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What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • Check out GL.iNet, good hardware and ships with OpenWRT but with their own WebUI. I set up my dad's place with their router and an access point and I don't remember the specifics, but it was really easy to access LuCI and do the advanced stuff.

  • UK parliament response to the petition initiated by Ross Scott from
  • That, and also "there's already regulations, kids, we ain't changing shit"

    The takeaway for me is that game companies are just gonna put something in their TOS that explicitly says the game will only remain playable until they decide to give up on it.

    So they've really ignored the point of the petition huh

  • InkBox: An open source ereader OS
  • This sounds really freaking cool! I was looking for something more in-depth than just koreader launched via nickelmenu. The world of e-ink just doesn't seem well supported in the custom firmware space. Gonna give this a try on my Glo!

  • You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI
  • I tried installing Linux on the new work laptop yesterday.

    The keyboard wasn't recognised. The fucking keyboard.

    Apparently it's fixed in kernel 6.6 but nothing has that yet coz they're all using the earlier LTS

  • AMD’s new CPU hits 132fps in Fortnite without a graphics card
  • I mostly transcode overnight using tdarr to a format that's compatible with most of my devices, but for on-the-fly it's nice to have a performant hardware option. I was really hoping to get away from Intel for the next build though

  • AMD’s new CPU hits 132fps in Fortnite without a graphics card
  • The page on AMD's website says 65W TDP so much the same as any other desktop CPU. Might be a bit much for HTPC depending on cooling? I dunno

    I'm interested in this for my TrueNAS server to offload Plex transcoding. I'm about due for an upgrade, the current hardware is about 10 years old.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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