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Lmao the Pod Damn America guy ratiod the president.
  • Biden could build abortion clinics on federal land right now

  • Lmao the Pod Damn America guy ratiod the president.
  • The president can only do good things with monumental effort

    The president can do bad things easily without problem

  • New DNC Presidential Candidate Announced!!!
  • Strategic anti-CIA brain surgery

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Listening to people younger than yourself also keeps you grounded in the present. Too many people get stuck in the past, or get isolated from wider society. I really don't want to become a detached old person, that's one of my greatest fear. I don't ever want to have the feeling that time has passed me by and I'll never understand the world.

    I haven't had that feeling so far, thankfully. You're right about younger people needing mentors and stuff, I hadn't seen it much from that angle. I think older people need to listen to younger folk as well, to keep them grounded in reality. Younger people aren't aliens out to ruin society and they're not naive confused toddlers either. They're people sharing the present and we don't need to have such a generational gulf or apprehension if we're all on Earth and alive at the same time.

  • Removed
    How would you react if vaush started dancing up to you on a public street?
  • why would vaush show any interest in me? I'm not a child

  • Removed
    How would you react if vaush started dancing up to you on a public street?
  • substory where kiryu tries to fix va*sh and make him normal but fails, gives up and instead just beats him up several times outside of the Poppo mart

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • I tend to like the young folk and identify with them way more than people my age, not in a creepy way I hope. Probably because I don't have kids and am terminally online. I'm optimistic about everything. I don't think there's anything about younger people I fundamentally don't understand.

    I don't get sending huge amounts of money to streamers, but I also don't have huge piles of money to throw around.

    I actually like how younger people are going more minimalist in their fashion taste. Lots of reappropriation of stereotypical work clothes, like Dickies pants, overalls, stuff like that. That's a neat trend I've noticed.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Also, a lot of people are saying that Gen z are a lot cooler than our predecessor politically.

    This is what's said about every young generation. I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but young people being more progressive than previous generations has been a staple of the US since at least the 1950s. Boomers were at one point considered radicals who threatened to overthrow all of society. It's what got said about Gen X too and Millennials.

    Progressive young people tend to either acclimate or die off, but we still gotta have hope. I really hope younger folk can get it together and decide on a better future.

  • Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
  • Liberals in general treat politics as prayer and ritual to a pantheon of polytheistic gods. You must perform the Biden voting sacrament or else the nefarious Putin will ruin this year's grape harvest.

  • Check out the hilarious "South Park of X" Cartoon from Dave Rubin (CW: Transphobia)
  • Normal person is old white man getting arrested for harassing a school board

    Not normal is when gay person

    Height of comedy. Also there's gotta be something going on with right wing self-image, or maybe just who they're trying to appeal to. I remember in 2016 the image they tried to project was hip, cool type of internet racist who knows memes. Now with this and the stupid Mr. Birchum show it's like their self-image is instead very grumpy impotent old man.

    Their ideal image is of a befuddled old man who doesn't understand anything and annoys everyone. An old man who complains a lot but never accomplishes or changes anything, that's who they see themselves as. Also this guy is like 65 years old with a teenage daughter in high school? Pardon?

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • I'm an adult, near middle age. I bike everywhere. It's nice.

    I don't have kids and never would, so I can't talk realistically about what that would be like. But I sincerely doubt I'd have any issues maintaining my current standard of living if I had like 6 times my income, but also two kids. In fact, if I was given $250k per year I'd volunteer to raise someone else's kids.

    If the kids had disabilities or long term healthcare issues then yeah, that could be debilitating. I wouldn't put my hypothetical kids into a private school unless I was worried for their safety.

    You gotta understand that to me $250k per year sounds like infinite money per year. So I'm never gonna be able to logically proceds that. I'm way down in the pits of selling manual labor and I'm never going to have anything higher than what I make now. $250k sounds like a fantasy, made up amount of money that I can't even fathom. If I woke up tomorrow with just $15,000 in my bank account I'd probably collapse and start crying.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • You're not doing better class analysis, you're doing class reductionism

  • Any of yall think avowed from obsidian is going to be New Vegas good?
  • The elements that made New Vegas good were the team, the near infinite money they had, and how everyone seemed to enjoy the project. From interviews I've read with Josh Sawyer and Tess Treadwell, it seems like everything went as smooth as game production could have gone. They were never worried about deadlines or anything, despite the 18 month production time. They wanted to have more Legion territory, but otherwise the game is how they wanted it to be. So I don't know how those elements would get replicated.

    Pentiment is really good though. Outer Worlds is...ok. I guess we'll see.

  • The recent uptick in "lolcow" Content.
  • The internet at this point is so segmented and full of islands. YouTube channels can have 67 million subscribers and yet be completely unknown outside of its regular viewers. The uptick you're seeing might be restricted to its own circle of viewers, maybe? Because I haven't noticed anything like that. Internet popularity manifests as weird bubbles that don't intersect.

    But I could just be in a different bubble. I haven't noticed an uptick nor do I even know who Cyraxx or kingcobra are.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • Rich people are so stupid with money it's no wonder why most of them get rich through their parents. They can't fathom living normally, even though they may posture about it. They're such brain poisoned little piggies with such a high standard for comfort.

    Plus I suspect a lot of their lives are centered around ensuring they never interact with a homeless/poor person, which has to suck up a ton of their income. They need a fancy house in a white suburb, they need a huge vehicle, they need to stick their kids in a fancy private school so they won't mingle with the poors. They can't have wealthy without also building a social cocoon, even if they could have a much higher standard of life without such an incessant focus on the country club stuff.

