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  • What are your favorite Discord channels?
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  • What real life person had a "redemption arc"?

    Robert Downey Jr is the obvious case of a person who had a redemption arc, to simplify it he was a promising actor that got addicted to drugs, fell off, went to rehab and then became a huge hollywood big stsr known, even known for being Iron Man.

    What real life person had a redemption arc?

    What Fast Food do you love?

    I love KFC, when me and my family are poor(and still are) i would go and eat KFC like almost every single week and it was cheap here + Delicious aswell. I loved KFC Fries the Most, it was so delicious. If i had enough money, i would buy enough of KFC and be a fat man in the week LMAO

    So what fast food do you love?

    What are some events in recorded history that are extremely hard to believe, but without a doubt actually happened?

    I've watched the Oversimplified Video and there was a bit about Wilmer McClean.

    And the best part is, it was actually true!

    Here let me copy and paste something from the internet

    "The Battle of Bull Run, one of the first battles of the US Civil War, occurred on and around Wilmer McClean's farm in Northern Virginia. Not wanting to live surrounded by war, McClean and his family moved to Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. The Battle of Appomattox Courthouse was the last significant battle between Union and Confederate forces. The Confederates signed the surrender order in Wilmer's sitting room. It is said that the Civil War started on Wilmer's farm and ended in his sitting room."

    What is the most Successful Lie in History?

    Whenever my mom says "Tell the truth you won't be in trouble." I would almost always end up telling the truth and i end up getting in trouble and she would talk to my dad and all kinds of things, what's the most successful Lie in History?

  • Worked

  • YolkBrushWork402 YolkBrushWork402

    A 16 year old boy trying to have some fun

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