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Chromium based browser for armeabi-v7a
  • Last time I checked ARM v7 is not the issue, there are still up to date builds available from Chrome itsself or Brave, rather Android 6 is. Google seems to have a cycle where roughly every fall they drop another Android version.

    Right now the minium requirement is Anroid 8 and if the cycle continues it will loose support in a few months and Android 9 will be the new minimum requirement.

    However I also have a a few Android 6 or 7 devices and usually firefox runs fine on them if they at least have two proper large CPU cores. But using two year old Chromium based browsers, I never ran into any sites that wouldn't work correctly.

  • Xbox Boss Discusses Creating “User-Adjustable On-Ramps” To Ease Newcomers Into Multiplayer Gaming
  • Black Ops 2 had a pretty simple solution. A playlist where half the players on each team are pretty weak bots. I played this mode more than the regular 6v6 MP because it didn't force everyone to use the same 4 meta guns to do well.

  • ELI5: What is RISC-V?
  • No, open source means that its public HOW something is done, down to every single line of code (along a lot of other things when it comes to licensing, redistribution, … but thats not the main point)

    With a open standard its public WHAT something is doing, but HOW its achieved can be public or not.

    To give you a example, HTML is a open standard for displaying Webpages. Somewhere its defined that when a <button> element is found, the browser has to render a button which looks a certain way behaves a certain way when interacting with the mouse, keyboard, javascript, css … . This is WHAT your browser needs to do.

    But HOW you do it is up to each browser. Do you use the CPU or GPU to render it? Do you first draw the border, then the text or the other way around? It doesn’t matter to the standard as long as the end result complies with the spec.

    With open source browsers like chromium and firefox it is public HOW they are implementing this feature, down every line of code.

    With a proprietary browser like Internet Explorer which follows (or rather followed) the same open standard nobody knows HOW they are implementing it. We only know that the end result is adhering to the HTML Standard.

    The hardware equivalent it would be someone releasing the exact schematics of for example a RISC V CPU where somebody could see HOW they implement the specifications of the Architecture and where someone could without much hassle go to a Manufacturer and get the chip into production or make modifications.

  • ELI5: What is RISC-V?
  • A CPU instruction set that is governed by the RISC V International organization, a nonprofit organization which also holds all the RISC V related trademarks.

    It has nothing to do with open source really, it is a open standard that anyone can create compatible products for and those products can also be sold commercially.

    Really the difference is that the organization verifying your that your CPU correctly follows the instruction set so you can sell it as such, has no profit motive, unlike ARM or Intel/AMD who either outright block any meaningful competition in the case of x86 or want a nice share of the money your gonna make in the case of ARM. Not to mention that ARM and Intel/AMD sell their own CPUs, so there is a big conflict of intressts going on.

  • I made a tool to measure the battery impact of different Android web browsers - here's what I learned!
  • I have phone for every Snapdragon 800 Series until the 865, Every Kirin from the 930 to the 980 and all the 64 bit flagship Exynos until the S10 (9820) so could definitly provide some of these numbers in the next couple of days.

    Also do you get any meaningful difference in the browser engine family? Like between Chromium, Brave and Vivaldi for example?

  • The categorical hate towards Chromium and non Google Chromium Browsers is absolute nonsense.

    Before you downvote check the community and maybe read my argument.

    In recent times on Lemmy or really in any tech affine corner its become the norm to trash Chrome and ALL other Chromium based browsers. However I’d argue thats complete nonsense and maybe even counter productive. Really Safari and GOOGLE Chrome should be enemy #1. Not smaller Chromium browsers. The fact that two 100% big tech controlled browsers have such a dominating position is the real cause for concern. And lets not pretend that Firefox’s further development is also heavily predicated upon Google writing them a check.

    Because really the issue right now is that the if both Google and Apple come together to start enshittifying their browsers by for example adding invasive DRM that allows websites to deny you service if you run adblockers, rooted or jailbroken devices (like Google tried) with their combined market share of > 90% they could just push through. Since many websites would loose very little in terms of potential users if they outright denied service to any browser (Chromium or not) without that DRM in place.

    However if Google Chrome and Safari had lets say less than 40% market share another 50% was controlled by a dozen or so smaller based Chromium browsers, these browsers could simply first off not merge in these anti features into their codebase and maybe even deny merging any new Chromium changes in protest until Google or Apple give up on it. Because what use is there for Chrome to add new features if only a third of the browsers support it? No website can really use them

    Also I’m still in full support of Chromium’s idea of giving webapps more capabilities. In my opinion giving webapps the ways to access System stuff like Bluetooth, USB Devices, … through a robust permission system and making them a even more viable type of Application is a great cause. The Applications are still sandboxed, they are multiplatform by nature and the web is a very democratic and user-friendly way to distribute them (way more so than the big tech owned Appstores). Or let me put it this way : If i have to run a closed source Application, I at least feel better doing so if its in a sandboxed environment like a browser and without supporting the iron grip the Appstore or Playstore have on their respective platforms.

    My approval for Chromium however does not extend to electron and other “Website packaged as a ‘native’ App” frameworks. Fuck that crap. Especially since 90% could just be a regular Webapp or PWA but yet decide to ship and entire browser along with 1MB of JavaScript code that uses maybe 1% of the Browsers features.

    I'm shocked how much the Appstore sucks in 2024

    Im not usually someone who posts negative stuff, but my god has the Appstore gone down the shitter.

