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Netanyahu Cancels Washington Delegation Visit After U.S. Abstains From U.N. Cease-Fire Vote
  • UN tends to avoid conflict with nuclear armed nations :|

  • How Quora Died: The site used to be a thriving community that worked to answer our most specific questions. But users are fleeing.
  • honestly, not sure I -ever- found a useful answer on Quora. I only would check it when there were literally no other options available. Even then it was usually some rando's opinion on their obtuse interpretation of what the OP was actually asking i.e., they rarely even answered what the OP had asked and more often answered what the responder wanted to answer.

    Quora was garbage when it began, and it is still garbage now.

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  • too bad all cops are bastards 🫠

  • Israeli forces disguised as women and medics storm hospital in West Bank
  • At this point I'm not even sure there is peaceful solution anymore, because that would require everyone to act like adults and stop killing each other; but apparently they cannot do that, and haven't been able to do that for... well... ever. So what do you do when children cannot play nicely and share their toys? you take them away.

    How the fuck do you take away their toys without telling everyone to get out (Israel, Palestine, etc.) and having all the nuclear powers (excepting Israel) glass the entire region making it uninhabitable for the next 20,000 years?

  • EU court rules people can resell digital games
  • Isnt that what a CA is?

  • EU court rules people can resell digital games
  • but in that case, aren't they just basic crypto keys, but with more (unnecessary) steps?

  • Me Too, me too...
  • 100%. You can pretty much cook anything in a microwave, so long as you understand -how- it cooks, and how to use that to your advantage. Like, some of the best eggs I've made were from a microwave. Like non-microwave cooking, the general rule is "slow and low" and you'll get decent results. But yea, it wont sear your steak, nor would I cook a steak in a microwave, as it would taste better, be less messy, and be faster to use an oven broiler xD.

  • Greebles!
  • 🤔 lacks common language / symbols that are used in contrary and confusing ways

  • What does "stateless" exactly mean in the context of communism?
  • history has shown that with communism it’s generally sooner

    I do wonder though, have there been -any- actual communist societies that were communist from the start and not communist in name only (e.g., Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.)? I would almost say that none (or at least none I recall) survive the transference between the prior society and communism before they become corrupted by power seeking individuals/groups. 🤔

  • Gay text rule
  • Netanyahu declares holy war against Gaza, citing the Bible
  • "no one said people were smart" - unknown


  • Where is Kevin?
  • 🤢

  • I call upon thee, theist majors and Lemmings who know the Scriptures well, what can you tell us about Bibicially accurate demons?
  • Yea, like alot of the concepts and mythos of hell and its inhabitants come from secondary works; i.e., almost all of it is made up. That said, you could probably get more "accurate" descriptions from ancient Sumarian, Mesopotamian, and Zorastrian texts from which the Abrahamic religions derive. Such as the other gods and creatures that exist within the mythos that are rarely mentioned by Christianity.

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  • Noah Caldwell-Gervais - Long form (multi-hour) video essays on video games. Usually based on a series like Fallout, Gears of War, or Dark Souls. It is engrossing.

    Forgotten Weapons - Ever wanted to learn about all the weird and interesting firearms people have devised over the years? This is the channel for you. This guy just loves going over not only how they work internally, what makes some of these devices interesting and how they came to be and why they failed (or succeeded).

    Coding Secrets - Ever wanted to learn how game developers made certain games "back in the day" and accomplished some amazing tricks for their time?

    Freya Holmér - video game math taught in a friendly way

    Grand Illusions - Elderly toy collector shares collection with world :)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Permanently Deleted

  • PS5 Slim’s Lack Of Fanfare Speaks Volumes About This Generation
  • I still don't understand why I cannot connect any of my Bluetooth headphones to -any- of the consoles. Connecting to my TV induces latency, so it turns off game mode, but not if I connect directly to the gaming device (ala steam deck). It's not like its a standards, driver, or perf issue, as steam deck supports it, and it's essentially a very user friendly Arch Linux box. Something as important as audio being this far behind on the two major competitors is mind boggling, especially when one of them ALSO produces decent audio hardware and created one of the two main Bluetooth audio standards 😅

  • Please, do not use Brave.
  • Would Vivaldi or Nyxt be a better alternatives? Or maybe webkit / degoogled chromium variants ?

  • emacs
  • I couldn't help myself xD, i think its just part of being an emacs-er :D

  • emacs
  • sorry, meant CUA (Common User Access). Its type of editor that uses the ctrl+c / ctrl+v / ctrl+x for things like copy / paste / cut, etc. Most popular editors use this type of editing mode. Its also known as a non-modal editor.

  • azdalen Azdalen

    Engineer | Gamer | Queer | Polyamorous | NeuroSpicy 🌶

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