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Circle of life
  • I’m convinced that the intentions you have don’t mater that much. It’s how well you’ve managed to solve your own problems that determines how fucked up your kid is going to be.

  • Linux way way slower than Windows?
  • This is not going to be a popular opinion around these parts, but I’d suggest using Ubuntu, at least at first. It’s the biggest distribution for beginners, is relied on by corporations that provide Linux options, and seems to “just work” most of the time.

  • LLMs are surprisingly great at compressing images and audio, DeepMind researchers find
  • It probably is more like the LLM is able to „pack the truck much more efficiently“ and decompression should be the same.

    But I agree that the likely use-case of uploading all your files to the cloud, having it compress your files, and downloading the result which is a few kb smaller isn’t really practical time efficient or even needed at all.

  • Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle
  • I’d personally seek out any good open source alternatives before trying anything else nowadays. I’m pretty happy with blender and krita now I’m starting to get back into animation and drawing. But I’m old, I don’t know if joung people would not simply choose the one that is free-ish and more popular and better supported

  • Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle
  • Good point. All unity users are basically (small) businesses, which does make a difference in how they might react. But I still think the entire platform going under because of this decision is more wishful thinking (wishing that corporate greed is punished) then an inevitability at this point in time

  • Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle
  • We’re here on lemmy and mastodon, but Reddit and twitter still have waaaay more users. Unities move has boosted the popularity of other (open source) alternatives, sure, and if I was a game dev I would transition, but most of the devs and studios are going to need a lot more incentive to abandon the tool they spend decades getting to know

  • @fediblock account of mastodon is shuttering operations due to their instance being silenced by
  • Read the threads and it looks like the @fediblock made a post claiming was abusing reporting. But the evidence seems flimsy at best, and could be deliberately cherry-picked at worst. In response, muted the instance of @fediblock, and they where then like “this ain’t worth it” and withdrew. I must note though that is an instance that is a known safe space for black people and other minorities and face lots and lots of harassment on the reg. No one is perfect, but I tend to side with them on this one given the “receipts” provided, and the likelihood of there being more harassment towards them.

  • Elon Musk Stormed Into the Tesla Office Furious That Autopilot Tried to Kill Him
  • Well we perform pretty well with just two eyes, but the difference is that we are a highly skilled general pattern recognition machine that you just can’t recreate in software yet. A few lines diverging with a bigger and smaller circle under it? Guess that’s a truck going that way. Oh the lines are changing angles? Holy shit the truck is coming into this lane!!

  • Meta can rage farm Mastodon without controlling it
  • I don’t think Meta will find it a good use of their time to basically build automatic cross posting. People will do it manually with screenshooting and they need the social graph to measure if something is really rage inducing. And I don’t think mastodon users will care for threads posts if they’re not federated tbh

  • Mastodon's official stance on Threads
  • Can’t make money with the information that is public, they need the social connections to people that will see ads. They want to know our interests, and the interests of all the people we interact with. They don’t give a duck about IPs or emails, they can’t monetize those. So they will keep databases on all users and their connections and their interests all so they can show more appropriate ads. If they’re on the connected fediverse they’ll keep all that too, just in case. And any government can get this info if they ask for it.

    #2 there is evidence of them wanting to do that. I’ll look up the thread on mastodon later (I’m on mobile rn).

    #3 is a difficult one. I really don’t know why they even want this. I suspected it was to get active users on their initial timeline, but I guess that wasn’t that important to them after all. But there is a real chance of them stopping the growth of the fediverse or even minimizing the size and influence, simply to remove a competitor. Everything is better to them than having users calm down in a relaxing social media environment that is non toxic and could make them all obsolete and kill the whole social media industry’s MO

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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