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An increase in bad seeds on Bit Torrent?
  • i think some people had some problems with it. but don't know exactly what that was because i never had any problems.

  • 13 Harvard University students who participated in pro-Palestinian encampment will not get degrees
  • dude this is an article about Harvard university. people will not get degrees for something that will be forgotten in a year.

  • Replace Torrenting with Usenet
  • yes only with participating servers so the network is a lot smaller like only servers from one provider peer to peer is a lot more limited and slower. usenet now is just extensions build on top of the original protocol like NZB files.

  • Godzilla Minus One becomes the most pirated movie in the world - Dexerto
  • japan should just have streaming service for all there shit already instead of always Licensing it to companies in every country. if they keep doing it this way then there just doing it too themselfs.

  • Do you use the device you torrent on for personal things as well?
  • if you use a dedicated device for torrents its more because its faster if you try to also open a browser when torrenting big files and its using all your bandwidth it just makes everything slower.if you seed and download a lot that can slow down everything else you do on that device.

  • 'IP House' Takes Global IP & Anti-Piracy Protection to a New Level * TorrentFreak
  • its almost like some companies need piracy too exist so that they can keep leeching money of these idiots that keep giving them money to stop a problem that they themselfs create.

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • everything comes too torrents eventually its just finding it and if its on public torrent sites if its still seeding when you find it. start here

  • Platforms wonder why piracy is spiking
  • invest in a nas instead of subscriptions.

  • 13 Harvard University students who participated in pro-Palestinian encampment will not get degrees
  • does not matter this has nothing to do with the Palestinians themself.

  • Platforms wonder why piracy is spiking
  • they get everything they deserve.

  • Replace Torrenting with Usenet
  • faster only depends on the server automation is easier too because it all comes from one central server. this also means its easier too shut down just look at all the Usenet providers that have been sued and closed down. downloads of torrents go faster the more people use it and download seed also depends on the internet connection of the people in the swarm. if enough people seed a torrent it will always be faster then a central sever that is bottle necked with how many connections it can handle at a time and is very hard to shut down because as long as one person is still seeding you can still download and you could build up the users of the swarm again. with usenet you can shut everything down by taking one server down and your paying money for it to so if this happens you also loose your money and then better hope you did not pay with a credit card because now they have your info too.

  • Replace Torrenting with Usenet
  • Usenet is old and centralized so a lot easier to shut down and is payed because you pay for server retention and access.

  • An increase in bad seeds on Bit Torrent?
  • Qbittorrent just gives you options you can choose if you use qt 5 or qt 6 and the version of libtorrent.

  • 13 Harvard University students who participated in pro-Palestinian encampment will not get degrees
  • in a year nobody will even remember this even happened.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • no i said you have no problems using your awesome English so you have no excuses you can very easily show how its done you know with quotes and shit. how im a dishonest liar.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • you take random strangers very seriously when it suits you. when you say its all lies and dishonesty then im supposed tell you why its not with quotes.very funny. when you are the one saying its lies and dishonesty. i already went as deep as i want to go i don't feel the need to repeat myself if i don't get anything new. like i said before any random account can say anything they want its meaningless. i can make fun of it as easily as you type it.and i don't even need to call you names in the process. maybe show in your awesome English how its done how dishonest and a lair im maybe something you should have done in the first place. show not tell. should be no problem at all for someone who likes quotes so much and of course your awesome English.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • when i already did and you did nothing you just said lies dishonest bigot because nobody called you one somehow implying that name calling is very serious because someone online said it. and not funny at all when you make it so obvious.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • a lot a talk dude you show nothing when you like quotes so much.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • i don't need to quote you people can fucking read and i don't want to repeat myself. maybe you can quote my lies and show why they are lies instead of just saying it. always better to show then tell.

  • Anti-trans Missouri A.G. can now access trans people’s medical records
  • maybe you don't remember your own reply's.

  • beaxingu beaxingu
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