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I just realized all my teachers use ubuntu
  • I'm a teacher at university and I run Arch, BTW. 😁

  • The Countdown to Save US Libraries
  • IA is definitely on shaky legal ground here. But as far as I'm concerned, they're in the right.

  • How are you parsing JSON on the command line?
  • I definitely use them a lot, but I think "very" is too strong a word. It's pretty easy to get confident, contradictory information from them. They're a good place to start and brainstorm, but all the information has to be verified either by running and testing the code, or by finding a human source.

  • US sues Adobe for “deceiving” subscriptions that are too hard to cancel
  • It's about time. I remember finally getting my subscription canceled what must have been 7 years ago by now. That was a happy day. And those were the "good" days of this whole thing!

  • How are you parsing JSON on the command line?
  • I hate to do this, but AI chatbots are typically pretty good at giving examples for things like this and you can learn from it.

  • Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Work
  • I have 2000 Saturn with 220,000 on it. It has been amazingly solid and low TCO.

    Of course, they don't make them anymore, so your point stands. They don't make them like they used to.

  • 2024: The Year Linux Dethrones Windows on the Desktop – Are You Ready?
  • The one thing that would drive my parents over the edge is ads in Windows. They already use Firefox and Libreoffice.

  • Linux as the new developer default at 37signals
  • Unix has been my favorite dev platform since I first used it 30 years ago. I'm typing this on a Mac, which also does just fine. But I'm happiest on my Linux box. Even WSL was OK, but the bloat of Windows overpowers the hardware. My Linux daily driver is a 9-year-old laptop that couldn't handle Windows any longer.

  • Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • I'm on the "OK but keep an eye on it" train, here.

    Devs need feedback to know how people are using the product, and opt-out tracking is the best way to do it. In this case, it seems like my personal data is completely unidentifiable.

    I was coding in the IE6 era, so I'd really prefer to not end up in a browser engine monoculture again.

  • Announcement of LibreOffice 24.2.3 Community
  • Since I moved my stuff off Google Drive, Libreoffice has been super useful. Great work.

  • Meta is now internationally limiting the political content you can see on their platforms. Here’s a quick guide on how to stop Instagram and Threads from deciding what shows up on your feed.
  • Meta has had this feature for years.

    On mobile:

    1. Long press the Facebook icon.
    2. Tap "uninstall".

    After that Facebook won't control the political content on your feed.

  • How Google Could Improve SERPs by Reading the Business Sections of the Newspapers
  • SERP = Search Engine Results Pages

    In case you're like me and didn't know.

  • We Need To Rewild The Internet
  • The networked software is free, but the hosting is paid seems to be a great model for promoting interop and avoiding single points of failure.

  • "The largest campaign ever to stop publishers destroying games".
  • Related: Internet Archive hosts zillions of abandoned games. Publishers are currently trying to sue it out of existence. They accept donations.

  • Your Car Is Spying on You for Insurance Companies
  • I'm sure it was possible, but I'm also sure my car doesn't do that.

  • Your Car Is Spying on You for Insurance Companies
  • My 25-year-old car is certainly not transmitting anything.

  • Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent
  • I just went in there to make a new account, and they want real name and salary before you can do much. (I work for a public university, so my salary is public record, but even so I just quit out. Too invasive.)

  • Coding interviews are effective
  • I always left it open-ended and that seemed to work. Part of the interview was seeing what they'd come up with. I'm pretty sure people always brought things they'd already written.

  • Modern web bloat means some pages load 21MB of data - entry-level phones can't run some simple web pages, and some sites are harder to render than PUBG
  • In the developer tools in the Network tab. FF sums it up at the bottom of the list when you reload (e.g. for this page "24 requests, 4.74 MB transferred"). Chrome must have something similar. Be sure to check "Disable cache" in the devtools.

  • Decoding C Compilation Process: From Source Code to Binary

    Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you write a C program? How does your code transform from lines of text into a fully functional binary executable? If you’ve been curious about the intricacies of the C program compilation process, you’ve come to the right place.

    beejjorgensen Beej Jorgensen

    Instructor, author, developer. Creator of Beej's Guides.


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