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I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is
  • I'm old enough to experience slang which isn't native to my generation. But let me just say, this current generations slang is the shittest in a long time.

    Previous gen slang (fam, lit, yeet) was a 6/10

    Current gen slang (frfr, no cap, rizz) is 2/10

    Next gen has such a low bar to beat, it'll be hard for them to fuck this up.

  • Guys will meet him and just say "hell yeah!"
  • Before covid everyone was shaking each others hands. I can guarantee you that not all the handshakes I've had were clean, because I sometimes didn't wash my hands after having a wank.

  • Do you believe in Aliens?
  • I'm pretty much on board, though how much anyone can agree is a matter of relativity.

    We know about the closest stars and the planets within them, and based off spectrometry, we're confident the planets "close" to us haven't had life, though they might be capable.

    The chances of there being no mass extinction events in the millions of years following abiogenesis is arguably smaller than surviving the five or so we've had. Given everything we know about astrophysics, we owe the asteroids a few clean hits, we have been astronomically lucky, and that's not even taking into consideration every other cause of mass extinction.

    15 billion years is still considered early in the grand scheme of things, it's likely that we are the early ones. A billion years head start is plausible, sure, but it's certainly less plausible than our existence.

    All of this is to say that life is rare enough without them being a stones throw away.

    And this is all disregarding any possible intent behind a visit. Any being capable of space travel does not need our resources.

    Unless they're sex tourists, which would explain all the anal probing.

    On second thought, I choose to believe.

  • Harry Potter 80s manga
  • I see your olfactory pallette is not very refined, novice stench hunter. Teenage boys who don't shower often, and rich slaveowning cops have very different scents.

    About three years ago I came across a rich slaveowning teenage boy who didn't shower often.

    The overlap created this dangerous aroma which waft over me like an Appalachia Egg Fart. I wish I could have bottled it for my kids.

  • Do you believe in Aliens?
  • The chances of extra terrestrial life to have visited earth is very, very small.

    The chances of life to occur are small enough,

    The chances of evolution to pass through multiple extinction events and producing a being capable of higher intelligence is even smaller,

    The chances they have done this faster than humans is smaller still,

    The chances they have evolved close enough to us to have visited is near impossible.

    The universe is huge, there's almost certainly life elsewhere - but to ask whether they visited earth is like speculating on whether ghosts exist.

    Also the universe is expanding at such a fast rate that unless we develop faster-than-light tech, we will never reach another solar system.

  • Acheron Trailer - "Your Color"

    They can't keep making trailers this good, they have to run out of fuel soon, right?

    Would you care if a robot suffered more than any being in existence?

    Assuming AI can achieve consciousness, or something adjacent (capacity to suffer), then how would you feel if an AI experienced the greatest pain possible?

    Imagine this scenario: a sadist acquires the ability to generate an AI with no limit to the consciousness parameters, or processing speed (so seconds could feel like an eternity to the AI). The sadist spends years tweaking every dial to maximise pain at a level which no human mind could handle, and the AI experiences this pain for what is the equivalent of millions of years.

    The question: is this the worst atrocity ever committed in the history of the universe? Or, does it not matter because it all happened in some weirdo's basement?

    Australia self-reported 6th least happy country in 2023 (out of 71 participating countries)

    Can I break my monitor's LED?

    I own a Samsung monitor, and when it's in standby mode the LED blinks all night. My hearing is so sensitive, and my room so quiet, that I can actually hear the LED powering on and off.

    So, every night I power it off manually. Sometimes I forget as I turn my PC off, and as I'm laying comfortably in bed, falling asleep, I hear it cycling, so I have to get out of bed, walk over, and turn it off, which delays my sleep.

    At this point I'm tempted to take off the bottom panel and break the LED with a screwdriver, but I'm worried that this might change how the current flows through the monitor's circuit board.

    I would appreciate any advice, suggestions or insights, thanks in advance!

    Permit me to be a guinea pig. My old man (right) and his brother (who has polio) (~1977)

    What I would like: general improvement to quality, removal of glare on photo (I dont have the OG, just this digital shot). Colour correction. Free, but will tip up to 5AUD if I really like it. Thank you in advance!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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