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Why is my tmux borked?
  • Feels like a font issue. Do you have e.g. nerdfont installed and in use in your terminal? You could check the config for plugins that makes that style, and check which fonts are in use. Could also be powerline fonts that are needed:

  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen someone driving do?
  • Drove past a guy on the highway, driving 100kph, wondered why he first drove so slow, then sped up, then slowed again... He was reading a book while driving 🤦‍♂️ One other guy, driving 80kph hardly could keep the truck on his own lane, so I drove past him. He was filling in some paper forms, while he had a cup of, assumably, coffee in the other hand, and tried to keep the truck going straight with that. Jeez these people...

  • Lähes kaikista suomalaisista on kerätty arkaluontoisia tietoja aineistoon, jota markkinoidaan tutkijoille ulkomailla
  • Lähinnä tuli mieleen, että ne varmaan kieltää, kun kirjotin jotenkin liian "maallikkona" ton tekstin, kun myöhemmin lueskelin mitä porukka oli kirjotellut tähän ketjuun, viitaten kaikkiin pykäliin jne. Mitäs itse kirjoitit, josta tuli hylsy?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • For me, Andreas Kling and his work on the SerenityOS and Ladybird browser is enjoyable to watch. I recommend watching the JIT-series, Jakt-series (his and JT's programming language they created). Actually all the series on the channel are great 😄 Also JT's videos on Nushell and his series on the NES-emulator written with Jakt are good.

  • Mainosten estäminen Youtubessa
  • Itse käytän fronttia:

    Tässä on sellainen kiva ominaisuus, että kaikki mainossegmentit näkyvät eri väreillä aikajanalla, ja ne skipataan automaattisesti. Myös videon sisällä olevat sponsorimainokset.

    Tämäkin toisaalta näyttää siltä että vähän väliä videoiden katselu ei onnistu (ei lataa) koska Google yrittää pakottaa kaikki käyttämään youtubea...

  • ELI5: Google DRM bad
  • At this point in time, since it's under heavy development, I wouldn't use it as a daily driver. I hope some day it will have enough features to compete with all the other browsers. I just wanted to bring Ladybird up so it gets some visibility in the world.

    It's an open source browser, continuously being worked on, started from scratch, so it'll be a while before there are enough support for all the websites in the world. Even the JavaScript engine is built from scratch, which makes this project really exciting IMHO.

  • ELI5: Google DRM bad
  • As I mentioned it's still in it's early days. They're working on the standards and support for all CSS properties and JS at the same time. The pages don't work yet, but things are moving forward every day. Don't know if someone will work on an Android version, it's open source after all. Currently it's working on SerenityOS and Linux.

    I just wanted to voice out that there are alternatives in the works, that has nothing to do with Google or the other big tech companies.

  • ELI5: Google DRM bad
  • I want to add Ladybird as one option for a new browser. It's still in its early days, but is under active development. I hope that one day it'll be in such a shape that it could be used as a daily driver. It's Open Source and built from scratch. It's awesome to follow the development of such a big project!

  • Tuska-perjantain kuvia Nahkaa, hellettä ja naisenergiaa – kuvakooste näyttää upeimmat tyylit ja tunnelmat loppuunmyydyltä Tuska-festivaalilta

    Tuska-festivaalia vietettiin perjantaina hellesäässä 21 000 metallifanin voimin. Viikonlopun aikana loppuunmyydyllä festivaalilla vierailee noin 60 000 ihmistä. Kuvagallerian kuvat ovat perjantailta.

    Nahkaa, hellettä ja naisenergiaa – kuvakooste näyttää upeimmat tyylit ja tunnelmat loppuunmyydyltä Tuska-festivaalilta

    It's that time of the year again! Anyone attending Tuska this upcoming weekend? Have you got 3-day tickets, 2 or just one? What's the lineup for you? Any new bands you're going to check out? Been an active Tuska-goer since 2007, and still going strong.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 15