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what kind of discussion do you like to see?
  • I think there's always interest in more technical posts on beehaw/lemmy

    One thing personally I would like to see is more "Ask reddit" style posts. It was interesting to see what different people had to say.

  • Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
  • Over the past year, Pornhub had to make the difficult decision to block access to users in numerous American states due to newly passed Age Verification laws (Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Carolina, Mississippi). In July 2024, we will unfortunately be blocking several more states who are introducing similar laws. (Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky and Nebraska.)

  • [May 29] Introducing the new Framework Laptop 13 with Intel Core Ultra Series 1 processors Introducing the new Framework Laptop 13 with Intel Core Ultra Series 1

    Today we’re excited to announce the newest version of Framework Laptop 13 with the latest Intel® Core™ Ultra Series 1 processors, an optional 13.5” 2880x1920 120 Hz display on both Intel and AMD systems, a new webcam with 9.2MP image sensor, and configurations designed for businesses and

    Introducing the new Framework Laptop 13 with Intel Core Ultra Series 1

    Just sharing in case anybody has been waiting for an update from framework

    I think I want a job cleaning mirrors.

    It's just something I could really see myself doing.

    More people turning away from news, report says
  • More people are turning away from news, describing it as depressing, relentless and boring, a global study suggests.

    Almost four in 10 (39%) people worldwide said they sometimes or often actively avoid the news, compared with 29% in 2017, according to the report by Oxford University's Reuters Institute.


    A total of 94,943 adults across 47 countries were surveyed by YouGov in January and February for this year's Digital News Report.

  • In China, where authoritarianism is justified by redefining the term, a woman has reportedly been beaten to death during interrogation after accusing police of murdering her husband
  • China's treatment of Uyghurs is despicable.

    The communications attack continued more widely as Apple complied with a government request to bolt the door on Chinese citizens by denying them the ability to download apps such as Signal, Telegram, Threads and WhatsApp, which previously could have been accessed through virtual private networks.

    China has blocked every non-Chinese social app but gets upset when the ban of tiktok is brought up.

    If that is how Beijing treats its scientists, its sporting heroes fare little better. Exposed by The New York Times and German television channel ARD, 23 members of the Chinese swimming team for the Tokyo Olympics were revealed to have tested positive for a banned substance prior to the games but were allowed to compete anyway because the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accepted China’s excuse of kitchen contamination without an on-location investigation.

    Trying to out do Russian olympic seems like a competition in it's own right.

  • I hate clothes shopping so much (semi-rant)
  • Yeah it's an annoying for sure. Also takes way too much time. I also hate how hard it is to find stuff that fits. Especially sucks when you get a perfect size but then it shrinks. Now some materials like cotton are known to shrink but others are not like polyester. Even when accounting for that I get unexpected sizes.

    Also today's trend seem so the "streetwear" with baggy clothing and white sneakers. Not a fan.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I wish that countries that are condemning cluster munitions actually send non-cluster munitions to Ukraine.

    US isn't doing this because they want to, but because there are no other ammo left and ammo production is still ramping up.

  • US actively considering giving cluster munitions to Ukraine
  • I understand that can lead to unexploded ordinance however Ukraine is facing a life and death struggle right now and they can use all the ammo that they can get. Of course it's not ideal but US/Europe has very limited supply of precision ammo. And until they can increase production Ukraine needs something to use against dug in Russian positions. Ultimately the decision should be up to Ukrainians since they are the ones that will have to be doing the clean up.

  • US actively considering giving cluster munitions to Ukraine
  • US nor Ukraine have banned them so no legal issues but regarding their use, personally it should up to Ukraine to decide if they should or should not use them since they are using them on Ukrainian land. I trust that Ukraine will limit them to certain scenarios against dug in Russian positions and not indiscriminately like Russia has been. Essentially it's either use cluster ammo against or no ammo, because US/Europe has a very limited supply which they already gave Ukraine, until they ramp up production Ukraine needs at least something. But yes in a perfect world they would have enough guided ammo.

  • Twitter's API keeps breaking, even for developers paying $42,000
  • "Everything used to work fine before we started paying half a million per year," shared one developer in a private Twitter developer group chat shared with Mashable.

    A fool and their money are easily parted

  • YouTube could be testing a three-strikes policy for ad blocking
  • According to the latest estimates, the ad blocking user penetration rate in the United States stood at approximately 26 percent in 2020, indicating that roughly 73 million internet users had installed some form of ad blocking software, plugin, or browser on their web-enabled devices that year.

    Sounds like will affect 1/4 of youtube users. I highly doubt google would be doing this if it wasn't getting in the way of making more money.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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