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Trending Communities for Monday 6th May 2024
  • No, it's twiddling its thumbs waiting for the crawler at to start working again.

    I submitted an Issue to the GitHub last time it failed, and the developer responded with some info. I didn't really understand it, tbh, but it looks to be the same problem, so hopefully it'll right itself again.

  • Fallout series was pretty good ngl
  • Rey just 'okey-dokied' her way through the entire trilogy.

  • The way my daughter's middle school health class classifies drugs is insane.
  • Decades ago, my school's drug info was similar: every drug had a single entry ('euphoria') in the Pros column and a massive list (ending with death) for the Cons column.

  • Tesseract 1.3.0 "Defiant" Released 🎉🎉🎉
  • Congrats. Tesseract has always been very impressive.

    This post suggests there's a problem with Lemmy/PeerTube federation, but it'll be good to see the videos embedded (even if they have to be brought through manually)

  • Pls eat me UwU
  • Fetishes are irrational by definition. They're not passed down - they come about from childhood hang-ups (no-one wants to be eaten by a bear because their father or grandfather wanted to be eaten by a bear).

  • Federation questions on a new server
  • The error you saw in your logs is due to a recently fixed bug:

  • What plot holes could be adequately explained away with a single shot or line of dialogue?
  • I saw some criticism of Netflix's 'Ripley' adaption, based on the fact that Andrew Scott is in his late 40s, so his character (and all associated characters) had to be maybe in their late 30s but not much younger. They said that a father wouldn't be as interested in him returning the USA in the same way that he would be if his son was in his early 20s (as in the 'Talented Mr. Ripley' film). I thought they could just add a line from the father, saying he'd tolerated his son galivanting around Europe until now, but now needed him home because his father was starting to consider retirement and wanted him to take over the business.

  • Trending Communities for Friday 3rd May 2024
  • Just bad luck I think. The convo on the bug report suggests the problem stems from a user making a post, and then the user being deleted (voluntarily or involuntarily).

  • PeerTube Federation broken?
  • I'm not sure that it ever quite worked - the videos currently on Lemmy are likely to ones brought in manually, rather than new ones that have come in via federation.

    The community copies (on,, etc) all show 0 subscribers. At a guess, it's because the format of the Followers collection on PeerTube is slightly different - it doesn't have the empty 'items' array that Lemmy expects, so it just rejects it. As such, any new posts will also get rejected by Lemmy (the same way it does if a community genuinely does have 0 subscribers). A couple of Updates have come through, so maybe Updates circumvent that check.

  • Let's gloat a little, What makes Lemmy/Mastodon/KBin/BlueSky and the Fediverse better than Facebook/Reddit/Twitter?
  • Preventing replies can done on some Fedivere apps (not Lemmy, yet, though, I guess). e.g.

    As for your other points, they all sound like attempts at improving the quality of the conversation. They might not have been implemented well, but requiring a clarifying comment for a question, and blocking low-karma accounts aren't bad ideas in themselves. Lemmy, etc don't really deserve praise for not even trying to implement ideas like this at all.

    (the benefits that others are mentioning in the comments have lots of validity, though, of course)

  • Which are the most fucked up books you've read?
  • The Wasp Factory and We Need to Talk about Kevin (both have scenes of an older child abusing the trust of a younger sibling, which really bothered me at the time).

  • How does lemmy deal with ban evasion?
  • A user on an instance that's different from the instance that wants to ban them (so methods like IP logging or browser fingerprinting or whatever wouldn't be available).

  • How does lemmy deal with ban evasion?
  • For remote actors, it seems to mostly rely on banned users not being very imaginative when it comes to naming subsequent accounts, and/or them not being able to leave a particular subject alone.

  • Trending Communities for Friday 3rd May 2024
  • ! has a broken outbox (no posts if you're the first person from your instance to visit). The Issue was recently fixed, so hopefully the fix will be included in 0.19.4 (and all instances on .3 upgrade to that when it comes out).

  • New piefed feature , anyone can subscribe to any post or comment (piefed is a reddit and lemmy alternative)
  • Not yet, no. There's no API for clients like Boost to interact with. There's some discussion about one here

  • New piefed feature , anyone can subscribe to any post or comment (piefed is a reddit and lemmy alternative)
  • It does. This reply is from PieFed, and the vast majority of the content here has come from Lemmy via ActivityPub.

  • ‘Godzilla Minus One’ Roars with Success: A Critical and Commercial Triumph
  • All the scene releases for this are from the Blu-Ray, weirdly enough. There doesn't seem to be an official platform to stream it from.

  • Featured
    [Weekly thread] What have you been watching this month? 2nd of May
  • 'Sugar' is okay. It has a particular editing style that takes a while to get used to. Each episode is only about 30 minutes, so that makes a nice change. He's just told someone that he has a secret, and if it's not "We're all aliens", I'm going to be disappointed.

    I think I'm going to give up on 'The Sympathizer'. I've realised I've little tolerance for an actor playing more than one part. Robert Downey Jr. has just shown up as his third character, and it's not he's particularly known for being a chameleon. I find it gimmicky and distracting.

    'Taskmaster (UK)' is on tonight. Yay!

  • andrew_s Andrew

    aka freamon


    Anything from is me too.

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    Comments 76