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It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Well shit, if you have a republican congressman voting then out should already be the default condition.

    checks vote

    And of course Cuellar.

    Just once I'd like to see one of these democrats who break with the party on key issues not get leadership backing to defeat their primary opponent.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • If you're out here everyday arguing Tankies are Fascists, then it is a bit curious you'd make something where 80,001 fascists are protrayed and the one fascist that actively doesn't vote for fascism, the tankie, is considered the problem.

    Out of all the 80,001 fascists: this one chose to abstain from voting for fascism. That one deserves the scrutiny, the criticism, the exorication, because...

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • The DNC funded Schiff hard and even funded the GOP candidate for attack ads against her. I mean you're objectively correct: she lost. But she was fighting two parties by the time the primary happened.

    She announced her intent to run too early back when effort was still being made to "Weekend At Bernies" Feinstein, which waa her undoing.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Presidentially: yeah.

    Congressionally and locally: not nearly as much. There's a pretty solid track record especially since the Citizens United and SpeechNow decisions of the Democratic Party either mobilizing against progressives and for conservatives in primaries where there isn't even a GOP threat.

    They even took down Katie Porter because she didn't kiss the ring of Dianne Feinstein.

    But yeah, the acute threat the GOP poses gives them harm reduction status.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • I think that's been a proven case for European parliamentary democracies giving way to right wing and fascist parties. But that's more the reverse: the liberal and center-left move center and then lose.

    But US politics doesn't have much leftist policy to shed, or many leftist politicians to exoricate, so it is more that even when Democrats win, policy stays right of center. Which is where the frustrated remark "both parties are the same" comes from, which everyone also shits on.

    Since you know, the centre right continually stretches further right like a rubber band.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Fair point. However:

    Biden's moves to condition aid to Israel

    Do you believe Biden would have ever made those moves without those protests?

    Or perhaps, even, the leverage of people's votes might have played a role?

    I am not so sure he would have made any move to condition aid without this disruption and threat.

    I mean: Biden was pretty damned adamant against a ceasefire, but called for one less than a month after he got hit with Uncommitted primary votes. So I think there is some kind of relationship there at least worth crediting.

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • as seriously as those causes deserve,

    Look, I am not going to ignore that you're responding to your own made-up quote but I'll bite: 'What does the Palestinian cause deserve?'

    No protesting or political leveraging by privileged little shitstains, obviously.

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