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UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Rwanda
  • I've seen it suggested that he might call an election sooner than later, to avoid the possibility of this failing (more so than it already has), but there have also been several other times when it's seemed like there might be an election and nothing happened. Seems like Sunak is just waiting/hoping for something he can tout as a win and try to go into an election on the back of it, presumably in an attempt to minimise the losses. The budget certainly didn't do it for them, and I can't see this broadly unpopular 'win' being it either, but really what else is there that he can point to at this stage?

  • MKBHD - Do Bad Reviews Kill Companies?
  • Reviewers aren't (or really shouldn't be) beholden to companies, the whole point of a review is to give an opinion on a product, and the less input into that the company has the happier I will be. At the same time, some reviewers do hold a lot of sway, and can strongly influence people's opinions with their reviews, so there might be an argument that a negative review can impact sales. However, so what? If the reviewer is bringing up their concerns or issues with a product, that is the whole point of what they do, and their viewers will want to hear about those things (working on the assumption that people will tend to watch reviewers they think align with their own views), and would be pretty upset if they weren't warned about the downsides prior to purchasing.

  • Ok? Still prochoice.
  • By definition you can't have causation without a correlation, but the two aren't the same. It does feel like your original intent was 'correlation doesn't equal causation' though.

  • NSFW Deleted
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  • Doesn't seem like many world governments are motivated to even do that. It feels very much like the people in charge are actively avoiding having to think about these issues, letting them play out until it's too late, by which time it will be someone else's problem.

  • In Your Opinion what is the Most Emotionally Touching Line in Gaming?
  • For me, it was a gameplay element. The point where you're swimming and have to use the older brother's stick just brought the whole thing together for me, and was something that could only be done within a video game, as opposed to any other form of media.

  • Advent calendars - doors on or off?

    Curious as to what others do once they've opened their advent calendar for the day, take the door off, leave it open, close it, or something else entirely?

    Personally, I've always removed them, along with the foil inside the door, looks neater and it's easier to find subsequent days. Others don't seem to agree with me on this one though, so I'll be interested to see what you fine folk think.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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