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Putin hints Russia to start making previously banned missiles
  • Turns out the missile in question is an intermediate range nuclear capable missile. So, on one hand it's possible we will see tactical nukes used in Ukraine, but on the other hand it will likely take a few years to get production back up and running after so long of not being in production.

  • Energy buffs give small modular reactors a gigantic reality check

    The future of our energy generation is not a zero sum game, we can simultaneously build out and continuing developing solar, wind, mass storage, and other already proving things while also continuing development on SMR and building large nuclear reactors too. Sure, the nuclear options will take longer to bear fruit but we will likely still be needing more clean energy by the time they do, even with pumping out other renewables as fast as we can.

  • EU approval for chat control
  • Wait, you guys have a pirate party over there? That's actually really cool

    I wish our parties over here in the states were more interesting like that (also that we have more of them and need a completely different system but that's besides the point)

  • Is Carbon fiber PLA filament safe to handle?
  • In theory it should be mostly fine to touch, idk much about it either unfortunately. it might be a good idea to put some sort of spray on sealer if you will be touching it regularly and are concerned about it at all.

    It is definitely dangerous to sand or cut with a saw or something, definitely want to do that outside with gloves and a respirator because then you're getting loose fibers both on you and airborne.

  • A Test of Cloud-Brightening Machines Poses No Health Risk, Officials Say
  • Well yeah, but the intention is to lessen the effects of the warming already happening and what will happen in the future no matter what we do. Nobody is pretending like we need to do this instead of cutting emissions, (except maybe oil execs I guess), we can do both at once.

    The one downside of this and other geoengineering options is that once we start we can't stop until CO2 levels drop back down so we don't get a more sudden global temperature spike which would be worse for the environment most likely

  • Linus Tech Tips (LTT) release investigation results on former accusations
  • Unless I'm reading it wrong thats exactly what they did, hire a third party, external agency to conduct an investigation. If the complaint is that it's biased because they paid them, then idk what else you wanted them to do. I could understand not fully trusting them still, that's your opinion and choice, but criticizing them for conducting a voluntary third party investigation is a little silly

  • Genocide Fuels Climate Crisis. The Fate of Palestine Shapes Our Climate Future.
  • Honestly I could maybe believe the 20 countries thing because it is highly dependent on what countries those 20 are and there's a lot of tiny countries out there

    I think they definitely dropped a kilo somewhere for the numbers they got tho

  • Genocide Fuels Climate Crisis. The Fate of Palestine Shapes Our Climate Future.
  • So I went and looked at the study they linked for that section, and it had the same number and said the same thing. Their citation for it was the EPA greenhouse gas equivalency calculator, but when I plugged the number into it gave me .072 coal plants for a year.

    I'm guessing what happened is the study fucked it up somehow and the article blindly copied it.

  • [BUG] Show more replies not working

    Sometimes it will work after multiple presses, sometimes not at all. It may be a Lemmy or problem, but if it's Voyager I'm on Android using firefox

    [META] So... about the bots

    As some may have noticed, a fairly large portion of the post on this community are article links posted by bots. I am no moderator and am just a regular user like the rest of you, but I want to know what the community thinks of the posting bots. here is a sample of my opinion to get conversation started:


    • lots of content to engage with
    • people can focus on discussing things not finding thing


    • lack of reliable quality of article
    • lack of diversity of content
    Core Keeper referencing DRG

    There are rings in the game that give you buffs, often in sets. The Ring of Rock gives +13 armor, the Ring of Stone gives +14 mining damage, and the set bonus gives +49 mining damage. I had seen that there would be a pair earlier, but i finally got the set and acheivement yesterday.

    [Question] When will a non-ios theme be available?

    I heard some stuff a while ago about there eventually being a non-ios theme for voyager, wefwef at the time. Is there an estimated timeline or plan on when that will be available, or perhaps some way for us users to help out with that?

    I love almost every about voyager besides the theme. I know Apollo was intended to be ios but I see no reason voyager has to be the same

    Solidworks and other industry-class CAD software on linux

    I am about to go to college for engineering and they require a Windows laptop because of the software we will be using (mostly solidworks I'm pretty sure) doesn't work on other operating systems. I primarily use windows day-to-day for gaming and such anyways so it's not a problem for me but I'm wondering if anyone had experience using solidworks or any other industry-class CAD software like Inventor on linux

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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