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This drop down for viewing attendance details for a specific date range on my daughters daycare web portal.
  • It actually makes some sort of weird sense if you can get past the inconsistent labeling. Since it's a daycare, each option is probably an enrollment period, and they are arranged in reverse chronological order. Still weird, but perhaps not as outrageous as it initially appears.

  • What would it take for you to move away from Github?
  • I know this will come as a shock to a lot of people, but a lot of software doesn't do CI/CD. Especially CD. Basically only webapps can do CD, although Dropbox is close with weekly releases. A lot of enterprise and industry software still does quarterly or even semiannual releases. Hospitals, banks, and government agencies in particular have stringent vetting procedures that mean they can spend months verifying and approving a new major version before upgrading, so there's no point throwing one at them every couple weeks.

  • Refusing TypeScript is a signal that you don't care about code quality
  • Nonsense. The compiler can handle type-checking far more quickly and acurately than any code reviewer. When I review code, I want to look at code structure, algorithms, data structures, interface design, contracts, logic, and style.

    I don't want to go through your code line by line cross-referencing every function call to make sure you put the arguments in the right order and checking every member access for typos. That's a waste of my time, and by extension, the company's money.

  • Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023?
  • That's a great point. In any sort of enterprise system, you should be unit-testing your front end when you commit, and you should be UI-testing your front end before you deploy. If you're in a CI/CD pipeline, that normally happens right after the build step. If you need to have the pipeline running anyways, you might as well build.

  • Ya gotta keep up with the times!
  • You forgot "don't say 'thank you for pointing out that we were sending social security numbers to everyone who visits our website that anybody could stumble across,' but rather 'you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, hacker!'" Courtesy of the Missouri Department of Education.

  • Where do you guys find remote work?
  • I got news for you. If you're not a citizen of the country you're located in and you don't have a work visa for that country, you're probably working illegally, whether or not your employer realizes. (Some exceptions for EU citizens, Canada, etc.)

  • Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root
  • Re: too lazy for Let's Encrypt, a) last I used LE (for my personal site), your site had to be publicly available on the Internet so that you could prove you controlled the site. Most test servers are not public. and b) many (most?) companies would throw a fit if you started generating your own certificates for their domains.

    But there are always solutions. I was able to talk my company into getting properly signed certs for our test servers.

  • What programming languages aren't too criticized here?
  • If you use JavaScript, you've probably seen a monad, since Promise is a monad. Unit is Promise.resolve(), bind is Promise.then(). As required, Promise.resolve(x).then(y) === y(x) (unit forms a left identity of bind), y.then(Promise.resolve) === y (unit forms a right identity of bind), and x.then(y.then(z)) === x.then(y).then(z) (bind is essentially associative).

    You even have the equivalent of Haskell's fancy do-notation (a form of syntactic sugar to save writing unit and bind all over the place) in the form of async/await. It's just not generalized the way it is in Haskell.

  • how to turn events on and off in Javascript
  • Rather than messing with the EventListener, wouldn't it be easier to just throttle the function that it calls? You can find a bunch of articles online that will explain how to implement a throttle (and also a debouncer, which is similar, but not quite what you're looking for; a throttle allows a function to be called immediately unless it's already been called too recently, while a debouncer waits every time before calling the function and restarts the wait timer every time someone tried to call the function).

  • Which conditions would make reject or quit your job?
  • Me too. I got a MacBook for testing Safari, but sometimes I take it to meetings because it's easier than extricating my usual machine from its dock (which unplugs the Ethernet cable so all my SSH sessions die along with anything running in them). But as somebody who likes having things in full screen (it bothers me if I can see the desktop peeking through), I get very annoyed needing to scroll through every app I've got open until I stumble across the one I want every time I have to switch context.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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