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  • I'm Auto ist es praktisch, einfach reinlegen und fertig. Sonst eher egal, Kabel ist an sich immer besser und effizienter

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • Who ist talking about those things!? TF is wrong with u? Why I'm even wasting my time

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • Again, I'm not advocating for SUVs, I don't even like them, I'm advocating for the ordinary people which I belong to, I don't want us te get ripped off by the govts, that's it.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • Nothing my friend ...give everything you earn (if you do) to the govt. Have a good life without cars and flights. All is up to you, life is short.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • that weighs twice as much as my Golf, and I wouldn't care if I wanted that fabulous SUV experience.

    Pls don't exagerate ..your Golf is around 1.5 tons and a mid-range SUV will be 1.7-1.8t max. Now for example VW Tiguan or Seat Ateca are fabulous? Those are mid-range cars, just like your Golf but SUVs

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • The displacement cc and emissions are main factors but as I know what also affects it's certain ranges of year of construnction.

    The tax laws are not based on fuel economy or vehicle weight or size

    Now the emissions are for sure affected by the weight of the vehicle and also by aerodynamics therefore SUVs should be higher in tax but that's only logic so not sure if and how much.

    What I mean is: Having a big engine isn't a lot more expensive over here.

    So my top example, the 4L 600hp 620€ tax, isn't much higher then your example, the 1.4L (I would guess around 100hp) 90€ tax? Are you serious about that?

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • No I don't see myself as a victim. Never owned an SUV and most likely never will because I don't like them and also I don't live in France so it's pointless however.

    I wanted to forcefully push back against that framing

    By doing so you do demonstrate that you allowed yourself to be instrumentalized. Maybe one day you guys will understand but of course that's up to you.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • I'm from Romania but I actually have business in Germany so I'm resident in both countries. It's pretty much the same for both, just a bit lower for RO. For example a 1.2L vehicle with about 80hp is something like ~90€ but a 2L vehicle with 300hp will be ~250€ and a 4L vehicle with 600hp will cost ~620€ so it's ramping up a lot.

    Of course you are right, an SUV is usually more expensive. I don't care to much about SUVs because I don't like them, I don't like the looks.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • Of course that was meant figuratively, I thought that was clear

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • A lot higher, double, triple or ever more. Depends on the CO2 emissions of the particular vehicle so bigger engine, more power, more weight, less aerodynamics, higher consumption means higher taxes. This is of course for combustion vehicles ...don't know about the EVs, never owned one

    "If you buy a more expensive car ..."

    Oh and by the way, the vehicles price has nothing to do with emissions and so on.

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • Partly correct produces what consumers buy but here was no such things like SUVs and pickups so they needed to introduce them so ppl can buy. It's basically marketing 1st. Marketing has a huge influence

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • In that case you pay much higher taxes already least in my country

  • Paris mayor plans to triple SUV parking tariffs to cut air pollution
  • They allowed the US SUV and pickup fashion to swap over to Europe (20 years ago there was little to none of those on European roads) so that when people are buying them, they get punished for doing so!? My point is, why the majority is acting like it is only the ordinary people's fault?

  • Autofahrende immer Vorbild für alle anderen 🫶
  • Tatsächlich, wenn man realistisch bleibt, ist es die deutliche Minderheit. Viele fahren kein Auto aber die meisten schon.

    Laut Statista waren im Januar 2023 rund 49mio Personenkraftwagen angemeldet. Laut dem statistischen Bundesamt, in 2023 84mio Einwohner in DE, davor knapp 17mio unter 18, 7mio zwischen 80 u. 100 Jahren (werden auch nicht mehr viele von Auto fahren) Zieht man diese Personengruppen grob ab, abzüglich ein paar Mio fahrende über 80 jährige, kommt man auf 65 Mio potentielle Autofahrer, von denen man nochmals sagen wir 2-3mio aus diversen Gründen nicht fahrtaugliche Personen abziehen sollte, so bleiben noch 62 Mio potentielle Autofahrer zu den 49 Mio angemeldeten Fahrzeugen. Alles natürlich sehr grob berechnet

    Und mal ab davon, "Menschen die in Städten leben und arbeiten" sind nicht Maß aller Dinge. Und diejenigen die in Büros arbeiten erst Recht nicht, die sind bloß im Internet am "lautesten"

  • Autofahrende immer Vorbild für alle anderen 🫶
  • Warscheinlich ist auch die Mehrheit der Radfahrer, ebenfalls Autofahrer. Die wenigsten Menschen in unseren Reihen, fahren kein Auto.

  • "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Meinung über den Nahostkonflikt" - Ein Gastbeitrag von Ron Leshem
  • Ich meine grundsätzlich ist mir das komplett egal aber ich Versuche die Logik zu verstehen: was sollen denn die downvotes? Interessiert es so viele von euch welche Sexualität wer auch immer hat? Und selbst wenn, warum wird es für negativ empfunden, das als seltsam zu empfinden?

  • "Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Meinung über den Nahostkonflikt" - Ein Gastbeitrag von Ron Leshem
  • So in etwa würde ich es auch sehen. Weiß auch nicht warum heutzutage so viele mit ihrer Sexualität hausieren gehen. Was genau wollen die damit erreichen? Warum denkt man, daß es alle anderen interessiert?

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