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US Senator Rubio says he won't accept election results if 'unfair'
  • The 2020 election was questioned by republicans for months after it concluded. Many investigations were made and found ZERO evidence of interference. If anything, some republicans were charged in a handful of states for election interference crimes.

    Questioning an election is one thing, but outright denying the results even after all the evidence suggests that no interference/meddling occurred sets a precedence for future candidates that they can cause chaos in the system by just constantly claiming elections are rigged, eventually causing distrust of the entire system by voters who will just assume that their votes don't matter because the decision has already been set.

    I believe if you are attempting to discredit an election, not because of the potential for foul play, but because you are just upset that you or your candidate of choice lost, and you attempt to destabilize the democratic system in order to achieve your goal, that is treason/sedition and should be a crime that is delt with a severe penalty.

  • Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden
  • stop criticizing people who don’t want to vote when their promised „democracy” is terrible and even worse.

    How exactly do you think a democratic election that runs on votes is supposed to work? What exactly is not voting going to do, other than ensure that the folks who are voting for the candidate that is more inclined to do more damage to this country wins?

    Even if you dislike both candidates, not voting isn't going to fix anything. Vote for whoever is least likely to destroy the country and make it hell for certain people, and then focus your efforts locally and trying to inspire change on the local level.

  • JK Rowling slammed for asking if she can be Black if she likes “Motown & fancy myself in cornrows”
  • Honestly this is what I don't understand about her, especially when her words and attitude go directly against the themes that the books she wrote outlined. For example, Hermione being called slurs like mudblood and the other characters sticking up for her. Hagrid who has to live with himself as part giant and is considered a threat by most of the wizarding world, but those who are close and know him, know that hes a kind hearted person.

    In almost every instance where a character has to deal with something about themselves that's different than the others, the lesson is that everyone should always accept who they are and that they're valid in being who or what they are.

    Instead in real life she just ignores all of this and just acts like a disgusting piece of shit, and you have to wonder how she even wrote these books when she lives her days talking and acting like this.

  • “Arthur Morgan is already attractive!!!” That’s… that’s the joke…
  • This reminded me that there's a mod on Nexus for Dying Light 2 that replaces the female character, who's not even a playable character, with a different model (that's also white instead of black), just because GaMeRs didnt find her attractive enough.

  • Greta Thunberg detained at The Hague climate demonstration
  • What do you mean you can't come up with a transportation solution to transport millions of people around at any given moment that's more convenient than them being able to travel to their destinations on their own without a long schedule?

    In case I need it, /s.

  • I used to be a frame rate snob but owning a Steam Deck has made me realise the error of my ways
  • I don't like this line of thinking because especially now where new games seem to always suffer from performance issues, it lowers the bar that these developers feel like they'd need to set as far as the experience they're offering for their games.

    I think the minimum standard should be at least 60fps, in cases with steam deck and other low-end hardware of course concessions must be made, so either lower graphics settings or deal with lower framerates.

    But there's no reason a new game should be suffering poor framerates on modern desktop hardware (looking at you Dragons Dogma 2).

  • Average NVIDIA driver experience
  • I want to switch to AMD but I also game in windows occasionally and it seems like the opposite experience where AMD isn't as good in windows as nvidia is. Also right now the high end AMD cards aren't as compelling compared to what nvidia is offering so it makes it harder. Hopefully the 8000 series GPUs really come in at a good price and with good performance.

  • New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option
  • There's a huge hate bandwagon for Manjaro and I don't really understand it. I don't consider myself a linux expert and maybe that's why but I felt like Manjaro was very accessible to someone new to Linux who wanted to use Arch. You have the ability to install what you need while also having a relatively stable system. I enjoyed that it came with software that I would normally be using but I know there's a lot of diehards who want just Linux and to install things themselves, in that case they should just use plain Arch or Endeavor, but I think for others Manjaro is perfectly fine.

  • Modder Who Put Pokémon Into Palword Says 'Nintendo Has Come for Me'
  • How is it that the pokemon mod for minecraft never received such pushback from nintendo, but this modder gets DMCA'd on the spot? Fair use should cover using characters. There's plenty of games that re-use characters as mods (look at skyrim and all the ridiculous mods that import characters from other franchises).

    All this copyright nonsense over a free mod is just a waste of resources.

  • Watch out for the screen when opening your pixel.
  • Yeah. This was my first time opening the phone but I watched the ifixit teardown video almost religiously trying to catch every detail. Unfortunately despite it warning you about pick depth, it doesnt warn you about going inbetween the screen and glue. Hopefully since Google has gone this far in the repairability department, they make future pixels a bit easier to teardown without accidentally breaking it

  • Watch out for the screen when opening your pixel.
  • Yikes, hopefully you didn't get into too much trouble. It's pretty wild how delicate these screens are. I hope future pixels are easier to take apart that reduce the potential damage from mistakes.

  • Watch out for the screen when opening your pixel.
  • Haha yup, if only. Also the battery was glued to the frame with probably the strongest glue I've ever seen. Even after heating the back case to too hot to touch temps it was still incredibly difficult to remove the battery. I don't think there's a good reason to glue the battery like that where I'm sure some thermal padding would probably suffice to keep it in place, or shit even clips.

  • Watch out for the screen when opening your pixel.

    So recently I posted about cracking my back glass and wanting to do the repair myself. So after ordering new glass, and all the adhesives that are required, as well as the iOpener kit, I got set to work.

    I heated the screen and was almost done taking it off until I got to the top. I slid the opening pick and saw it go under the screen, like as in I saw it through the glass... I knew instantly that I had made a grave mistake.

    Sure enough I booted it back up and the screen was instantly splotched with flashing white until it eventually just straight died. Since I had the rest of the stuff I figured I'd get the shell swapped and put everything mostly back together. I was able to use scrcpy to view whats going on my phone without the screen and I verified everything else works with the diagnostic tool, but now I'm out another $220 to replace the screen.

    So lesson learned, be very very careful when getting those opening picks under your screens!

    Replacing back case on pixel 8 pro

    So I bought a pixel 8 pro a few days ago, and my dumbass dropped it and sure enough the back glass cracked as a result. I ordered a replacement case from iFixit, but I'm worried about doing the replacement myself. Does anyone have any experience in this regard and can offer any tips? Do I have to disassemble the entire phone, or is there a way to only get the back cover/frame off without going through the screen?

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