    I make less than a fifth of what these people make and I still take vacations overseas and have a comfy apartment. I can save money too every month. I barely own anything. The most expensive thing I own is a $900 bicycle. The most precious things I own are my cats. I eat rice and beans for half my meals and my TV is a CRT from 2002 connected to a Dreamcast and PS2. Like what the hell, why do you need a yacht

  • What's going on with the "Chinese Police Stations" in Canada thing?
  • I think Canada has just gotten weasely with their legal language to define consulates as police stations. Texas did the same thing by defining spying as "embassy record keeping while being Chinese."

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • Liberals lack imagination to the point everything they don't like is scary foreigners. MAGA/Putin/China/Venezuela are all the same thing to them.

  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • There's a person in that thread unironically praising the atom bombing of Japan as a liberal victory

    Do they have no awareness or are they like happily evil

  • Searching for artists/bands (and songs)
  • You're going to find a lot of punk bands that would fit your preferences. Try checking out smaller punk bands on Bandcamp.

    One of my favorites is G.L.O.S.S.

    Their music was great although they've all moved on to other projects. Good anti-capitalist, anti-fascist punk rock made by trans women. Truly punk music in that they made only two albums that add up to less than 20 minutes, got contacted by a big record label, then decided to break up instead of compromising their own values.

  • Americans are so treat brained they think minimum wage fast food workers control all prices

    A bunch of restaurants around me shut down recently and everyone blames the greedy servers for demanding more tips and wages. They're blaming shoplifting too, claiming petty crime simply isn't punished enough. Someone I know claims shoplifting is legal in California.

    Americans can't conceive of real estate capitalists squeezing other, smaller capitalists. It's always gotta be taxes or baristas asking for higher wages.

    Every restaurant that shuts down around here is 100% the fault of landlords. No restaurant has ever folded because the servers got paid $10 per hour instead of $8 per hour

    Does anyone else hate drinking?

    I never got into it and I feel like I'm missing a huge social part of my life. I've tried alcohol and it just tastes bad. Maybe if I had enough to get inebriated I'd feel different, but so far nothing about the experience of drinking has been good. Also I grew up around Baptists who don't have drinking in the culture, so maybe that's part of it? My parents never had alcohol in the house and there was never beer/wine at family gatherings. I never even saw a full glass of beer in person until I was like 23.

    Bars are too loud and there's too much expectation to drink, parties have the same problem, drinking at home alone sounds sad. I go to concerts and I'm the only person without a huge glass of beer. People hand me drinks and I'm like "nah" and they get mega confused.

    What do I do

    Is this the opposite of a problem?

    Why did America institute prohibition in the 20s?

    I just realized I have no idea why this happened. Does anyone have a good dialectical materialist explanation?

    Do you prefer hootenannies or shindigs?

    In the interests of leftist unity I'll also accept a soirée

    Do you know anyone obsessed with home invasion?

    Every chud in my life is obsessed with someone breaking into their house and the situation being resolved with the discharge of a firearm. And these are people living in low crime areas out in the suburbs, with no pedestrians. It's frustrating to talk with these people since their whole worldview is a racist panic over some imagined brown interloper invading their white fortresses.

    One of my coworkers tells me he always pulls out his Glock to check the corners when he comes home in the evening. Another has a CCTV system and an AR15 by his bed. I personally don't own a gun anymore because I don't trust myself with one, and chuds will ask me what I'll do if some mentally unwell person high on amphetamines decided to enter my apartment. I guess I'd leave or call an ambulance? It seems so unlikely of a scenario that even if I had a firearm I probably wouldn't use it right, or even register this person as a threat quickly enough to do a John Wick style takedown.

    How many home invasions are actually stopped this way? Do chuds all think they're Robocop?

    New Vampire: Bloodlines 2 Trailer

    It looks a little different than it did a few years ago? There's been radio silence since Paradox started over with the new devs. This game has had a really troubled production, I think Paradox has been trying to get it off the ground since 2015. Now it's being done by The Chinese Room, most known for Dear Esther and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.

    Bloodlines is one of my favorite games of all time, so I'm trying to stay optimistic that the devs also hold it in high regard and will try to make a worthwhile sequel. The gameplay from this new trailer looks a little clunky and weird, but maybe that's ok. VTMB never had great combat in the first place. The dialogue, writing, and vibes are where it's at. Looks like there will be gliding around and parkour stuff? Might be cool.

    Anyone looking forward to this game? There's even a release window, Fall of 2024, but this game was supposed to originally release in March of 2020, so don't hold your breath.

    I'm desperately trying to take mind-body dualism seriously and failing

    It's literally like this:

    Materialists/Physicalists: "The thoughts in your head come from your conditions and are ultimately the result of your organs and nervous system. Your consciousness is linked to your brain activity and other parts of your body interacting with the physical real world."

    Dualists: "Ok but what if there were an imaginary zombie that has the same organs and molecular structure as a living person but somehow isn't alive on some metaphysical level. If this zombie is conceivable, that means it must be metaphysically true somehow."

    Materialists: "That's circular and imaginary, isn't it?"

    Other dualists: "Ok but what if I were in a swamp and lightning strikes a tree and magically creates a copy of me but it's not actually me because it doesn't have my soul."

    Am I reading this stuff wrong or are these actually the best arguments for mind-body dualism

    Does anyone know good methods for searching for obscure, weird audio/video?

    I like making weird noise music involving samples. Some of my favorites have been sample CDs from the 90s, and using to look through PSAs and old news broadcasts. But it's really difficult finding anything good in the piles of just...local community radio and the mountains of college lectures. I like finding stuff that's really eerie or odd, like that one recording of that time the US tried scaring the Viet Cong with scary ghost noises (which didn't work lmao :uncle-ho-2: )

    Does anyone else have a more streamlined approach or do any of y'all have any favorite media that's esoteric/creepy?

    axont axont [she/her, comrade/them]

    A terrible smelly person

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