    For context, for the last ~3,5 years I wasn't really actively using any iOS devices. I had an iPad but used it rarely and only really as a Video machine. But now I’m setting up a XS I got for a killer price used (<60€) and of course I looked into the Appstore what the hot new Apps are. And my god nearly everything either constantly asks you for a subscription to use basic shit, is slow af or full of ads.

    For example the „Favorite of the week“ an App called iScanner in my case took 4 seconds (!) to show me anything, which an is abysmal launch time, then shows me the Google ad tracking dialog followed by a clicking the „next“ button 5 times to show me nonsense company propaganda, followed by dialog to subscribe for 4,99€ a month. For a fucking document scanning app. And Apple has the gull to put this garbage in their weekly curated recommendations! And this isn’t the only example. 80% of Apps I downloaded today were removed within 5 minutes.

    I’m honestley smitten by how bad things seem to have gotten. Really the only saving grace is that Apples own built-in Apps have gotten really good, in most cases to the point where downloading something else seems unnecessary. But still things seem to have taken a nose dive over the last 3 years.

    Also to more active Apple users whats your way to find high quality Apps?

    Genuine Question - have you migrated DBMS on a Production System which wouldn't have been possible with vendor lock-in on the backend?

    This is something I have thought a lot recently since I recently saw a project that absolute didn't care in the slightest about this and used many vendor specific features of MS SQL all over the place which had many advantages in terms of performance optimizations.

    Basically everyone always advises you to write your backend so generically with technologies like ODBC, JDBC, Hibernate, ... and never use anything vendor specific like stored procedures, vendor specific datatypes or meta queries with the argument being that you can later switch your DBMS without much hassle.

    I really wonder if this actually happens in the real world with production Software or if this is just some advice that makes sense on surface level but in reality never pans out. I personally haven't seen any large piece of Software switch to a different DBMS, even if there would be long term advantages of doing so, because the risk and work to retest everything would be far too great.

    The only examples I know of (like SAP) were really part of a much larger rewrite or update rather than "just" switching DBMS.

    Any experience with Zen 1 idle power consumption running Proxmox?

    Hi, I'm planning an doing an upgrade to my hardware and I'm eying a used Ryzen 1700 or Ryzen 1800 (they are dirt cheap now and have an excellent upgrade path once people sell of their Ryzen 5000 CPUs).

    I'm however a bit concerned about the idle power consumption of such a System. My plan in terms of Software is to migrate my existing Proxmox System which is running 4 VMs and 6 LXC containers at the moment. Most of which are at &lt; 3% CPU Ut. 99% of the day. Has anyone got any numbers or rough estimates how big the idle power draw of such a System would be? For a graphics card (just to have some kind of display output) I plan to use a GTX 220.

    [Closed] Is there a easy way to share a batch of synchthing folder keys?

    A few months ago I setup my own Synching Server and its been working great. I right now have 7 devices (server itself, phone, tablets, laptops, Desktops, ...) synching files from 5 different folders. The problem I have right now is that adding new folders / devices is a huge hassle since in order for EVERY device to properly be in sync I need to manually add for example a new folder to every device. If I were to add 5 new folders I would need to repeat this 5 times for 7 devices... I think you get the point.

    What I wanna know is if there is a simple way to basically share all the folder keys of a syncthing device with another device without manually copy pasting them? I don't really care if this would be by enabling some setting on the server or by copying around a file (I do this for example with my newpipe subscriptions and use syncthing for that).

    Also just creating one large folder is something I'm trying to avoid since not every device needs everything you loose the ability to fine control individual folders. I for example don't want my phone to start syncing my music library when I'm using data.

    EDIT :

    I played around a bit more and I found out that going into the server and marking all the devices add as introducers sends a notification to all these devices where you can easily share folders!

    Can anyone recommend me a setup to virtualize Linux under Windows that runs smoothly?

    I by now have wasted far too much time trying to setup a VM on my decently decked out machine (i5 13600KF, RTX 3080, 32GB DDR5, Win11 on a 4K Display) to run some kind of Linux in there that runs perfectly smooth - mostly for Development purposes.

    So far I have tried all 3 major vm hosting softwares for windows (VMWare, Hyper V and Virtual Box) along side various (admittedly beginner friendly) distros (Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Mint, ...) yet I have not once gotten a System up and running with smooth animations and no notable input latency. Also I have of course turned on Hardware virtualization in my bios and benchmarks usually show that CPU performance seems to be where I expect it.

    So I wanna ask the community what setup they are using under windows that just runs any kind of Linux smoothly and what point I may be missing.

    Also installing Linux natively is not really an option for me since I want to be able to run Multiplayer games and I still consider myself a Linux beginner and don't wanna commit to install Linux directly on my host machine yet.

    [PSA] Oneplus phones on Android 11 are being artificially throttled but there is a fix.

    Hi there, I wanna share this knowledge with about Oneplus phones on Android 11 since I don't think its well known how you to fix it. Basically as a "battery saving meassure" Oneplus is secretly without telling the user limiting performance of a wide range of Apps, like Social Media Apps, Browsers, etc. The performance in some cases can be down by a whooping 75% - which can be quite noticable.

    Unfortunately there is no easy method to turn this behavior off in the Settings App or whatever. But what you have to do is :

    • enter adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.oneplus.config
    • reboot the phone

    If you want a further explanation and me demonstrating the issue and how its fixed - check out this video :

    From my experience I noticed no other issues on my phone and the change had no real impact on my day to day battery life .

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