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Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I keep thinking it's theater for the willfully ignorant Jewish diaspora population back in the US and Europe. People in denial often seek affirmation of the counter reality.

    My confusion is that the situation is not obscure anymore that it is impossible to deny unless that unraveling Israel also unravels their personal identity.

    I want to believe that this irrationality is the conclusion and final erosion of a society like Israel that can not achieve its settler colonial ambitions and is now forced to face their ugly crimes instead of letting time whitewash and sanitize it the way the US and Canada have theirs.

    I guess I want to believe that to be the case because the alternative is further escalation.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Anyone notice twitter Israeli propagandists post pictures of a market with lots of food and call it present day Gaza?

    Does anyone believe that.

  • Just what the fuck, adl
  • This is the guy who announced the intent and commission of a war crime of blockading a civilian population of food, water, and fuel.

  • Can you find love after 30?
  • Hexbear inside reference/joke.

    When the commenters here say its "easier" in one's 30s to date, it means that people who are single in their 30s often cut through the romantic anxiety and adolescent ritual of consulting entrails or trying to interpret signs and just express intent of interest directly or their feelings directly.

    The new dynamic of people at or older than 30 is that these people have established identities and understandings of themselves - which we call maturity - which strengthens the prospects of relationships instead of a joint venture of people in the process of self-actualization. (People in their 30s are further along this process.). Relationships thrive and function by the accumulation of minor gestures, and it comes down being considerate and consistent.

    If you're a Millennial, think of Friends' Ross & Rachel in Season 4 vs Ross & Rachel in Season 10. (Without all the forced dysfunction deemed necessary for the humor of a sitcom.)

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Most people are. I think Piers has reached his tipping point and realized that he can renegotiate his position back into media and society if he was ostracized for coming out with these tepid criticisms at this point.

    Too little, too late. But at least we saw a glimpse that there is human beneath his skin..

  • Can you find love after 30?
  • Depends on the power dynamics.

  • How to counter the "Hamas hides behind civilian shields" argument?
  • Human shields is not just a way to retroactively justifiy civilian deaths within a military target. It is also used as a way for the premeditated murder of civilians while using military target as an excuse.

    So when Israel kills hundreds within a civilian refugee camp to kill one military target/hostile, that is using the military target as an excuse for destroying and terrorizing the population. e.g: (Wolf Blitzer/IDF spokesman bombing a refugee camp)

  • Fuck Seinfeld: The Encore. (Excerpt from his book read)
  • A podcast, Coexist Inc, did an episode about Seinfeld with the Remember Shuffle boys.

    Worth a listen:

  • I'm bored, I'm gonna say some random thing is reactionary to get y'all to have a struggle session over it.
  • I think we should discuss that the power dynamics of what makes the toaster possible to build, operate, and distribute itself.

    One could argue that the toaster, in its very function, represents a resistance to progress and a reversion to more primitive means of food preparation. For is not the act of slowly browning bread over an open flame a vestige of a bygone era, before the advent of advanced cooking technologies?

    Furthermore, the toaster's reliance on simplistic, mechanical controls could be seen as a rejection of the sophisticated, digital interfaces that have come to define modern appliances. This adherence to a more rudimentary design aesthetic may be interpreted as a reactionary stance against the relentless march of technological innovation.

    Additionally, the toaster's ubiquity in households across the societal spectrum could be viewed as a symbol of cultural stagnation - a stubborn refusal to embrace novel culinary methods or innovative food preparation appliances. In this light, the toaster becomes a bastion of the status quo, resisting the transformative forces of culinary progress.

    Yet, one might also contend that the toaster, in its humble efficiency and widespread acceptance, represents a pragmatic compromise between tradition and modernity. For is it not the role of the toaster to strike a balance, to provide a reliable and accessible means of transforming the humble slice of bread into a delectable, golden-hued delight?

    In the end, Toasters are reactionary only in the reactionary's hands.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • A lot of Zionists and the state of Israel just emphasize that it is not their responsibility to feed and sustain Gaza because on the off chance the aid falls into Hamas. Of course, when Israel "administers aid", they end up in Flour massacres.

    It's that Sartre quote about anti-Semitism. Zionists know they are lying about Gaza. The point is to obfuscate, misdirect, and downplay atrocities through propaganda of the deed and of the presenter.

    The presenter is lying, obviously. But the point is also to present themselves as brainwashed at best, then victims, then reluctant killers.

