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Least deranged Zionist
  • Death to the Zionist entity.

  • DEI Japan
  • If the Japanese game has a protagonist who is Japanese, then maybe it's that White Nationalist slogan of "Germany for the Germans", "Japan for the Japanese", and so on? That typical anti-internationalist, anti-miscegenation position.

  • Teetotalitarianism (Kelly)
  • I'm "Some Millennial".

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe - Lemmy.World
  • Look, I'm going to say something a little controversial and unpopular especially on a place like Hexbear but it's true and it has to be said, I never liked Hitler.

  • Truly a dark day in America.
  • Yes. The last time I ate a McDonald's burger was about a year ago around that time of night when a friend and I were drunk and he insisted we go to McDonald's. I objected because I thought it was going to be shit, but I have to admit it was surprisingly all actually pretty damn delicious. Keep in mind though that I was very, very drunk and very hungry. Before that, I hadn't eaten a McDonald's burger meal for at least a decade, likely longer. I think they are kept afloat by people who are either very poor or very drunk.

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:
  • Sorry to hear that. These companies are stupid monopolies, it should be a nationalized public good like so many other things.

    My internet company is currently forcing me to pay in person over some dumb shit and hate them so much for it.

  • Internet Provider question for the bears:
  • Are you getting some form of DSL? If I remember correctly, you'd need a landline in order for the internet to work. Maybe that's why they're also billing you for a landline?

  • This should already be a movie.
  • Red Ocean.

    Orcas were genetically engineered in Soviet Union to destroy capitalist luxury ships but because of a glitch due to shoddy Communist engineering they weren't activated—UNTIL NOW. A rise in water temperaure due to Climate Change as a result of rampant Capitalism has unpredictably caused the genetic mutation to finally activate. The West must now come together to face the ultimate Soviet secret weapon, hidden for decades, as they are unable to sail the seas for fun. The code to deactivate the genetic switch died with Stalin and the Orcas are now fulfilling the Soviet dream of a world covered in the blood of the luxurious bourgeoisie. Can the West unite to defeat the Orca menace or will the Ocean proletariat destroy the oppressors causing their home to boil? RED OCEAN.

  • 13% of 2020 Swing State Biden Voters Won’t Be in 2024 Because of Gaza: Polls
  • With all due respect, you don't understand shit.

    If this war is purely dependent on the US supplying arms and funds to Ukraine, then it's a lost war or at best just a proxy war.

  • Raw milk sales spike despite CDC's warnings of risk associated with bird flu
  • It's only a matter of time at this point.

    I hope we're lucky enough to get another lockdown.

  • US senator says Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza
  • I doubt he even believes that Christofascist line.

    I figure he just promotes it for his base.

  • Something good finally happened in Germany after decades
  • Millenials and Hitler, name a more iconic pair.