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Lies! Deception!
  • A soon to be extinct retailer called Bed Bath And Beyond. Watch the Adam Sandler movie 'Click' for a full rundown of the brand.

  • Lies! Deception!
  • It demonstrates they have stacks and stacks of towels and that they are to be fully trusted as your local towel authority.

  • I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it.
  • Yep, yep and yep. The nasty-grams are typically referred to as “love letters”.

  • NSFW
    Men who piss on the toilet seat in public restrooms, the fuck is wrong with you?
  • People with bacterial infections, or… I don’t know, it’s nasty.

  • NSFW
    Men who piss on the toilet seat in public restrooms, the fuck is wrong with you?
  • I’ve thought about this more than I’m willing to admit. My theory is that men are scratching their bits while urinating and it causes excessive splatter. 😷

  • Does Lemmy strip photo GPS data?
  • Yes, and it even causes issues with rotation. 😅

  • Lemmy v0.18.1 Release
  • Right back atcha!

  • Is there a way to change gestures?
  • By Safari moment, you mean WebKit moment? I have this issue on any iOS mobile browser.

  • YSK: Flossing your teeth is only uncomfortable when your gums are unhealthy
  • TIL there's a conspiracy about this. Fascinating.

  • `lemmy-ui` development pace over last year

    Image shows lemmy-ui's development pace over last year. Impressive! Great job everybody!

    alectrocute Alec
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