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Maggie Smith, star of stage, film and 'Downton Abbey,' has died aged 89
  • Richard Harris' Dumbledore was spot on. Their first scene together to open the films was perfection.

  • Judge weighs whether to dismiss movie armorer’s conviction in fatal set shooting by Alec Baldwin
  • I watched some of her trial. She was absolutely grossly negligent at best.

    I also think her conviction should be dismissed because of this prosecutorial misconduct.

    I think the police and prosecutors who suppressed evidence (wether I find that evidence credible or not) should be prosecuted. The state has a duty to follow the rule of law that is absolute.

  • Three Mile Island accident
  • Peak AI shit where they think reopening an unprofitable nuke plant is gonna help AI somehow be profitable.

  • Babyback ribs after 4 hours in the smoker. Applewood pellets.
  • Can you go over your process a little? Were these just uncovered the whole time or wrapped in butcher paper or tinfoil for some? What temp were you at?

    I am interested in trying out some ribs myself.

  • Montana voting system shut down after Kamala Harris left off ballot
  • Hey, you may need a break! We don't need to write the fanfic for the other side, that's usually a sign of burnout.

    You should rest up then get back to it when you can be less defeatist. We need you.

  • Montana voting system shut down after Kamala Harris left off ballot
  • If you really feel this way, you're too tired and need a break. Others can and will spell you.

    You should take some time to recover and avoid posting defeatist stuff like this.

    Hope you feel better!

  • Trump rallies plummeting! Sell! Sell! Sell!
  • Are you planning to stay home if she gets a big enough lead?


    WILL YOU PEOPLE PLEASE STOP SPOUTING THIS BULLSHIT? If the polls are good, great, then we can make it a landslide. Stop treating Harris supporters like idiots.

  • Boeing proposes 30% wage hike to striking workers in its 'final' offer.
  • Fuck the businesspeople trying to run all our conpanies into the ground.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • The market found the best solution: renewables.

    You are the one here arguing we should be doing nuclear. You are the person here with an agenda.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • You don't have to convince me, if you think it's such a great power source with such low costs you should pitch some investors.

    I would think you would be the one trying to understand why nuclear plants aren't being built if their costs are lower and benefits are higher. 🤷‍♂️

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • Show me the line items for long term handling of the waste, please. I am curious how much they allocated.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • All of which ignores lots of real world factors that aren't being included in the costs the commenter outlines.

    Again, if nuclear were cheaper, you wouldn't all be here downvoting my comments, you'd be discussing all the great new nuclear being onlined.

    Renewables have won. They're cheaper and easier to deploy, they're distributed rather than concentrated, and they have lower impacts on the environment.

    FWIW: I thought thorium reactors might have had some legs in the 00s, but it became clear those didn't make fiscal sense, either.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • How long does that waste need to be safely stored and what are the projected costs there? How do they compare to solar that you can deploy today?

    We are not running out of space to put power generation, but we definitely need to worry about costs.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • Now do the math on the cost of that uranium and the facility you need to turn it into power compared to the cost of the solar.

    If you think cost isn't the primary factor in all energy production ... 🤷‍♂️

    Edit: not to mention all the essentially free developed space we already have in spades to deploy solar to: rooftops.

  • Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands.
  • If any of that were actually true, we wouldn't be net negative on nuclear reactors onlined over the past couple decades.

    Starting to think the nuclear lobby has been pushed by the fossil fuels industry to delay renewables adoption.

  • andyburke andyburke
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