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Srsly get fucked.
  • Why would you eat it alive? It's most likely raw

  • Now you have the option to set a custom button size in my fork the lightly theme, and with the redesigned tabbar, and with updated installation instructions, it's starting to feel like a real project
  • At the moment, it's just git pulls, until I find a better solution. But now it has a so you can delete it without a build folder atleast

  • Now you have the option to set a custom button size in my fork the lightly theme, and with the redesigned tabbar, and with updated installation instructions, it's starting to feel like a real project
  • Thanks for the idea, I'll try doing someting like that. Until then, in most cases, you can just do sudo make uninstall in the build folder, for opensuse, I have no idea yet, I'm not too familiar with cmake, so I'll have to do some research on that. Maybe the best solution would be writing a script that works everywhere, and then, you also don't have to have a build folder.

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • I don't claim that the election is rigged, even if it could be, but I claim that it's unfair. Fidesz likes use the poor to gain a vote for a crusty 2 days old bagel and a potato, and they like to collect the votes of the hungarians living abroad too(probably more hungarians live outside the country than inside), so they give them so much benefits, if I were living outside the country, even I would vote for them too. Also, they have gained control over most of the traditional forms of media, so they have the votes of a really big portion of the elderly.

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • He actually had a really big change in attitude towards russians, back when the sovjetunion was a thing and there were russian military stationed in the country, he was one of the main people telling them to go back home. But it seems it's a situation where they went from haters to lovers, or something like that

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • Here for some reason, if you're a hungarian but live outside the borders, your votes still count and Orbán uses it as one of his main strategies. Basically the hungarians that live abroad get better benefits from the government, like free travel countrywide, more money for childcare and things like it while still getting the benefits from the countries that they live in.

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • I'm not blaming it on you or the eu, I'm just saying that saying or thinking things like „Kick them out of the EU. Good riddance!” would only result in an absolute dictatorship and the suffering of almost 10 million people in the long term. I hate the hungarian government too, but kicking them out from the eu would only affect the people, and the same assholes would be sitting in throne, but instead of having some people at least trying to make them lean in the right direction, they would happily abuse their powers without the fear of losing anything

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • They should get rid of people that think like you first with their good riddance, I live in hungary and the „war inflation” hit us harder than russia and ukraine combined, and now I can barely afford a burger in mcdonalds

  • Does Hungary still belong in the European Union?
  • As a hungarian I say it's basically a dictatorship at the moment, there's no way that fidesz has 2/3-rds of the total votes, and I haven't yet met any person that met a person that voted for them, and it probably isn't just an echo chamber, because I know people from all around the country, and they're all saying the same. I think that hungary shouldn't be kicked out, because when hungary gets any kind of sanctions, the only thing it achieves is worse living conditions for the average hungarian also known as a non-fidesz voter

  • My new lightly fork now works on even more systems, and I'm still looking for people that are interested
  • I'll try looking into what needs to be done for it to work for you, if fedora has an easy to understand packaging system like arch I might be able to do something, but based on my experiences with fedora, it probably doesn't have that

  • My new lightly fork now works on even more systems, and I'm still looking for people that are interested
  • Yes, thank you. I've seen you discussing it already, and I'd love to help, but I have almost no experience even with normal fedora, and I could barely install it onto a vm to see if everything works correctly, and also, I have never even tried any atomic distros and I have no idea how they work. If you think I can help with anything, just write me a message and if I see it I'll try to help

  • If it works it works.
  • I know, but I was comparing it with some other distros that have a giant download button in the center of the screen, that instantly downloads the iso

  • If it works it works.
  • He probably haven't read the wiki

  • If it works it works.
  • There's no hate for anybody or anything, I just realised some distros have marketing, most have at least a pretty website, but for arch, you need to search for the download button when you want to install it, and the only thing that spreads archlinux is the word of mouth(or something similiar in the comment section), and this mostly involves spamming „arch btw”

  • If it works it works.
  • I say it's rather a „it mostly works” experience, but as a twist, if anything goes wrong, you can fix it very easily

  • I have made the first actual change in my lightly fork, what do you guys think?
  • The best I can say is to try installing these as dependencies, because I'm starting to get lost in the ubuntu based distros different package sources

    sudo apt install kf6-kcoreaddons-dev kf6-kcolorscheme-dev kf6-kguiaddons-dev kf6-kiconthemes-dev kf6-kconfig-dev kf6-ki18n-dev kf6-kwindowsystem-dev kf6-kirigami-dev kf6-kcmutils-dev
  • Unixporn Séra Balázs
    This is my custom css, it supports firefox themes, works on all operating systems, comes with a completely reworked devtools menu. The github link is in the comments
    Is there any way I can make lightly look like this?

    I currently use lightly as my qt theme, but some applications like Dolphin, and Kate don't fit the style. Is there any way I can make it look like this? Is there a fork that I don't know about? If not, can somebody help me with making one?

    Is there any way I can enable HDR video for firefox?

    Now that kde added support for hdr, is there a way I can watch videos in hdr with firefox or do I need to wait a bit more for that?

    bali10050 Séra Balázs
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