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Why is This Even a Button

I am 40 solid minutes into a long as puzzle quest in act 3. I have a "eureka!" Moment as I realize what to do in the last portion. Tragedy suddenly strikes- I perhaps graze an fn key (idk which) and apparently that particular key LOADS YOUR LAST SAVE ??? The worst part was I was literally about to save after writing morning me a note on what to do. And of course my last save was mid combat so now I have a fight to do all over again. Why is that even a button?

Elon doesn't want you browsing Twitter
  • this is genuinely mind boggling. So he plans on eventualy making twitter pay to play!?

  • Mastodon Opinions?
  • This might be my issue too ^^; though I'd love to find new people to connect to over there

  • Mastodon Opinions?
  • This is actually really helpful, thanks!

  • Mastodon Opinions?
  • hahah you're good. I might have to try pixelfed! and hosting a wordpress site would be cool but I really wanna interact with people, get mutuals, that sorta thing. I feel like I'm constantly interacting with people on lemmy and I'm lucky if someone even likes my comment on mastodon lmao

  • Op-ed: Why the great #TwitterMigration didn’t quite pan out
  • I'm honestly torn. Their points about it not having monetization make zero sense - there's a bunch of shit on the internet available for free, the fediverse didn't invent that. I also find it very interesting that they tore into the rough around the edges federating of mastodon without mentioning how smooth it is on lemmy, kbin, etc. Though to be honest I tried mastodon and it did feel kinda dead

  • Mastodon Opinions?

    Been using lemmy and really enjoying it. I have a twitter account that does me no good so Mastodon seemed very appealing. I joined an instance, made some posts, tried interacting with a lot of people. . . I dunno. It just never really grabbed me.

    I've noticed that content seems to federate on lemmy better than on Mastodon even though lemmy is younger, and I'm under the impression this is true for kbin as well though I don't personally use it. I'd love to hear how you guys feel about it - as an artist the idea of having a blog to share my creations as well as life updates is cool but man it's just so dead

    Op's step dad chips valuable mug and there's no way of replacing it.
  • you can use an indoor adhesive to fill the chipped area, paint it, and glaze it to fix it. there's different adhesives and glazes out there so I would recommend looking into what the mug's made of and trying to match materials. Keep in mind that if it's dishwasher/microwave safe the adhesive/glaze you use might affect that

    You can also use a polymer clay and glaze to fix it. Keep in mind polymer clay needs to bake to set so the mug HAS to be dishwasher safe (since it'll be able to withstand high heats!)

  • AITH for missing my friends yacht party?
  • Money or no money it's shitty to miss someone's birthday. Even if you were honest if you're not willing to go to someone's birthday party why are you guys friends? YTA

  • YSK That an Automatic Lemmy Instance Deployer Exists GitHub - ubergeek77/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy: Deploy Lemmy the easy way!

    Deploy Lemmy the easy way! Contribute to ubergeek77/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - ubergeek77/Lemmy-Easy-Deploy: Deploy Lemmy the easy way!

    Why YSK: It makes setting up and hosting a Lemmy instance on your own server insanely easy. If you've been considering hosting but have no coding experience check it out! And check out the original post too

    Having trouble deploying Lemmy? Try my new script! Get up and running in minutes!
  • Literally been thinking about this so thank you beautiful brained individual. Would you mind if I shouted this in the YSK group?

  • Custom Geo Minecraft Skin (wip)

    Just a teaser for now. This skin is gonna be apart of a bigger FURRIES pack I'm working on that I'm super excited to drop.

    If you don't know anything about me, I make Minecraft skins and tutorials on my YouTube! Check it out and cop some of my FREE skin packs for yourself

    asimplefriedegg Yolk

    19 furry artist and sculptor. Commissions open just ask!

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