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House Republicans push to rename Dulles airport after Trump
  • They kind of already do, what with the most terrifying major airport being named after John Wayne, and the other shitty DC airport (you're better off flying into BWI and taking MARC down) being named after Reagan

  • What is your favorite alcoholic cocktail?
  • I'm partial to the New Orleans cocktails. If I'm making a Sazerac, I like this variation.

    On the whole, though, my favorite has to be the Vieux Carré

    • 3/4 oz rye
    • 3/4 oz cognac
    • 3/4 oz sweet vermouth
    • 1/3 oz Bénédictine D.O.M
    • 2 dashes Peychaud's bitters
    • 1 dash Angostura bitters
    • Optional absinthe rinse (I usually keep some absinthe in an atomizer because I refuse to throw out perfectly good absinthe)

    Serve in a rocks glass with a lemon twist

    At the same time, though, my love for bitter sometimes draws me to a Bonsoni:

    • 2 oz Carpano Antica vermouth
    • 1/2 oz Fernet Branca
  • After 2-year-old girl shoots self, man becomes first person charged under Michigan's gun storage law
  • Don't forget the racism. The NRA's perfectly fine with throwing away gun rights if it means making sure only white people are armed. For example, even as Harlon Carter was ramping up his crusade to turn the NRA from a sportsman's organization into the gun lobby, the NRA still supported the Mulford Act, because at least that was taking guns away from those damn ni- I mean, "violent extremists". They were dead silent when a legal, responsible gun owner like Philando Castile was killed. They never said anything when the textbook definition of a "good guy with a gun", Emantic Bradford, was killed. And we all know damn well why.

    The Harlon Carter school of gun rights comes with a major caveat present in many strains of conservatism: no restrictions as long as you're part of the right group.

    I will say this though, the issue is still pretty complicated, because basically both sides have some history of racism (gun control first started as ways to assuage fears of black uprisings, plus the aforementioned Mulford Act), but then, what part of American society isn't in some way permeated by our racist history?

  • What's the longest line you've ever waited in?
  • I once waited 3.5 hours for free pancakes at IHOP. I had a shit week and just wanted some free pancakes, but they accidentally crossed my name out before even seating me, so I saw multiple groups arrive after, eat, and leave before my dumbass thought "maybe I should say something."

    Also, my phone was dead for the last 2 hours of that.

  • Haley loses Nevada GOP primary skipped by Trump to 'none of these candidates' Haley loses Nevada GOP primary to 'none of these candidates' as Trump skips

    NBC News projects that more voters chose not to pick a candidate at all than back Haley. Trump was not on the ballot, since he's participating in Thursday's caucus instead.

    Haley loses Nevada GOP primary to 'none of these candidates' as Trump skips
    Mid-level court hands Democrats victory in New York redistricting case Mid-level court hands Democrats victory in New York redistricting case

    The case is expected to be appealed to the Court of Appeals, New York's top court, which will ultimately decide the issue.

    Mid-level court hands Democrats victory in New York redistricting case
    NBC Sports Washington is Becoming Monumental Sports Network NBC Sports Washington is Becoming Monumental Sports Network

    NBC Sports Washington is Becoming Monumental Sports Network

    There's nothing specifically about direct-to-consumer streaming, but this seems like it's a step in that direction

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