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Every base is base 10
  • You forgot to count 0. The alien should write 4 as 10, not 4.

  • shirt that goes hard
  • On the one hand the design is cool, on the other hand I played the game this picture is from and it is deeply brain rot liberal bullshit so 🤷‍♂️

  • worldbuilding
  • Are you sure you don't have a kink for puritan no fun story?

  • US and other G7 countries to phase out coal by early 2030s
  • I will trust it when I see it. The track record of the G7 in solving global warming is atrocious.

  • FCC votes to restore net neutrality
  • You gotta enjoy it for less than... Check calendar... 7 months at least

  • China’s Prices Are Just Too Low for Buyers to Sweat About Tariffs
  • That would require the total lost of political power of the capitalist running the US automakers which can be pretty tough.

  • EU parlament vote for ban of products made with forced labour on the European market
  • So total isolation, right? Or are they only counting forces not applied by their Daddy and themselves?

  • How to deal with problematic construction workers?
  • Sorry if you already move on from this. I don't know much about Nicaragua to say if you will have any luck with trying to ask the local government for help. However, I lived in a third world country before where if you escalate to the local government, all they do is shrug their shoulder and ask you to move on. Unless you are rich and powerful enough, which would negate all of these problem from even happening from the beginning, to have somebody in the "local government" to help then that road is typically a dead end.

    Other stuff you can try is directly appealing to the working crews. Just a little bit of food and some greetings would sometimes give you a lot of information regarding who they are, who they are working for and what they are doing. If you know who they are working for, you can then go and appeal to them, which might solve your issue (or make it worse), but try to asset before reaching out just in-case. Knowing the crew might also reduce the annoyance since people tend to be more considerate around people they know. However, it might not help much if the crew is also under pressure and constraint from their contracts and workload.

  • How to deal with problematic construction workers?
  • Can't offer help without important details like where you are currently living and who hired the construction crew? Is that under construction building owned by your landlord? Is it some public funded projects? Are you living in Europe or Asia?

  • Iran offers not to attack Israel if Gaza ceasefire reached
  • Well, the last time Europe was super unstable was WW2 where they burnt the whole thing down by themselves. That led to the US ascension. The USA would be super happy for another chance like that.

  • Chinese gov't pushes Huawei's HarmonyOS hard, sets adoption targets to beat Windows, Android, and iOS
  • This read like some local region scheme to boost development. I still think it's a better plan to establish a central fund for open sources and maybe even run a bureaucracy unit just dedicated to developing softwares for the public.

  • Chinese GDP will be more than double that of the US in under a decade, if recent growth rates persist.
  • It would be a great future. But we must not be complacent and stop. The USSR was also projected to surpassed the empire before.

  • 1 in 5 Wisconsin Democrats Said Gaza War Will Impact Their Primary Vote
  • So... 4 out of 5 Wisconsin Democrats are genocide supporters.

  • What deindustrialization does to a country
  • Wouldn't be surprised if all the worst stuff that people drumming on about the Saudi's world cup stuff start happening down there. They also have semi legal immigrants working for the lowest bidders with no quasm about sacrificing humans for profits.

  • Pokemon - US Edition
  • The fee is just to "challenge" the gym master for your badge. You still have to pay the subscription to even get into the door.

  • Dragon Dogma 2 is a horrible game
  • Even a 5/10 is extremely bad in video games standards cause aren't nobody got time for that.

  • Are we the baddies?
  • The earth nation exists with a whole theme about being the great stagnant central state empire getting overshadowed by an upstart nation going through industrial revolution first doesn't give you any hints? Not even the queues and qibao?

  • Your favourite depictions of communism in video games

    Communists in video games are typically either depicted as faceless goons for target practice or evil baby killers. Have you guys found any fair and balance or at least interesting depiction of communist in video games?

    Since this is a lemmy instance for ML after all. Is there any games that you think fellow comrades should checkout?

    besbin besbin
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