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Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot
  • Yeah, I think this plus the desktop app might be a huge deal

  • Major ChatGPT-4o update allows audio-video talks with an “emotional” AI chatbot
  • I don't think it's actually been rolled out to the app yet. When I load up the app, I see the old voice feature, not the new mode.

  • Smart devices are turning out to be a poor investment
  • Nowhere near an expert on the subject, but I wonder if a Raspberry Pi will suffice?

  • Rizzler
  • Okay, but can you let me know what it means after you get back?

  • There is no danger here. Izzy loves belly rubs.
  • She is, in fact, a pretty kitty

  • Featured
    Sync for Lemmy v120 release notes. Notifications, revamped messaging and finally out of beta!
  • Added .webm support to the image viewer and image peek

    This, along with the other image viewer fixes is a massive quality of life upgrade! 🙌

  • am i going insane or is this seriously live reentry plasma???
  • Wow, that is really cool! Thanks for the explanation <3

  • am i going insane or is this seriously live reentry plasma???
  • ELI5 what entry plasma is, and why it's a big deal? Please, and thanks!

  • NSFW
    Adriana Hall selfie
  • That's an insane hip-waist ratio

  • How psilocybin, the psychedelic in mushrooms, may rewire the brain to ease depression, anxiety and more
  • Nothing groundbreaking here, but it's good to confirm that studies continue to support the theory that mushrooms help with treatment-resistant mental health issues.

    It was also good to read that double-blind studies have still not found any noticeable effects of microdosing, which was my experience as well. I believe the placebo effect is probably causing people to attribute benefits to it that it might not be responsible for.

    The more we study psilocybin, marijuana, etc, the more we can progress past the decades of harm caused by prohibition.

  • three pigeons
  • Is this a poem?

  • You're in trouble now!
  • F in the chat for Cheems

  • How do I bring up my frustration with partners tv habits
  • Usually someone who has obsessive behavior has something in their life that they're not settled with. The brain sort of "gets stuck" trying to redress the imbalance of the unmet need; the coping behavior (in this case the trashy shows) doesn't actually fulfill the need, but the brain's still latched onto it as what might help if you just get enough of it, so the consumption grows out of all proportion.

    Wow, this struck such a chord with me. It suddenly highlighted periods in my life where I've obsessively consumed (media, substances) with a feeling of no control, and those were often times where I was struggling with an underlying (often unrecognized) issue.

  • 104-0
  • Hahah yeah, that stupid charger.....

  • 104-0
  • I learned about this from this amazing video:

  • Uggghhh, another community I have to block.
  • This is why Lemmy needs to keep tweaking it's feed algorithm. I understand why many people rightly have a distaste of social media algorithm fuckery, but Lemmy doesn't have some of the same bad incentives that an ad driven site like Reddit or twitter might have. A better algorithm will help Lemmy grow and surface interesting posts organically.

    The recent feed change to boost smaller communities in 0.19 is a good start, and not showing too many posts in a row from the same community will be another welcome change.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I've done this every time I've looked for a job. If it's the kind of company that would snoop on my browsing history and cause issues, it would just have motivated me to look harder 🙃

    I'm speaking from my 20+ years of experience in tech, so this advice might not apply anywhere, but I've found the fastest way to keep increasing your salary is to switch jobs every couple of years. I usually got bored of a job in a couple of years anyway, so this also helped prevent burnout. Additionally, switching jobs at leisure like this meant I could negotiate new salaries harder at the new place and didn't need to try and change jobs during an economic downturn or a bad job market.

    Oh, and I've always regretted staying on in a company too long once I get the itch so I'd recommend starting a hunt as soon as you think a change might be good instead of waiting till you start hating your job!

  • My coping skills
  • More like Marsup', amirite?

  • Anybody know what's up with the abstrusegoose comic?

    cross-posted from:

    > Sorry if this isn't relevant to the community, but couldn't think of anywhere better to post. I saw something curious in my RSS comics feed last night for the Abstruse Goose comic. The author is fairly prolific and used to post comics based on math, technology, etc. His site and archive of comics has now been replaced with a single cryptic message: > > "AGI will not be designed by humans. It will be evolved through relentless evolutionary computational processes designed by humans." > > Very curious! Anybody have any theories on what is going on? I can't imagine what his motivation might be :)

    [Feature request] Hide NSFW in FAB

    Would it be possible to have a quick settings button to hide (not just blur) all NSFW posts in the feed?

    In normal browsing I like having the blurred NSFW images available in the feed, but whenever I'm in a public space, I'm always terrified I'll accidentally open one of the NSFW images. This is compounded by the fact that the last post at the end of a feed is extra-clickable because of the way feed loading works. If I'm scrolling down and the feed needs to load more, Sync will often count that interaction as a click on the last item in the feed.


    [Bug report] feed loads to last viewed post

    When navigating posts in the feed, the URL is changed to each active post. This means that when the page is reloaded, Alexandrite goes to that page instead of the active feed. In the above screenshot, I was browsing all, but refreshing the page left me on the post that was active.

    Perhaps a fix might be to append the active post to the URL? Something like:

    UI for opening comment threads

    This is a request for a UI change for consideration if the community isn't against it.

