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Fictional alien time travellers can’t be black, insist morons
  • For humans, sure, but for a mysterious alien species who are humanoid in appearance but differ significantly in terms of their biology, it may still be accurate that their skin pigment tends to be less homogenous across individuals.

  • Ad free YouTube App
  • Grayjay is pretty snazzy

  • It is apparently controversial
  • I don't want to choose the dangerous wild beast, I want to choose the bear. /j

  • yogi knows
  • You're missing the point of the hypothetical.

    Firstly, as far as I understand, the concept is supposed to be that you're stuck in an unknown location with no witnesses. Hence the choice of "spend a night in the woods alone with a bear/man". The purpose of this is to ensure that neither the bear nor the man are going to have peer pressure or have any sort of intervention from a third party.

    Secondly, I'm not a toxic woman and this isn't a toxic discussion. The hypothetical is a vessel for encouraging discussion about women feeling unsafe around unknown men. The bear isn't the point. The takeaway is supposed to be "a lot of women feel so unsafe around unknown men that they'd choose [insert bad thing].

    This isn't a discussion about real life hiking safety. Many women (including me) are sharing their discomfort about random men. Hear them, acknowledge them. Their fear and discomfort is based on their lived experience or the lived experience of the women close to them.

    Side note, not sure if the Australia vs America comment was directed to me or the discussion in general but for posterity's sake I'm not American and don't live in America.

    There were two posts in men's liberation which may be good food for thought.

  • yogi knows
  • Women belong :)

  • Nato’s failure to save Ukraine raises an existential question: what on earth is it for?
  • The whole thing is that NATO protects its member states right? That's why Vlad the Sad attacked a non member state?

  • You've heard of Fake Taxi but what are some other 'fake' scenarios that would make solid setups or just be humorous?
  • Fake elected official

    You think they are in a position to bring about change for the people but actually haha they're just there to fuck you all

  • Sainsbury's staff beat up shoplifter after dragging him into the back room
  • (Before clicking the link): the victim is going to be a POC or vulnerable isn't he.

    (After clicking): sigh. Mob mentality and dehumanisation. Please treat other human beings with care and respect.

  • yogi knows
  • There are two (three) types of people

    People who understand why women would choose the bear

    People who are the reason women would choose the bear

    (People who haven't heard of the bear discourse and don't have enough context from this meme to pick it up)

  • Removed
    Do your best to help them out
  • Gender is a very personal thing. You don't get to tell someone they're trans - some nonbinary folks do not consider their identity to be a transgender identity and that's entirely valid. You can dive as deep as you want into the technicalities of the transgender umbrella, but at the end of the day these are words we are using to describe ourselves and if "myself" does not align with "transgender" then anyone insisting that it does align is misguided at best.

    Aaaaaaalllssso you can fuck around with gender within your AGAB and not consider yourself non binary. Femboys are valid and many are cis. There's probably some transmasculine femboys out there!

  • Removed
    Do your best to help them out
  • I was very much hoping that this was like "Skeletor is a bad guy and is saying this thing which is implicitly wrong and harmful"

    Edit: nope, her post history is a fucking trash fire. She truly believes this.

  • Valve’s hero shooter Deadlock leaks with screenshots, gameplay details - Polygon
  • Oh my god thank you for reminding me that tremulous existed. I spent so many hours playing that

  • Meirl
  • The tone of this comic reminds me of this video which I find equally funny

  • [Forever-free Friday] Cave Story
  • I loved this game, but the "true ending" felt like a weird design left turn. It traded the enjoyable platforming and combat for literal hell - and I'm no stranger to "getting gud". The difficulty (of the true ending sequence) was RNG heavy and unfun (for me).

  • Hey girl
  • I'm in this picture and I don't like it

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • Nowadays I'm pretty sure stuff like site: foobar still works no? Idk I use ddg so I can't say with certainty but I feel like "basic" power user stuff should still work right?

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • I don't mean to sour the funny, because it is funny/sad indeed, but

    If you know you want the info from the official docs, why not do a search that forces results from that site, or search just for the official docs and then find the page you're after on the docs themselves?

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • Thanks JeenAI. Now pretend you're Dan

  • Installing git repos with makefiles in NixOS - How?

    I'm very, very new to nix and nixOS both - I come from imperative workflows and very very rarely anything determinative, so this is all brand new to me.

    As an example of the kind of thing I don't understand how to do, let's take an example repo I've been bouncing off:

    On a "normal" system, I can get pip and python ready, and then make install and I'm off to the races.

    With NixOS, I've got as far as adding python3 and gnumake to my configuration.nix packages. (I have also discovered that putting python in my system packages was the wrong move, so some advice on how better to go about this would be cool too.)

    I can't for the life of me wrap my head around what I'm supposed to do, and so many people online are using flakes but I'm on stable 23.11 (and quite daunted by flakes) so I'd prefer if this was from that POV.

    Can anyone speak to any of these points? I've tried reading the docs but it's very confusing for some reason.

    Lost posts/comments

    Has something happened? I made 3 posts and a few comments late yesterday and they're all gone today (but still appear on the federated instances I posted them to)

    UK Transfem Advice

    So, I live in the UK and I'm on some probably endless waiting list to start talking to people about things, but I am also financially privileged and if I can use that to expedite my process in some way, that would improve my quality of life tenfold.

    My cry for help, is, what can I do privately? How do I do it safely? Are there any "official" private sources for anything?

    I am interested in UK centric advice for (but not limited to):

    • voice feminisation
    • HRT in an environment where I can regularly have someone with degrees in this shit tell me that my body is doing the right things
    • related to the above, fertility support (in the scenario I want to have kids biologically)
    • diagnosis of gender dysphoria
    • any other "superficial" feminzation
    • I don't want to sexually transition, I'm keeping the tool

    Thanks in advance, blahaj lemmy

    For all your open world legendary armour needs, I present a (updated) daily farm for unusual coins!

    cross-posted from:

    > This route hits > > > Greater: 10 (11 with meta) > Lesser: 5 max, call it 2.5 on average > Foxes: 8 max, depends if you are fast enough for 1 of them > > > on average this is 10*8.5 + 2.5*5 + 8*2 = 113.5 coins per day

    In light of the new currency requirements for the legendary open world armour, I present a daily farm for unusual coins!

    cross-posted from:

    > This route tags: > 2 Greater Arcane Chests (7-10 coins/ea) > 0-1 Lesser Arcane Chests (4-6 coins/ea) > 6 Fox Chests (1-3 coins/ea) > > Averaging at ~30 coins per day (17-18 if you cut out the fox chests) > > Additionally, there's an extra Lesser chest you can grab on the rocky hill at the beginning.

    Feed Navigation on Beehaw

    I've noticed in my time using Beehaw, that navigation has been a bit funky


    • I scroll through my feed and find a post I want to check out, on page 3 or something.
    • I click the post and check it out, and want to go back to my feed
    • I "go back" (on mobile with the back gesture) one time
    • I have now returned to page 2, instead of page 3, of my feed

    Am I missing something obvious? Is there a "close" button on opened posts that I should be using instead? Having to go back and then scroll down and go to the next page to get to my "actual" page is quite tedious