    But the truth is otherwise. It was even blatantly announced in the weeks following October 7th from all over the government, the society, and Israeli media.

    What would you actually call this?

    I discussed this with a friend, this same question and premise that lies before your question. They responded:

    Cognitive dissonance. Zionism is the self-appointed papacy of the Jewish people, and people don't expect the Jewish people - even if it is just Zionists wearing masks of one - to commit these incredible acts of evil.

    I think the waning credibility that now falls Israel and Zionism as avatars of Judaism is in part consequence of people successfully understanding and separating the two since genocide and mass murder, especially being livestreamed in 2023/24, is completely anathema to Judaism and the Jewish people.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • R politics was better than those bloodlust brutes in world news when Biden denied genocide accusations.

    That forum is uniquely bloodthirsty.

  • ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah offensive
  • Israel responded to this by immediately bombing Rafah.

  • Hit one year since graduation. Still unemployed. Still super fuckin bummed about it, still super worried about the future.
  • I apologize for the baby boomer/rugged individualism but I have kind of a narrow suggestion/advice:

    You should look for jobs that don't require interviews and just give you enough to sustain yourself and pay off your loans in the meantime. Obviously don't let your stop-gap be your main career, but in this instance doing nothing is worse than doing something menial.

    You can apply to companies like Amazon - I don't think some of the positions even interview - and move within the company after a period of time, even if you start out as a dock/warehouse worker.

    (I think Amazon has an internal job/education/vocation programs, placements, and offers too. Amazon itself has high turnover so your commitment issues wouldn't be an issue either.)

    Your anxiety goes away in the same way people develop social skills: through interaction and action. It requires painful persistence. You aren't the first person to be in this situation and won't be the last, and while your college didn't help you with job placement perhaps other sectors and companies can. Perhaps there are internships you can apply for; internships are less about jobs training and more about credential-building and professional connections. Look into local government, non-profits, and campaigns as well.

    You ultimately have to keep forcing yourself. Get some beta-blocker medication for anxiety if you have to.

  • Nazis' anonymous
  • I think it's to protect people like Anat Schwartz who liked a genocidal post. Don't remember if it was on Twitter though.

  • TrueAnon having a normal one about pets...
  • I was joking, but as with most things it depends on the context. Blind loyalty is bad, yes, but so is an informed loyalty to a dishonorable cause or person(s).

  • Genocide joe does what he does best, helping his genocidal pal
  • So you seem to be in the age when elder millennials start losing cognitive curiosity and comprehension in favor of dogma and selective narrative seeking in favor of empiricism.

    How do you dismiss accusations of genocide except for ignoring the evidence and associating accusers with caricatures of 2013 meme culture SJWs?

  • TrueAnon having a normal one about pets...
  • Dogs are reactionary though. Loyalty is not a virtue.

  • The Algebra of Genocide - Chris Hedges The Algebra of Genocide

    A talk at the benefit Iftar on April 6th to establish the Palestine Center for Public Policy.

    The Algebra of Genocide
    Yes, It is genocide. Yes, it is genocide

    In most cases of genocide, from Bosnia to Namibia, from Rwanda to Armenia, the perpetrators of the murder said they were acting in…

    Israel’s Trojan Horse - Chris Hedges Report Israel’s Trojan Horse - Read by Eunice Wong

    The “temporary pier” being built on the Mediterranean coast of Gaza is not there to alleviate the famine, but to herd Palestinians onto ships and into permanent exile.

    Israel’s Trojan Horse - Read by Eunice Wong
    Ralph Nader: Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza - Ralph Nader

    By Ralph Nader March 5, 2024 Since the Hamas raid penetrated the multi-tiered Israeli border security on October 7, 2023 (an unexplained collapse of Israel’s defensive capabilities), 2.3 million utterly defenseless Palestinians in the tiny crowded Gaza enclave have been on the receiving end of over ...

    Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza - Ralph Nader

    saw this on the Trueanon subreddit. Nader claims at least 200k have been killed by Israel so far.


    (Title is a reference to the Manga, Barefoot Gen, where an Imperial Japanese soldier insists two children stomp on Churchill/Truman's effigy painted on the street sidewalk as way to help defeat the Allies )

    I don't feel comfortable having an Israeli flag on Hexbear with the star of David on its image burning.

