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Popular Programming Book "Clean Code" is being rewritten
  • There are no inherent "rules" in software development. These books are useless and a waste of time. They offer nothing but CS Dogma and are actually against freedom of expression.

  • laughing ass off at hacks
  • It's because you don't understand their vision -- classic idea guy redux

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • We always have to pander to the capitalists profits, how could the make money with clean electricity???

  • Elon Musk haters vandalized dozens of Tesla Cybertrucks by spray painting "F**K ELON" on dozens of them
  • Tesla is synonymous with climate destruction and if you believe otherwise demonstrates that you have grossly bought into their propaganda.

  • which one do you prefer? having kids or no kids? and why??
  • The moment humans brought nuclear armaments into the world was also the moment that we severed ourselves from our humanity. We are still living in the shadows of metaphorical guns to our heads. This escalation of madness has led us down a very dark path, and for that reason, I'm out.

  • darktable 4.8.0 released
  • Thanks!

  • darktable 4.8.0 released
  • Thanks!

  • darktable 4.8.0 released
  • What am I looking at here? I just read their about page and feel more confused, lol.

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • M$ is terminal and most of the world is hooked up to a terminal entity; Most of the world is terminal.

  • ‘It felt like bad news after bad news’: why record numbers are leaving New Zealand
  • You've got to pay the premiums because all the wealthy dipshits need to build the bunkers when this POS they've created collapses 😊

  • Why does everyone hate Microsoft for adding LLMs into Windows and spying on users, but not Apple?
  • Apple at least talks about privacy and security. Windows just dumped that shit right on you and is planning on storing in unencrypted databases... like, I would expect there to be enough brainpower at M$ to be able to write an application and then secure it... Just use Linux and when Ubuntu and Fedora decide they want to implement those features... OpenBSD it is :D

  • OpenAI Appoints Former NSA Director to Board of Directors
  • I still think the target is M$ users since they have the largest userbase and M$ has basically said F*ck it, we're implementing spyware with little attempt to protect the data. 🎶 every click you make, every screen you take, I'll be watching you 🎶

  • Blinken expresses frustration at changes to Gaza ceasefire deal requested by Hamas
  • They would if we stopped the gravy train

  • Do you think people would be okay with 'Recall' if Apple did it?
  • Apple at least tries to explain what is happening, and while not always great, you feel you understand why they are doing something or implementing new functionality unlike Windows who just dumps this shit on you without your consent and then you have to learn 5 years later that they put absolutely no thought in why they were doing, especially thinking about your privacy. Anyway, I use Arch, btw. /s

  • good enough title
  • Perfect

  • What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?
  • I'm a philosopher, nothing matters, so stop worrying about it and live your life the way you want to live it.

  • Iceland issues license for 128 fin whales to be hunted this year
  • I could give a shit about tradition... Newsflash, we don't exist in a world where this is even appropriate or rational. The more time goes by the more I wish they would just push the button and let everything reset itself with us dumb apes no longer in the picture.

  • Why does no distro utilise BitTorrent to distribute packages?
  • Metallica ruined it. They made it seem as though torrenting was evil because their content was being downloaded. Poor babies.

  • arxdat arxdat
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