Looks like you might be staying in the same apartment I did when I first visited Seattle. Great view, isn't it?
I love them. The inside of my mouth, not so much.
I let the intrusive thoughts win and hung my ceiling nightlight thing from the inside shower curtain and shower with the lights off. I find it more calming--not that I found found showers not relaxing before but feels like I'm shutting out the outside world more and that I find more relaxing.
I also have some of those bone conducting headphones that are waterproof so I listen to podcasts while I shower as well.
What are you currently hooked on? Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Historical?
Came back to wargaming after a looooong break and got back in with OnePageRules' Warfleets beta. Been playing a lot of that with the couple people I've roped into playing with me. Currently drowning in STLs from patreon subs that need printing/painting for when I get around to trying Grimdark Future but I haven't found any other players nearby so far, just lots of Malifaux and 40k players.
I played a three-way match of Warfleets once with about ~25 ships on the field plus all their accompanying squadrons--which is a respectable game with each fleet being a little on the larger size. With only 4 rounds in a game normally, you'd expect things to be pretty cut-and-dry as to who will win after the first couple rounds but in this meat-grinder of a game it all came down to one singular morale roll at the end of round 4. Every other ship had been wiped from the board and the only deciding factor on whether it was a three-way draw or a win for one of the players was a 4+ on a 6-sided die on the last remaining ship carrying a scoring objective.
He made it!
Been playing a lot of the beta rules lately trying out all the different factions available and having a good time. Rules are simple but surprisingly still lead to a complex game; feels a bit like chess in space as movement/positioning is arguably more important than just rolling well and poor deployment/manoeuvring can really bone you. There are additional optional rules that allow you to play with mechanics cribbed from Battlefleet Gothic, Dropfleet, and Star Wars Armada.