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Should I use flatpaks or nix pkgs for sandboxed installation ?
  • Flatpaks are easier to use in most distros. If you're using NixOS, then Nix of course. But if you want to do a lot of CLI stuff, then Nix may be better too.

  • Andries Brouwer on the OOM killer
  • AFAIK Solaris and Haiku don't have an OOM Killer by default. malloc just fails if the kernel can't provide enough memory.

  • Prolog aarroyoc
    Logtalk Introduction
    First impressions of Gleam: lots of joys and some rough edges
  • Strongly typed is not an opposite of gradually typed. I think you mean statically typed. Strong / Weak refers to how type casts are possible.

  • Which (web)apps do you use to contribute to OpenStreetMap?
  • Usually iD, but sometimes Vespucci and JOSM (I use it when I have som GPS data alongside).

  • ATMs are becoming a shit-show in Europe. Can cash back save us? Info is sparse as fuck.
  • In Spain, I think only ING has this cashback procedure that allows you to withdraw cash from supermarkets, but it's only for its own clients. It's not very popular and I have to admit, that as an ING client, I've never use that feature. More traditional banks still have lots of ATMs and banks like ING cover the ATM fees if you withdraw enough money (if you withdraw 200€ in one go, it's free for example).

  • Understanding Linux and choosing your first Linux distro, v2.0
  • I agree that Alpine Linux shouldn't be recommended to newbies but I don't like the explanation. Distros like Alpine Linux are good for the whole Linux ecosystem, as they avoid monoculture and bring diversity to the software, which in turn they foster competition. Like a biological ecosystem, betting everything into one particular specie is a recipe for disaster. Some examples: Glibc has found many bugs because musl did things differently, and it turned out that glibc was not following the standard (also musl had bugs on its own), GCC was stuck until Clang came out and developers started to prefer Clang,...

  • Lego Racers Can't Be Made Today
    VLC Player
  • VLC ships their own codecs which is great on Windows, but a bit suboptimal on a typical Linux desktop installation since you're probably going to have GStreamer or ffmpeg available too for the rest of the software like video editors, web browsers, etc

  • Cool distros to try
  • Alpine Linux, because it uses OpenRC and musl, it's an interesting choice a little bit different but I really like it nyself for servers.

    Gentoo, the biggest source based distro, has Emerge, a very configurable package manager.

    NixOS, uses the Nix programming language to install packages and configuring the system. Very powerful and breaks many conventions about Linux systems

  • Still...
  • GNU Cobol is interesting, but note that most COBOL running in production is using other compilers and operating systems. MicroFocus and IBM COBOL are the most popular ones. They are usually executed on IBM operating systems like z/OS or IBM i, which have a hardware a bit different from a normal PC/server.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • IPv6. Lack of IPv4 addresses it's a problem, specially in poorer countries. But still lots of servers and ISPs don't support it natively. And what is worse. Lots of sysadmins don't want to learn it.

  • [x-post] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?
  • Yes. My apps are not static: one is a Django app (Python) using Postgres. I had to compile both Postgres and Python but that's because I wanted to use them in Docker but there were no images available (maybe there are now, things change fast in this world).

    Other was a Rust app, also using Postgres. For this I had to wait until a cryptography library (ring) added support to RISC-V since they use some assembly to improve the performance. After that, it was fine.

    I've been experimenting with more stuff, in general almost all important languages work, but beware that even if it works, they might not be as performant as in ARM or x86. Java for example, worked but the JVM didn't have a JIT so it was very slow (this is fixed now, but some distros still ship it without JIT AFAIK).

  • [x-post] Do you run anything on a RISC-V processor?
  • Yes, I have a VisionFive 2 and I use it to host some websites. I have am Arch Linux image compiled by a user in a forum, but the userspace packages are from a RISC-V repository from a other people working in Arch in general.

    I could run my websites but it wasn't easy at first, because, yes I have Docker but there are almost no images for riscv64, so I had to do some compiling and build images in a local registry. Bu now it works pretty well.

  • Enlightened (rant about EFL) (2015) Enlightened

    I work for a certain corporation which uses a certain product. This is its story. To put the quality of this product into perspective, let me say it’s been in development for about 20 years and has pretty much no users (besides my corp and some “hey - let...

    find, grep, sed, and awk
  • I always found "find" very confusing. Currently, I'm using "fd", which I think has a more sensible UX

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Supercomputers are usually just a lot of smaller computers that happen to be connected with very efficient networking. Then you use something like MPI to simulate a big pool of shared memory.

  • Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes

    <p>The 9th and 10th of November was the Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 in Düsseldorf. As a Scryer Prolog user and contributor, I was very excited to go to this meeting. Now, I'm back at home and I can write here a report of what happened in this event with the notes I've taken.</p>

    Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes
    Prolog aarroyoc
    Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 Notes

    <p>The 9th and 10th of November was the Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023 in Düsseldorf. As a <a href="">Scryer Prolog</a> user and contributor, I was very excited to go to this meeting. Now, I'm back at home and I can write here a report of what happened in this event with the notes I'...

    What are your most used selfhosted services?
  • Yes, I think port forward and domain name is required not just for Lemmy but for every ActivityPub service (Kbin too).

  • What are your most used selfhosted services?
  • My custom blog, Syncthing and now I'm trying Lemmy and Mastodon. Let's see how it goes!

  • Prolog aarroyoc
    Scryer Prolog Meetup 2023
    aarroyoc aarroyoc
    Posts 7
    Comments 16