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Anon is at a crossroads in life
  • That's alright. Just that therapy is, unfortunately, all too often an expense that falls far down the list. Housing, food, and other bills and only then MAYBE therapy if it's feasible. It helps, though the stress of paying it might extend your stay.

  • Anon is at a crossroads in life
  • I have Arachnophobia. Despite working on it in small ways throughout my life, I still get an extremely strong flight response when one is too close. I enjoy working with my hands and am decent at it. Sometimes I feel just a little cursed. A wee eight-legged dude that wants absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm the one having a freakout.

  • Amazon, Walmart, and Target finally realize their colossal pricing mistake—now they’re slashing costs to win back customers
  • Funnily enough I haven't really used a big retailer in ages. I might hit Walmart on very niche items, though only if I'm not aware of a local alternative. Same for Amazon: Go on there, look for stuff, check who makes a thing, go to that website or spend a minute and scroll through Etsy. Amazon: The worldwide product distributor info marketplace.

  • Crime
  • Man, fuck you. Go open a damn book. Calling you out on your bullshit, this isn't cool.

    I grew up Native. I know the stories. I've seen a people trying to hold onto a culture all but totally denied to them. You don't have a clue what you are talking about and should be ashamed of yourself for not taking the tiny ass effort to do a quick search before spouting nonsense. I'm all for freedom of speech but like damn man, reattach your spinal cord to your brain before you speak next time, cause clearly something came undone.

  • If I don't overshoot my planned sleeping time by 1 hour doomscrolling, I'm usually sick.
  • Yeah, coffee specifically does shit for me. Literally. Pretty sure I'd lose weight at a rapid pace if I kept drinking it. Energy drinks on the other hand are...okay? More mood stabilization than energy improvements.

    Unless you count sometimes getting more anxious as energy, in which case some days I may actually be able to vibrate through walls.

    Course I don't have just adhd. I also deal with separate depression and anxiety with adhd as a sort of foundation, while also not being the primary reason for either. So fuck if I know.

  • Where Trump's 3 other criminal cases stand after his conviction in New York
  • In most cases yes, you're right. In this case I honestly believe they're [mostly] dragging their feet out of caution. Trump isn't so rich in money as his followers are in potential. It's a similar reason why I don't think they've locked him up. If they did I heavily suspect he'd be made a martyr and regardless of that result his cult maga idiots will flock to where ever they think he is and cause all sorts of issues.

  • To be unhappy in a scam you have to first recognize that a scam is taking place. Before that, you're just unhappy and trying to find a reason or justification for it. The most likely people to be scammed? The less educated and the desperate.

  • You know the episode of Futurama where he finds his old multi-leaf lucky clover and we are taken down this heart-wrenching journey?

    I hope you forget which episode that is and accidentally watch it one day.

  • Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups
  • I'll say this: Grabbed a free month of Prime through Google Play. Went to cancel it before it charged me again and I had so much trouble figuring out how I decided that I couldn't be the only one and ended up Googling it.

    You couldn't quit in the Google Play Store. It wasn't even listed.

    It wasn't any form of subscription or listed as a membership on Amazon.

    You couldn't end it by following QR codes or links supplied to you on Amazon itself.

    It wasn't in your Amazon profile or Google profile.

    The ONLY WAY to cancel it was by scanning the QR code, following the link, clicking on a "Contact Support" button, clicking on another button under "Help Topics" that said, "How to end your Prime Membership", and finally you were taken to a page where you could actually end it. Obfuscated like a motherfucker.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • The wild part is it didn't hurt. I don't remember any pain at all. Just an intense knowledge that something was very wrong and I needed to get away as quickly as I could. But like no matter how hard I tried my body would not listen until that signal I mentioned hit my hand and I let go.

    I was also surrounded by people and not a single person noticed.

    But yeah, Iiii wouldn't repeat the experience.

  • What's something weird and mostly useless that you can do with your body?
  • Electricity. Hand curled around it to grab and got rooted. I still remember the sensation of my repeating mental command to "LET GO" feeling as if it was slowly travelling down my arm. Weird is a word that comes to mind.

  • It’s not just boomers, young people are voting far right too
  • I don't know how it is in Germany, though I am convinced our methods in the U.S to educate and school kids and teens actively hurt critical thinking skills. They're not taught to make decisions. They're taught to follow set rules, ask for permission, and be ashamed if they fail. They're not taught to learn, they're taught to work.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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