    IMO the UI for opening a thread to view comments could be better. Right now when scrolling through the feed, I have to click the tiny comments icon to open the thread, and it soft-navigates to the comments thread. Clicking back (in the browser, or using the button in the thread UI) takes me right back, which is great, however, it seems like I sometimes lose my place in the feed. The problems here are: 1. the link to open comments is tiny, and 2. the thread takes over the feed.

    It would be great if the experience could be a bit more like Alexandrite, where clicking on the post opens the thread in a panel in-place, which you can click outside to close without losing your place in the feed. Just feels a bit more intuitive IMO. If this is a controversial change, it could be a configurable option.

    Thanks for considering this feedback!

    Lemmy 0.19 - Alexandrite migration plan?

    The linked post and discussion from the Photon dev re: the lemmy 0.19 release got me thinking about how Alexandrite will handle the migration since the release includes breaking changes. thoughts?

    What is the Ultra Preview feature?

    I see an "Ultra preview" tag next to some posts, but I have no idea what this feature is. Does anybody know?

    Single letter content filters?

    I want to filter out references to the website formerly known as Twitter, but I'm not sure how the content filter "X" will work.

    I'm assuming an 'X' without spaces will also filter out Xylophone, but what about "X "? Will I need to add the double quotes? What about capitalization?

    Shanks :)

    Upgrading my home server from an Odroid HC2

    Hey folks. I've been running a media and torrenting server off an Odroid HC2 running OpenMediaVault 6 on Armbian. It's been doing pretty great, and I have it set to run docker containers for qBittorrent, ProtonVPN, the *arrs, etc.

    The problem I'm running into is that the HC2 has an arm32 CPU that is not supported by most apps, so I'm stuck running old images. I want to upgrade to a newer mini PC/SBC that is more future-friendly. I'd like it to be capable of running Plex streaming at 4K, Radarr/Sonarr/Prowlarr, etc. as well as other apps as docker containers. I might repurpose the HC2 to just run self-hosted NextDNS.

    Here are my questions:

    1. What mini PCs or SBCs would you recommend? I'm leaning strongly towards a mini PC over an SBC because it would be more powerful, I don't need specialized software for it, recovery and backups are much easier, etc. I'm not too concerned about power usage unless it's extravagant.
    2. Which OS would you recommend as a media server?
    3. What is the simplest way to transfer my server over with minimal fuss? I use private trackers, so I'll have to very carefully stand up the new server and transfer over torrents, etc. in one fell swoop. I'm guessing I should just be able to install the apps and then transfer over the configurations and media files and change permissions, etc.
    4. Anything else I need to consider?


    [Feature request] block user/community from feed

    Since Lemmy doesn't have a lot of content yet, I primarily browse all. Since there are a lot of active communities in all that I'm not interested in (different language/NSFW, etc), it would be really handy to be able to block them from the ellipsis menu. Right now you have to go I to the community and find the block option there. Similarly for users.

    [Bug] some links not opening in webview

    Some links don't seem to open within the internal WebView, and only work when opened with the external browser. This seems to happen to all hacker news links.

    [Enhancement] instance block UI

    Not sure if this is a bug, or if the feature is working correctly, but blocking the instance on the shown post blocks instead of which is what I would expect.

    It would be helpful if the block options in the menu showed the name of what they were going to block, as I've often accidentally blocked the user's instance instead of the community's instance in a post. It's difficult to know at a glance what the different parts of a post's categories are (user@instance/community@instance, etc).

    Also, blocking an instance means comments from users of that instance are blocked too, which is not desirable. I think the point of blocking an instance is only to block posts from communities on that instance.


    [Bug] post links to wrong thread

    Connect seems to be linking to the wrong thread in a crosspost like in the linked thread. It's pointing to "What Ever Happened To Victoria’s Secret Karen??" instead of the Watch party group.

    > they’re replacing “” with “”, which is a totally different post, despite sharing the same number.

    > Each post is only valid within its own server.

    [Bug] can't reply on some posts

    It seems like we can't leave a comment on some posts which require a language to be selected. I'm not sure if this is a community setting or something.

    I can't select a language while posting, so the comment doesn't go through .


    [Feature request] block instance

    /c/all is now predictably cluttered with porn from the lemmynsfw instance. Can we get a block instance option in the instance page, instead of having to block each individual instance?

    As a related request, would you be open to a feature like a "blocked share list" that somebody can import? You could use it to maintain and share a list of onlyfans accounts if you don't want to see them, for instance.

    Thanks for all your work!

    [Feature request] summaries for text links

    Text links to external sites are a bit bare right now. It would be great if we could dhow a short snippet of the content or some sort of preview for links to know more before clicking on them. I'm not sure if this can be done without an additional request?


    1 Support / Questions Anony Moose
    Do upvotes/downvotes persist across clients?

    I keep seeing posts without upvotes/downvotes in my feed that I am sure I've voted. It's possible that I voted them on a different client on my phone.

    I would think that this persists across clients/pages, is this not the case?

    anonymoose Anony Moose

    I love this wild west phase of the Fediverse! Feels like the good ole days of the Internet. Onwards!

    Posts 16
    Comments 524