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China Did A Cringe.
  • Uh, aphantasia has precisely nothing to do with artistic ability. I only know a couple off the top of my head, but Ed Catmull founded Pixar and contributed greatly to computer graphics, and Glen Keane was an animator at Disney for decades, worked on all the big films. Both are aphantasic.

  • What are your thoughts on chanting "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"? Is it too provocative or aggressive?
  • Counterpoint: States are the only way to ensure the dictatorship of the proletariat until communism can be achieved.

  • What are you reading?
  • I hadn't heard of Hernández before, but I was intrigued by the title so I gave it a listen. He said he doesn't subscribe to dialectical materialism and his entire framework of defining socialism without even considering the ownership of the means of production strikes me as deeply idealistic, so I'm not so sure how seriously I want to take his work.

  • City, village or countryside: where do you want to live?
  • GOODS is a communist clothing co-op. It's from the blurb on the page for their Urb shirt.

    Their manifesto is pretty all right, too.

  • City, village or countryside: where do you want to live?
  • City. Very much looking forward to how much better cities will be with socialist development.

    GOODS FOR THE PEOPLE puts it well:

    The future belongs to sustainable smart cities.

    Ecologically speaking, increasingly concentrated mega cities is the only path toward a future of harmonious integration of humans and nature. Socialist cities of the future, such as the Forrest City being developed in the PRC, can develop and function in much more rational, healthy, and communal ways than random chaotic development under the tyranny of private ownership of land and industry.

  • Documentaries _KOSMONAUT
    Taiwan A U.S. Pawn in Containing China Taiwan A U.S. Pawn in Containing China

    The documentary “Taiwan: A U.S. Pawn in Containing China”, by exploring a vast trove of historical information and true stories and gathering the insights of first-hand witnesses to events and experts such as former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, reveals to a global audience the various po...

    Taiwan A U.S.  Pawn in Containing China

    Just saw this uploaded to the CGTN Documentaries channel. Unfortunately probably next-to-useless for showing liberals since they'll immediately write it off as "CCP propaganda." Anyone see any issues with the content of this one?

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