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6 days ago

  • No, I'm really asking. if you would be willing to moderate contents in this exact community. I mean, we need to know the means at our disposal to debate the request.

  • Adding some languages arbitrary without a clear guideline might open up discussions for other languages. For example: if we accept as a guideline that (Mandarin :-), English and Spanish are the most spoken languages in the wolrld and we accept that, we might unsettle French people. If we go with western/southern languages only we might loose the other people who turn for local serivces.

    It is no easy debate to have.

  • Well. The point is, that this approach could be a disfavor for all the eastern European countries, which users may also discuss in their native languages.

    Also the server rules state, that they are in for German/English communities.

  • In another context I thought about the possibility for links in foreign languages as long as they are marked, and maybe summarized by a sentence to help people get the context. I think in todays time with browser being able to translate, that should be a feasible approach. I didn't find time to debate that with the other mods, yet.

    To me, coming from a moderation perspective, the idea of whole discussions in a plentitude of languages is problematic. In my opinion, we would need to have more mods being able to at least police content if need be.

  • Ich hatte letztens auch abonniert und habe alles in die Mastodontimeline reingespült bekommen. War technisch cool und inhaltlich verwirrend.

  • See direct message.

  • Well, I you think about the question with the foundations the other day, it is not so easy any more. There are non-European products (like open-source products and services) that in the long run help to get rid of non-European products 😅 At this point we are discussing a lock in. E.g. if you use cloud and office products that force you to store data on foreign servers.

    Another example could be Threema, a swiss messenger, where you only need a small ID instead of a phone number. It is well known for their encryption and that their software was audited. So, they are working as transparent as a company could. In my personal and business life, I would still recommend them (as well as Signal) for everyday Joe.

  • Hi chmod, content-wise they are quite narrow and hopefully the possibility to crosspost will benefit both.

    The text what to expect says, that we are focusing on the EU, but if other befriended countries slip through we are not enforcing rules. We called it a soft limit, so pepole tend to limit themselves, rather than mods jumping each post.

    Due to the name being lend from one of the bigger reddit movements (buyFromEU) English should be the first language. But since you asked, I could imagine that articles in different languages could be marked (DE/GER/ES/..) and maybe given some context in EN. Just like a brieve sentence, why this news/article is awesome and related. I'll need to discuss if we'd like encourage that with the other mods.

  • Well, you brought the topic up, didn't you? Feel free to debate that issue at a different space. We conducted a vote and are here to stay.

  • Hey, this discussion obsolete. Both communities are here to stay. Please carry on.

  • Agreed, but you have to acknowledge that this happened a long time ago. It is good to remember the lineage and call that out, but I’m more worried (for example) about VWs current stance e.g. on Chinese slave labor or the general attitude towards EVs.

  • Working in a company where this is standard, I lust say that it cannot be done for all companies. For us git and markdown might be second nature, but for many it is a productivity bumper at first.

    Good UIs (editor, git client) help, though.

  • See direct message.

  • What to expect?

  • I approached them yesterday. Let’s see how they are evolving.

  • Lemmy at a glance

  • After recommending it to a friend, I just used it again. Seeing the content without registering is a big + . Also the onboarding for server selction looked very nice.

    I wrote this few step rundown, because I believe the concepts might be overwhelming at first. Its not the software or the clients, but having a first impression of what (server, instance, user, community, post) is situated where and how it is federated, or better said connected.

  • BuyFromEU

    Boycott of US products reaches Europe (German article)


    Do you want to buy a European car? Here is a comprehensive list of the origins of all brands.

  • Actually they are great for tedious tasks. For a CSV file I asked an AI to write down every hour of the day in steps of 15 minutes and provide a file to download.

    It took only 5 attempts until all hours were included 😂

  • BuyFromEU

    Lemmy at a glance


    Name the alternatives


    Ditched Claude and ChatGPT for Mistral


    Where to start?


    What to expect?


    Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe


    The Consumer Goods Sector: Housing the World's Most Known Brands


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    List of all the companies owned by Bezos




    Moderators wanted