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[OC] Planespotter at Stockholm-Arlanda airport
  • I definitely don’t mind a tasteful saturation boost, this shot would be killer with or without it anyway! That sky is so surreal.

    Great work, love it.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You’re being far too nice. I usually like to live and let live, but pretty much everything to come out of OP’s mouth is rubbish.

    OP insists that everybody else is a fucking idiot, and “happy is stupid and cringe”. If everybody and everything else is the problem, then you are definitely the problem.

  • Impossible Photo Feat Now Possible Via Holography
  • I guess all the “ENHANCE” we saw in movies and tv wasn’t bs, just ahead of its time.

  • You're basically losing money if you don't
  • Just got two Powerball tix for tonight, thanks! Since one ticket is 50%, two should basically guarantee I win!

    Gonna go kick my boss in the balls and walk out, should be fine, right? Probably.

  • In a world of conflict news stories are often overshadowed by breaking news. What’s a recent news story, good or bad, you feel went under the radar?
  • Nice! As a follow up, is there a good app/source to get more positive articles Ike this regularly?

  • What are your iOS hidden gem apps
  • Ooh I dug through recipe apps a while back, I ended up using Pestle. It’s pricier than Paprika but I prefer the Pestle UI. Both good apps with similar feature sets, just providing another option.

    Paprika - $5 Pestle - $20/yr or $40 lifetime

  • don't know, don't care
  • I always really liked South Park’s Satan when he explains addiction to Stan.

  • Is the iOS 17 upgrade worth it?
  • Worth what? There’s no cost, upgrade if your phone supports it.

  • For in-car headbanging, Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" is inferior to Muse's "Knights of Cydonia"
  • It must be true because some guy on the internet said so!

    Both great bands, no need to dunk on Muse like that.

    OP I really like Reapers to play nice and loud on a good system. That short little pre-chorus part never fails to get my head banging with maximum intensity.

  • Star actually have colors
  • This is all correct and is commonly known as redshift or blueshift. It’s the same idea as when a car or train passes by and you hear the pitch get higher as it approaches you, and then lower as it leaves you.

    To add to it though, stars themselves (regardless of our perspectives on them) do come in different colors. Betelgeuse is an easy star to find in the night sky that has a distinctly redder color compared to most stars. It’s the left armpit star in the constellation Orion.

    Stars have different colors based on many factors like their composition and how hot they burn.

  • Missing Apple Features and Products
  • Not sure exactly what you’re seeing but this comment came through just fine on my instance,

    However this does seem to be one of the current known issues/limitations with Lemmy, comments not always mirroring out to all the instances. I see comments all the time that appear to be replying to nobody, for some reason the parent comment doesn’t always make it to my instance.

    It’s definitely more often than just the occasional case of somebody deleting a comment.

  • Missing Apple Features and Products
  • Hmm well we’ve tried when the notification alert is playing to lower the volume from the car radio volume, but that seems to change both (or all) volumes the same. I suppose that makes sense and we need to change it with the phone volume buttons, but still as you said this is invisible and non-intuitive and can easily be done better by Apple.

  • Missing Apple Features and Products
  • Viewing and posting from Memmy on iOS, for what it’s worth!

    Good list. Would like to see the separate volumes, especially when it comes to CarPlay. I have notifications silenced generally so nbd for me, but my ears explode when my dad gets a text in his car. If he turns down the alert volume then the call volume goes too, so he just leaves it at “tinnitus inducing” at all times.

    Clipboard history would also be pretty great.

  • Locked
    If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • It’s just poorly-worded and written like a late-night tv infomercial. That should be your first clue, whenever the tone of the content is speaking to you like you’re stupid or gullible.

    “Does Joe Biden eat children for breakfast?! Wait until you see what we’ve uncovered. EVERYBODY KNOWS Sleepy Joe is hiding something, don’t let him Destroy America and Take Your Freedom!!!”

  • hyrule
  • I see. And bearding?

  • Locked
    If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • I clicked, wanted to make sure I wasn’t being biased and ignoring news I didn’t like…

    That article, what little I could get through of it, reads like it was written by a failing high school student, at best.

    Unsure if the author is brain dead, the target audience is brain dead, or most likely both.

  • Perception Check
  • Tom Cardy is one of my favorite hidden gems on the internet today, and this song probably went right into my top three favorites.

    Why Am I Anxious and H.Y.C.Y.B also get me every time.

  • Shopping App TEMU reported as Spyware by Grizzly Research group
  • I did. Probably wasn’t worth downloading that app.

  • Foggy Morning in the Midwest

    Shot on iPhone 13 Pro, 09/14/2023

    Pixelfed Users - Thoughts so far?

    I’m using the Test Flight beta app, curious on others’ overall experience with the platform so far. I never had an Instagram account so I’m not really sure yet what I even want from it. I’m just excited on all things Fediverse and I’m happy to be part of the growing numbers.

    Any tips for content discovery? Seemed like that was the limiting factor off the bat, I like to start new platforms with the equivalent of a trending or all, didn’t seem to have that here.

    Happy to take links for your favorite users that deserve a follow!

    Lemmy - Increasing Federation

    I’m hosting my own Lemmy instance and so far everything has been pretty smooth. However I’m noticing some issues with specific instances, communities, or comments not showing up through my own instance.

    I had added instances to the allow list initially but I cleared those so that it’s wide open now. I have an account on and I use that periodically to compare feeds, and like I said sometimes a post or comment is missing, actually I often see a comment that looks like it’s responding to a another comment, but I cannot see the parent comment.

    Initially I took my admin account and subscribed to all of the most popular communities I could find, but that seems to have left some holes.

    Is there a way to force federation with more Lemmy instances?

    Thank you for any direction you can provide.

    anolemmi anolemmi
    Posts 4
    Comments 95