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Well there's your problem.
  • It may not be power efficient, but that water is definitely heated.

  • Help! My son is a friend to the creatures of the forest, and they are turning him against me
  • You gotta attack from two angles here. For the wildlife, you can spread scent-based deterrants around like linseed or cotton oil, or a salt circle, or a bunch of piss. Try to puff yourself up really large and make as much noise as you can while cursing the local spirits and gods in dire hubris that you claim this land as your own. Get good at animal calls and beatbox that shit back to them louder. Just really mog the shit outta the genius loci and make any fae feel like the property values are falling.

    For your son, sit down and talk to them about the dangers of rabies and beastwiles. Consider getting them individual therapy and a piece of cold-wrought iron to carry around. Make sure they know how to reliably and safely operate a gun, and understand the basics of electroplating.

  • Did Marx wear a cock cage?
  • He wanted to, but it irritated his pp carbuncles.

  • What are some lingering Redditisms, or generally annoying internet conversation trends, that you wish would end already?
  • A reference to something is not a joke. Monty Python et al isn't funny outside of context.

  • Removed
    Lol lmao
  • Terminator vision sweeps across the room.

    Analysis: Area Rug: Chinese(99%), TV: Chinese(83%), Cargo Shorts: Indonesian(chinese?)(92%), Male intestine(large) Angloid(88%+/- 20% Chinese)

  • Southern women still call me "sweetheart", which means I have not yet experienced twink death 😊
  • "Bless your heart" can be positive. It just swings between a sincere suggestion of pity and sorrow for your predicament, to "You are dead to any knowledge or succor of the divine"

  • We know Bigfoots don't exist because if they did, capital would use them as free manual labor
  • Big feet aren't ideal for regimented factory or agricultural labor, and thus deemed to have no economic benefit & were slowly driven to extiction by habitat encroachment, with the 2020 California wildfires wiping out the last known flock.

  • What factors do you think contributed to the "Reddit Hivemind"? How do you believe it can be avoided?
  • Remove downvotes. Unironically, its a good idea. Requires people to actually engage with something if they disagree rather than just downvote and move on. Gets people talking & raises user engagement. Will be an uptick in shitflinging for a short while till all the assholes out themselves, get banned, and site culture improves from that alone.

  • Was nobody gonna tell me that Elton John actually slaps
  • Good musician, but he never apologized for "Crocodile Rock" and i gotta deduct all points for that.

  • Locked
    The tragedy of himbo death
  • nerd

    Cucumbers are from the cucurbeanis family, as opposed to true beanii from the ligmagume family.

  • Grimes: "What they don't tell you is that capitalism itself is the most obvious vehicle for intelligence and evolution" and it only gets more genius from there
  • Following this down the road, cause this sorta rambling is my bag.

    Capital goes full Matrix and grows us in birthtanks with our brains plugged into n-dimensional adspace, and this is cheaper than people fucking somehow. The Matrix crashes itself in a market bubble after every uploaded tech-broverlord begins chasing faster turn around and cheaper production by skipping on QA. The last generation of humans is born with only the ability to imagine a single NFT.

  • Why don't you guys like me?
  • You gotta pistol-duel Kamala at the debate.

  • How do I safely deter and/or tag a snake?

    cross-posted from:

    > I recently inherited a chicken coop & small flock from a friend that had to give them up. They've got a big-ass yard to forage in with lots of grass, tree cover, and all the pumpkin plants they can destroy because i wasnt planning on having chickens when i planted them. Still learning birdcare, but half of them have learned to love headpets and are as fat & happy as I can keep them. > > However they've also attracted rat snakes & racer snakes to the coop. None of the snakes in my area are big enough to eat a full grown chicken, but it's stressing the chickens out and they keep trying to eat the eggs. > > I dont wanna hurt any of the snakes, they're adorable and dopey, but im grabbing a 4 foot frightened snake out of the coop everynight. I keep sealing up new gaps and they keep showing me new ones. Its getting kinda old & I'm starting to wonder if its a different snake every night or just a few really persistent lil guys. > > Is there a way to get them to fuck off? And how do biologists tag snakes? Is there like, a little thing i can clip into a scale or is it safe to hit them with a dab of paint or something? Cause if its just the same 2 dumbasses i keep greeting everynight i can just drive them to a nearby lake what i imagine snake heaven would be.

    How do I safely deter and/or tag a snake?

    I recently inherited a chicken coop & small flock from a friend that had to give them up. They've got a big-ass yard to forage in with lots of grass, tree cover, and all the pumpkin plants they can destroy because i wasnt planning on having chickens when i planted them. Still learning birdcare, but half of them have learned to love headpets and are as fat & happy as I can keep them.

    However they've also attracted rat snakes & racer snakes to the coop. None of the snakes in my area are big enough to eat a full grown chicken, but it's stressing the chickens out and they keep trying to eat the eggs.

    I dont wanna hurt any of the snakes, they're adorable and dopey, but im grabbing a 4 foot frightened snake out of the coop everynight. I keep sealing up new gaps and they keep showing me new ones. Its getting kinda old & I'm starting to wonder if its a different snake every night or just a few really persistent lil guys.

    Is there a way to get them to fuck off? And how do biologists tag snakes? Is there like, a little thing i can clip into a scale or is it safe to hit them with a dab of paint or something? Cause if its just the same 2 dumbasses i keep greeting everynight i can just drive them to a nearby lake what i imagine snake heaven would be.


    IT'S :vote: TIME. The Queue grows short.

    Voting open for the 4th, 11th, 18th, & 25th. Taking top voted nominates (depending on piracy success) for two movies each Friday. Maybe a third if it fits the theme or is really good/bad.

    Pre-hosted nominations get extra weight becuase its less work. Dubs preferred over subs because Cytube is indignent about playing subtitle files without heavy cajoling. If it’s currently in theaters or on a streaming service its usually an pain in the ass to find a good torrent in time, but ill look for it anyways because fuck copyright.

    Shout out to the Cytube crew, Posters of all shittiness, and to viewers like YOU. ________________________________________________

    Server Borked. Firing up the old Cytube until posting improves.

    Druids Rock

    Shooing off a bear like it's a raccoon. In awe of the geezer.
