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US's Blinken says no to any Ukraine peace deal that doesn't include total Russian withdrawal
  • What's wrong with helping a country defend itself from invasion by imperial warmongers?

    And to be clear, yes, I am calling Russia imperial warmongers. They have been actively invading neighboring countries for decades to expand themselves. And what is an empire if not a nation built on the conquest of other countries?

  • US's Blinken says no to any Ukraine peace deal that doesn't include total Russian withdrawal
  • Supporting Ukraine is the only U.S. military action since WW2 that I can truly support. Even our action in response to 9/11 was fucked up.

  • Zagaroth Zagaroth

    Electronics Technician, geek, happily married, and an aspiring author. Come check out my serial, "No Need For A Core?"

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