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Instead of obtaining a warrant, the NSA would like to keep buying your data
  • Our data. About us. Bought by our government. With tax money we gave them. How can I get a piece of this pie?

    Yes, these companies they are buying from are getting rich off our tax money. Boycott Google? Not gonna happen. They just get your money indirectly.

  • Besides speed, what would actually suck about surfing the internet back in the day compared to now?
  • No mention of Mosaic (first web browser)? What sucked was you generally had to compile it yourself. That meant installing all the build tooling, building it, and turning it loose. Oh. Windows? Lol. No go. Gotta get an early version of Linux up and running first. That usually meant 20+ diskettes of Slackware installation.

    But then you could surf in all the basic HTTP glory. It was a new world and it was awesome.

  • Govulncheck v1.0.0 is released! Govulncheck v1.0.0 is released! - The Go Programming Language

    Version v1.0.0 of has been released, introducing a new API and other improvements.

    Govulncheck v1.0.0 is released! - The Go Programming Language

    >Govulncheck is a command-line tool that helps Go users find known vulnerabilities in their project dependencies. The tool can analyze both codebases and binaries, and it reduces noise by prioritizing vulnerabilities in functions that your code is actually calling.

    [help] Learning to code
    • Hello World
    • Read a file
    • Write a file
    • Read a file and loop through it line by line, printing each one (for loop or equivalent)
    • Program that consists of 2 or more source files

    What I'm getting at is instead of a full program, write code snippets and small programs. In doing this eventually an idea for something larger will pop into your head.

  • Anchor Brewing: Done San Franciscans mourn closure of 127-year-old pioneering Anchor Brewing Co.

    Beer lovers are flocking to Anchor Brewing Co.'s tap room to mourn the loss of the iconic brewer and buy some of its last beers.

    San Franciscans mourn closure of 127-year-old pioneering Anchor Brewing Co.

    They claim to be 127 years old. But have been a big part of the craft beer scene since the 70's.

    Sad panda.

    New Features & Improvements in Go 1.21 Go 1.21 Release Candidate - The Go Programming Language

    Go 1.21 RC brings language improvements, new standard library packages, PGO GA, backward and forward compatibility in the toolchain and faster builds.

    Go 1.21 Release Candidate - The Go Programming Language

    Go 1.21 is almost here and as usual, with it is a pile of features and improvements.

    I'm looking forward to using the new clear function as well as the new slices and maps packages.

    What about you?

    You Need to Read the Terms of Service for OpenAI and ChatGPT
  • This isn't true in the least. Purchase a tool and look through the manual. Every section marked "danger", "warning", or "caution" was put in there because someone sued some company because the user or some bystander was hurt or injured.

  • You Need to Read the Terms of Service for OpenAI and ChatGPT
  • I am not a lawyer and the implications are larger than this.

    Do not post, share, trade, or otherwise make public any ChatGPT output from your sessions until you fact verify that data to the extent that you're willing to take legal responsibility for it. In this case, especially causing a lawsuit against OpenAI. Because when that happens, you will foot the bill.

    I am not a lawyer.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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