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Watching G*mers slowly realise Skyrim is dogshit has been an experience
  • I think a lot of the shivering isles aesthetic holds up better. Lots of vibrant colors and weird shapes that made it a lot more interesting looking than Skyrim, which is just as outdated looking but also boring

  • Think I'm gonna be switching to Yandex from now on
  • I switched off Duck Duck Go when the Ukraine war started and they proudly began censoring Russian websites. (Tweet, lib news). If they're gonna do that what's the point in using them over Google or Bing? Plus they were advertising on the local radio in my tiny shithole town, which seemed like a red flag for a "less corporate" search engine.

    Yandex has been good, mostly glad that it seems better at including the more niche keywords I search instead of ignoring them like Google does

  • Bad news people
  • Zuckerberg and Musk both feature themselves heavily in their company's marketing, unlike Google's founders. It's hard to see any news about the companies without seeing those two.

    Also Americans hate Gates and Bezos? I hear people shittalk them far more often than Zuckerberg in real life. Especially Gates, since he's the center of a lot of conspiracy theories too

  • Excuse me, Apple, why is the calculator wrong?
  • We were taught PEMDAS as parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication OR division, addition OR subtraction. I don't know if it was changed at some point but I don't know anyone who was taught that multiplication comes before divison

  • Yes
  • Rust is very complex, in part due to the obsession with zero cost abstraction that leads to caring about lots of edge cases like NonZero types. But at least when I've worked with it, a lot of that you can just ignore and write straight forward code, and it'll still likely be very performant. Although the Rust sort of philosophy vibes with me better, so not all might find that so forgiving.

    I did quit using Rust due to its compile times though. Even using dependencies that would advertise fast building like Bevy quickly started taking more than a minute to build (not from scratch, just making one line changes). And during that minute I'd get bored and do something else, and my productivity plummeted.

  • Started modding Beat Saber but 85% of the custom maps are expert+ only which sucks if you are slow and bad at games
  • I don't know if it was from a mod, but when I played with a friend there was a modifier to disable failing out of songs, so we'd enable it on those songs and just swing along wildly as best we could, and still finish them. Also helped us get a lot better at the game. Maybe that would work?

  • Is it just me or do right-wingers have no sense of humor?
  • What? Norm was always an "apolitical centris" at his best, and was usually far more conservative, who would frequently punch down, like when he


    Mocked the rape of a transman and the murder of him and his friends.

    That's the context for his "I think everyone involved in this story should die" quote.

    He stayed conservative, defended trump and attacked #MeTwo towards the end of his life. Other than like one 9-11 joke, I don't see any reason why leftists would want to claim or defend him?

  • Israel Makes the Hormones I Need, But I Support Palestinian Liberation
  • That sucks. Where I live this is pretty much the only way since we ran out of injectable estrogen for a long time, and the pharmacies here won't tell us if they can re-order it so I don't know if the drought is over.

    Edit: this prompted me to call around and see if one would answer. Walgreens is claiming they can, but they did that last shortage too.

  • The great debate: Spells Slots vs. Magic Points
  • I didn't want to pick a fight with 5e people, but we found it unsalvagable and moved on. Anything kind of campaign we could run in it would work better in some other system we know.

    No one I know has played Pathfinder 2e since the playtest, but the low success rates and weakened spells made it feel like a very slow slapstick comedy. I heard some of that was from math issues that were later fixed.

    We are considering trying it again, but I keep on getting caught up on the loss of things I loved in 1e, like constant flight or not having to take actions for your minions.

  • The great debate: Spells Slots vs. Magic Points
  • I think spell slots are really neat when you take advantage of them like 3.5/Pathfinder did. Each slot was prepared separately, could be left unprepared and then prepared out of combat to adapt to the day, and had lots of metamagic options to make use of different level slots.

    But by the time of 5e, slots don't seem to have any purpose beyond lowering caster flexibility. When we were playing we ruled spontaneous casters could use spell points instead of slots to give them an edge up on the prepared ones.

    3.0/3.5/Pathfinder also used Power Points for its psionics instead of slots, and that worked very well. Shame 5e doesn't have psionics.

  • My house and town just burned town

    It all burned down. Neighbors are sending pictures of destroyed homes and schools. I only have my phone, laptop, and toothbrush. I don't know what to do. Doubt the fire will be better next year, but no clue where to head to. I'm going to get high

    Update: we have family a few towns over that are letting us stay, so we're fortunate there

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Zezzy [she/her]
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