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I think this speaks for itself.
  • I expected they would put more money in it and actually make a worthy competitor.. now it's just another store.

  • anyonas anyonas

    Hey! I'm anyonas, pronounced as any-onas.

    I'm somewhere around 40 years old, a Software Engineer in real-life, a gamer, married with 2 children, and into science, tech and Sci-Fi.

    šŸ“š I read a lot of Sci-Fi #books.ā€Ø šŸ•¹ļø Playing #StarCitizen and many other games.ā€Ø šŸŽØ Learning to draw and paint.ā€Ø šŸŽ² Building #ttrpg worlds as game master. šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Trying to live a healthy life.

    Founder of the XLII (The Answer) corp/clan where my friends and I play games together and discuss our interests.

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