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Elon Musk admits X 'may fail, as so many have predicted'
  • I read that as "not enough musk spam" and thought you were taking crazy pills 😅

  • Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins
  • According to this website, Reddit has lost about a billion users since January, almost all completely from mobile traffic (~5.5b down to ~4.5b).

    Nearly 1/5th of your traffic disappearing when you're trying to do an IPO definitely isn't a great look.

  • chota - micro CSS framework
  • I guess the subliminal message is that this framework is a micro dick so it'll hurt less when it fucks you 😂

  • almightyolive Almighty Olive 🫒

    Just a dude from Sydney that works with computers. I like lots of tech and nerd things such as programming, D&D, board games, reading fantasy & sci-fi, and video games.

    I also think I'm funnier than I really am.

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