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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (张殿
🇨🇦🇩🇪🇨🇳张殿李🇨🇳🇩🇪🇨🇦 @ ZDL
1 yr. ago

  • That's just raw numbers.

    If one in 100,000 people are total shitheels, in an environment with a million users (and I don't think FidoNet was anywhere NEAR that size ever!) you've got ten total shitheels.

    Today there's 5.5 billion people on the Internet. That would be over half a million total shitheels that can interact with you.

  • Weird thing is nor do I. Sadly I have people who keep sending things to me asking if this is real or not. (I guess I'm the only person in my social circle with about a third of the Confucian canon on my bookshelf.)

  • Another thing to watch for is a quote that seems just a bit too "on the nose" for some modern concern of the poster. Like one I vaguely recall from a few months back that equated banks with tyranny and attributed it to Confucius. Confucius lived in the 5th to 6th century BCE. The first modern bank that could have done what the fake quote said started in the 18th century CE. But people were sending this around breathlessly claiming that even the ancient Chinese knew that banks were evil.


  • Where the F/OSS stuff is "good enough" I use it. Where it isn't good enough, I don't.

    This is pretty much how I deal with everything. Ideology in tools is a weird thing to me. Computers are a tool I use to perform the tasks I want to perform. I use what works.

    Thus it is that I use Windows 10 (non-F/OSS), LibreOffice at home (F/OSS), a mix of LibreOffice and WPS Office (non-F/OSS) at work, Zen (F/OSS) as my browser except for those extremely rare circumstances where a web site doesn't work in Zen, Taobao (non-F/OSS) and AliPay (non-F/OSS) for shopping, etc. etc. etc. These are all "good enough" for my needs while keeping my costs down.

    Now the recent US trade idiocy is changing some of that calculus and from this point onward I won't buy commercial software from an American company any longer; I'd rather do without than buy American, so perhaps some ideology gets involved, but that's a very recent "innovation" for me.

  • I don't know what those Turkish things are, but perhaps Chinese 辣条 (lit. "spicy strip") could take their place if you'd prefer something more chewy in texture. They come in a bewildering variety of flavours, textures, and spice levels that range from "huh, that's got a bit of a bite" to "OMFGICAN'TFEELMYMOUTHTHROUGHTHEFLAMES!".

    This one is on the lower end of medium spice and is intended to be "beef" flavoured. It's OK. Not spicy enough for my needs, though.

  • When i was eight years old, I had chili at a fast food place. It came with a little satchel of "hot" sauce and I put it in, over the advice of my father.

    It was so hot I burst into tears.

    Now I routinely eat stuff like this (from the red side only!) and barely break a sweat, and that tear-inducing chili wouldn't even register as trying to be spicy:

    Tolerance building is an actual thing.

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