It would be more suitable for Mr. "I AM High Tech Personified" to be taken out in a decidedly low tech way.
Maybe we can combine high and low tech: a drone that drops lazy dogs on him. Those things are REALLY nasty and very hard to defend against.
I was at work on Christmas (it's Boxing Day right now for me). Christmas isn't a thing here (no matter how hard the merchants try to make it one) so I'm mercifully unimpacted by the high stress winter season.
(High stress here comes in early spring.)
That's what I was about to say, but quickly checked if someone else had already said it first.
...there is a light at the end of the
Fixed that for you.
(As a joke, not seriously.)
Albeit in many countries, Twitter never really had the same impact as in the US. Where I live, Telegram is the source for notifications, updates and news.
Twitter has always been an also-ran in social media circles.
Twitter purports to be a world-scope social media site. These are the numbers for October of 2023 (the most recent I have info for):
Twitter is behind three local-scope social media sites (WeChat, Douyin, and Kuaishou) and running neck-in-neck with a fourth (that is locally largely considered a failure).
Note that: a "global" site is not just behind, but FAR behind in one case, several locally-scoped sites. And it barely registers against other world-scoped sites.
And this is in late 2023 before Apartheid Manchild opened the doors to reveal his batshit insanity and stupidity even more.
Just like the Spinning Jenny back then, AI is as bad as it’s ever going to be today. It’s only going to get better and jobs will be made redundant, I’ll put my money on that. It’s a real fear that many people have, whether they’ll admit it or not.
It's also as good as its ever going to be today (or the near future).
Degenerative AI has already dropped off in usage to the point that major stakeholders in it are terrified. It's going to go into the same winter that every previous "no really this time we've got it right" AI crazes went.
Republicans removed funding for child cancer research from a new version of a bill to fund the government after Elon Musk torpedoed the previous deal.
Hey, Luigi! I have your next target.
I'm assessing whether your "guess" is wild SF-inspired imagination or grounded in anything, you know, actually factual.
You've answered.
Sportsmanlike behaviour in the modern age?
That IS weird! 🤣
This is "Single-Bamboo Drifting" (独竹漂), a traditional sport of the Miao peoples in Guizhou.
You stand on a broad bamboo trunk and steer/propel with a thin bamboo stick. Often combining it with complicated dance. It requires a lot more balance than I could ever have managed at any point in my life.
Judging by later messages, this is a True Believer. Which when translated to English is "idiot".
You seem both nice and very bright.
there are a bunch of orb-like UFOs exploring our sensitive areas
I think you will find that traditionally they do anal probes for this.
Seems like military drone tests in my opinion.
Have any actual expertise to back that opinion up?
(Hint: probably not.)
What was supposed to be a simple task (modifying some code from an MCU to another MCU in the same family) is turning into a nightmare as it turns out that the "same family" can be radically different with this vendor's products.
So ... "fun". In both the ironic and not-ironic sense.
Yes. That's exactly what I said.
I guess this is what happens when people grow up with video games instead of people.
I honestly can't stand eating packaged dried so-called "ramen" made the way the instructions say. I can only bear eating them ... like crackers. So I'm with you on that.
My own weird thing?
I like eating plain steamed buns ("mantou") by using a dip made of peanut oil, a few drops of sesame oil, and some decent rice vinegar.
That's one HELL of a can of worms to be opening. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush isn't about birds, nor hands, for example.
Perhaps people should just learn?
What he said.
They are, after all, what they are.
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Four people died after a Tesla crashed and burst into flames, while a fifth person narrowly escaped after a bystander broke open a window.
Vance said it was "insane that we would support a military alliance if that military alliance isn't going to be pro-free speech."
It's time for the EU to grow up and give the USA its walking papers. I mean it's not as if the USA has been even remotely helpful as NATO countries face their greatest threat since the Soviet Union.
Throughout all of its history the USA has been an unreliable ally. Whoever banks on US support loses in the long term as the fickle US electorate changes flips its lid every 4-8 years and drastically rewrites the script as to who is a friend and who is an enemy.
And the script for the next four years says autocrats and other such assholes are the friends, and they're willing to throw the previous friends' bodies under the bus to prop up a failing business enterprise run by a crony.
For me it was "Hollyhock God" from Nobilis.
Why do game designers do this? Does anybody, anywhere, actually use these weird terms while actually playing?