    On my part, though it does happen, this is not my conflation of Zionism with Judaism. I trust we believe that Zionism is using Judaism, the Star of David, and the history of the Jewish people to deface and tarnish the Torah and Jewish culture for its own settler colonial ideology and national chauvinism.

    Zionism is using Judaism, Jewish culture, and identity as a weapon to fuel its own existence and legitimacy, and as shield to insulate itself from criticism and consequences.

    And because of that people do link them together, whether we like it or not.

    Creating an emoji with a burning Star of David is something that Hexbear has not done, but I don't appreciate the occassional poster here Just Asking Questions in debatebro fashion on why we can not have a burning star of david.

    I certainly don't like having images of them spammed to me in my inbox with the message "just admit i'm right". Whether people do it on other forums and in crowds on the street is neither here nor there; there's a difference between ventilating frustration and cultivating an ecosystem of hate that is very fragile to navigate through in an issue so sensitive and urgent.

    tl;dr - you don't need a burning Israel flag with the Star of David to express contempt, horror, disgust, shame, anger, and the solidarity of opposition.

    Also don't harass people with your "argument".

    You used to have good insights and effortposts

    Hi there,

    I'm sure you've seen me around, as I've been here for quite while. I enjoyed and saw how this site grew, etc, but what I enjoyed was the genuine topics and conversation of discussions about this site. Perhaps it is the reintegration of life and routine, away from Covid, but I've noticed a decline in quality that makes me reminiscent and nostalgic for the past and even for members like LiberalSocialist.

    You used to have something to say, regularly.

    Chapochat/Hexbear wasn't just recycled memes and images from r/thedeprogram or r/trueanon.

    There are still interesting things and conversations that are posted but they've been drowned out by pages of mediocre images that substitute picture and image for discussion and introspection; as another poster once typed, paraphrasing, we're all just trying to create site taglines and phrases and substituting quips for insight and catharsis.

    Fair enough that catharsis, solidarity, and revelation can only be achieved through living your life and not through quiet meditation and discussion on reddit or psuedo-reddits. But there was at least more frequency of effort posts, venting, and exegesis of history, current and social events, and understanding of the world or at least an effort to do so.

    To my observation, such that I lurk here, Such effort is only spared on video games. On media. On the dunk_tank. On getting upset about wrong opinion.

    Despite the federation, this site seems to have only become isolated and divorced of what made it unique: effortposting.

    Maybe it's not just Hexbear. Maybe that is why UlyssesT left; the catharsis is exhausted and online space is dominated by a a tendency for performative and justified outrage and yearning for solidarity and emotional validation. But rather than copium, as anyone afflicted with a disease would prefer, some small part of me wanted prognoses rather than diagnoses.

    I don't know. I reflect on things like /moretankiechapo or /genzedong and see how things have declined in qualityposts. Perhaps it is for the better, as UlyssesT had discovered, to have the impetus to go outside and not only live life but to evangalize socialism and recapture purpose and community.

    I'll see you tomorrow.

    Did Bernie Sanders ruin the possibility for mass movements to manifest in the near future?

    Or was it Biden's victory and liberal's exhaustion with politics in a Trump-era world?

    I can't help but wonder if the presence of a Democrat in the presidency just sort of pacifies liberal, left, and radical mass movements and mobilization.

    Can we be faster with banning of fascist apologetic reactionaries?

    I'm primarily referencing the people in the Kyle Rittenhouse post from a day ago, but as a general reference for the remainder of threads and forums where we have apologists for fascists and reactionary politics, policies, figures, and dog whistles.

    In the context of this forum, or the internet in general, they are trolls. Their inciteful and hateful remarks are not made in good faith, and are meant to inspire frustration and attention.

    Ideally, spamming pigpoopballs should be the response to bad faith trolls but sunlight is not the best antidote to their poison - removal of their poisonous dialogue is the best antidote.

    Just saw All Quiet on the Western Front on Netflix

    I read the book as a teenager but seeing it in live-action was brutal. You forget that soldiers used gas and fucking flamethrowers on people, and they did it so their ruling class can get even wealthier.

    Remembering that the causes of that war were about European empires trying to carve up Germany because capital had reached its zenith under the pre-war status quo unless it acquired new markets and territories to expand into was just eye-opening.

    :eu-cool: :germany-cool: :france-cool:


    Zodiark Zodiark [he/him]
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