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What do you choose?
  • There's an open toys r us warehouse near where I live.

  • What do you choose?
  • There's already toys r us stores reopening in the uk

  • So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
  • r/itswooooshwith4os

  • Can anyone make a community like one would on reddit?
  • Not on sync yet. But if you goto in your browser and login in, you will have the option to create a community. It's even easier to see the option if you switch to desktop mode.

  • UK folks, if you could only listen to one album forever which album would it be?
  • If you haven't left yet, I would recommend: wake up and it's over - by Lovejoy

  • How do you go out of your way to support snaller businesses?
  • I mostly eat at local restaurants.

  • Android Lemmy app list
  • I don't use an tablet so I don't know how good it is but sync has tablet options in the settings. It isn't FOSS though if you care about that.

  • arudesalad arudesalad

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