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Viagra linked to 50 percent reduction of Alzheimer's risks in new study Viagra linked to 50 percent reduction of Alzheimer's risks in new study

Researchers reported seeing a 30 percent to 54 percent reduction in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease in people who regularly consume the erectile dysfunction drug.

Viagra linked to 50 percent reduction of Alzheimer's risks in new study
I am so happy to be here at Beehaw

First of all, I am speaking to all of you in a non-official capacity. Hence, why you are finding it in the chat community.

Secondly, I am very grateful and humbled to be in the position of a Beehaw administrator. The other four Beehaw administrators are a joy to work with, each with their own superpowers that they bring to the table.

Approximately 13 years ago, I kept waking up every morning feeling overwhelmed with thankfulness. That may sound strange and I never expected to have this sort of problem. Weeks and months of this feeling, with no relief in sight, I came to the end of my rope. I cried out to the universe: “What am I supposed to be doing?!?!?!”.

The answer came moments later in a telepathic whisper inside my mind: “Bless others as I bless you”.

To some, this may sound like I am schizophrenic. I assure you that I am not.

I started by simply being as generous and kind as possible with everyone around me.

And now, I am continuing with this trend by blending it with my professional background. Namely, information technology. More specifically, beta testing (e.g. Orkut, Gmail, Imzy, Tildes to name a few), web development, social media and the like.

I am honored to be in the position that I am. I am, incredibly, fortunate.

Beehaw’s ’Northern Star’ (e.g. guiding principle) is to be(e) nice.

I hope that all of you find it in your selves to carry this torch through the rest of your lives.

Russia adds 'LGBT movement' to list of extremist and terrorist organisations
  • This is absolute insanity. Hopefully, the entire Russian LGBTQ+ community will move from that awful place.

  • Beeper couldn’t bring iMessage to Android — but it can still make a great chat app
  • It also basically undoes all of the security and privacy features of Signal.

    I'd like to have a source for this claim, please.

  • Deleted
  • Interesting!

  • Deleted
  • Long time Primus fan here. Saw them in a small bar in Trenton New Jersey in the early 90s. One of the best shows I've ever seen.

  • Diablo 4 Season 4 Campfire Chat Summary

    Big changes/improvements coming to season 4 which has been delayed until May 14.

    Beeper couldn’t bring iMessage to Android — but it can still make a great chat app
  • I have an invite link that may get you in faster. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it to you in a direct message. I've already sent it to

  • Beeper couldn’t bring iMessage to Android — but it can still make a great chat app
  • I don't believe there's a wait list anymore. You should be able to just download it from an app store for free. In the future, they'll release a premium version that will require payment.

  • Beeper couldn’t bring iMessage to Android — but it can still make a great chat app
  • They spent around $750,000 building that iMessage bridge...shame...However, there are many people self-hosting and still using iMessage on Android...that will, likely, get smacked down soon. I've used Beeper since the early Beta (a little over three years now) and I love it.

  • Matisyahu - King Without A Crown (Live from Stubb's)

    Classic jam

    New garden boxes are almost complete
  • They look amazing.

  • Deleted
    What actually happens if Biden wins?
  • ranked choice voting

    We have this in Maine and fucking love it!

  • A very short history of the F-word A very short history of the F-word

    The first use of the F-word comes from a monk in 1528. It's just one part of the weird, mysterious history of this infamous four-letter word.

    A very short history of the F-word
    The costs of a phone-based childhood (gifted link)
  • I am really, really glad I never procreated.

    Why? Wouldn't this depend on your particular circumstances?

  • A friend of mine is having trouble finding prospective relationships in a rural area of America

    I have a young gay friend who is at their wits end trying to find others in their community. They are, understandably, reluctant to use the Internet for this purpose. We live in a very rural and conservative part of America.

    If you have any practical guidance for them then, please let me know. I will be very happy to pass it along to them.

    Thank you.

    Upgarding past 1.8
  • We're focusing on leaving Lemmy for another platform that supports federation.

  • Upgarding past 1.8
  • We won't be upgrading past 0.18.4...Please find another app.

  • Transgenic cows boost human insulin production by 10X Transgenic cows boost human insulin production by 10X

    A genetically modified cow has produced milk containing human insulin, according to a new study. The proof-of-concept achievement could be scaled up to, eventually, produce enough insulin to ensure availability and reduced cost for all diabetics requiring the life-maintaining drug.

    Transgenic cows boost human insulin production by 10X
    Beehaw, what are your thoughts on Thomas Berry's 10 principles?
  • This reminds me of Derrick Jensen's 20 premises in his book entitled: Endgame, Vol. 1: The Problem of Civilization.

    The premises are here.

  • House likely to pass a bill that could ban TikTok, sending it to the Senate House likely to pass a bill that could ban TikTok, sending it to the Senate

    House Democrats and Republicans say the legislation, which would pressure TikTok's China-based owner to divest, is needed to protect Americans' data. Senators are still evaluating it.

    House likely to pass a bill that could ban TikTok, sending it to the Senate
    Reddit gets ready for IPO, setting a top valuation of $6.4 billion
  • I got an email and TWO direct messages on Reddit. LMAO nope.

  • admin Chris Remington

    Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.

    Posts 273
    Comments 324