU Guix System on my desktop, laptop, and server machines. I use LineageOS on my mobile devices, although sometimes I wish I could use Mobian or even Guix System instead. I do have a Pinephone with Mobian but it's collecting dust and the battery is swollen so I can't use it anyway. I also have a router running OpenWRT.

    I used to use Debian until 2019, Trisquel until 2014, and Ubuntu until 2010. When I was something of a kid I played around with a Knoppix live CD, which was my first taste of GNU/Linux.

  • Removed
    How did you come up with your username?
  • Firstly, Captain Beyond is the name of a band that I'm fond of - although by far not my favorite one, ever.

    However, it's also somewhat aspirational. "Captain" I define as the sort of leader as in the captains of Star Trek, someone who leads by example, who makes-it-so, takes care of their people and their "ship" so-to-speak. Someone who is more of a steward than a boss. Someone who is first and foremost in command of themselves. "Beyond" refers to the aspiration to go further and achieve great things.

    As I said it's more aspirational than anything - I don't think I do a very good job of living up to that moniker most of the time.

  • Write Free Software: A comprehensive educational resource for the Free Software movement Write Free Software: A comprehensive educational resource for the Free Software movement is a new website for disseminating free software philosophy and practice

    cross-posted from:

    > I am not the author, although I find myself agreeing with several things he has said and have linked to his posts numerous times.

    Libre Software Captain Beyond
    Write Free Software: A comprehensive educational resource for the Free Software movement Write Free Software: A comprehensive educational resource for the Free Software movement is a new website for disseminating free software philosophy and practice

    I am not the author, although I find myself agreeing with several things he has said and have linked to his posts numerous times.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Captain Beyond

    Caretaker of DS8.ZONE. Free (Libre) Software enthusiast and promoter. Pronouns: any

    Also /u/CaptainBeyondDS8 on reddit and CaptainBeyond on

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