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Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested
  • I just checked back and that picture is gone from the article. It had a crowd of people with 4 or 5 if them holding up signs on what looked like printer paper with messages like "protect our students" but the signs and fonts looked unnaturally crisp, almost like a meme template

  • What are some good role models for men?
  • I found it to be saccharine garbage. I struggled through one season because I always heard good things and I truly hated it by the end. It's on the level of Paw Patrol for dramatic tension

  • ‘If you don’t have money to go to Europe by boat, you try to get there by starting a relationship with a tourist’: Sex tourism plagues Gambia
  • “We want tourists that come to enjoy the country and the culture, but not tourists who come for sex.” Hamat Bah, Gambia’s minister of culture and tourism, also stated in a television interview: “If you want a sex destination, you go to Thailand”; a statement for which he later had to apologize

    Wild comment

  • If you have some cold water evaporating, is it possible to make it evaporate sooner by adding hot water?
  • Oh no, not the mbappe Mpemba effect effect. I refuse to accept that as a real thing, there is just no way the warm water freezes faster. I've read dozens of articles about it, eventually finding some that confirmed for me it's probably just measuring error or subtle differences that aren't being noticed. But that left me thinking if I had to search so hard for the one article that confirms my gut instinct I shouldn't lean into it too hard

    Like you have two cups of identical water, eventually the warm water becomes the cold water. If I then use that previously warm water as my cold water and start the experiment over with another glass of warm water, what now? And don't tell me water has memory.

    My favorite explanation is imagine two cars on a track 100 meters long. The far end is the track is hard asphalt and cars can drive fast. The track gets rougher and muddier the closer you are to the finish line, so the first 50 meters are covered in seconds, the next 25 meters are slower, and the final 5 meters the cars are crawling. You start one car at the 100 meter line and one starts at 10 meters. If you're observing this race from the top of a 50 storey building above the track, you'd understandably think "wow, that car that started far away was so much faster! For sure it won" even though in the last few feet it was neck-and-neck.

  • Not only is "Seinfeld" vastly overrated, any claim that it pioneered the concept of "a show about nothing" is ridiculous and imbecilic.
  • I fully hear you and I liked talking about it. Your rant was the perfect spot for me to get out that same aggression and counter-rant.

    And it's important to put these unpopular opinions out there and fight it out. Sometimes I google "does anyone else hate this popular shit?" and it's annoying when I can't find other people with the same takes.

  • Not only is "Seinfeld" vastly overrated, any claim that it pioneered the concept of "a show about nothing" is ridiculous and imbecilic.
  • you’d have to tell all the people who believe the show WAS “a show about nothing” and think that’s AWESOME.

    Who are these people? Show me. You've got an image in your mind of some blithering idiot who drools over the show strictly because "it's a show about nothing" and that makes you mad. Can't really argue with a strawman like that, but if you ever come across them rest assured they're wrong in their premise and feel good about yourself

    People like Seinfeld because it's a light sitcom that can make a majority of them laugh at the situations it's characters get into. Nothing more.

  • Not only is "Seinfeld" vastly overrated, any claim that it pioneered the concept of "a show about nothing" is ridiculous and imbecilic.
  • I'm not going to get into the whole rant, you think what you want, this is the place for that. But it wasn't pitched as "a show about nothing", that was an arc in the show but it's not at all what the actual theme of the show is

    In a Reddit AMA, Seinfeld revealed how he and David really pitched the sitcom to NBC. The actor noted, "The pitch for the show, the real pitch, when Larry and I went to NBC in 1988, was we want to show how a comedian gets his material. The show about nothing was just a joke in an episode many years later." That's exactly what the show is, and for the first seven seasons, every episode sees Jerry performing stand-up comedy, making jokes based on exactly what that particular episode is about

    So don't worry so much about the show being about nothing. It's a sit-com.

  • There should be a “shower thoughts mode” in the shower so after you clean yourself, the current water used in the shower is recycled and reheated. In this way you can keep shower thinking without
  • I'm going to guess in most parts of the world heating water is a bigger expense vs getting clean water.

    You could choose to feel guilty about wasting heat energy, or just enjoy it knowing the energy had already been spent heating the water for you to enjoy. But screw fresh water! Waste away! It'll stay in the water cycle

  • Why does a prospective employer need my address?
  • I put up a job posting for my construction company last year and I had applicants from all over the world. Probably 60% from my city, 20% from my province but nowhere near me, and 20% from other countries.

    I wouldn't want or expect anyone to move for this job, let alone from the other side of the world. I manually rejected people who were too far away, but I can definitely understand wanting to filter out people based on their home address

  • Song of the Day: Violence by blink-182
  • The faster songs on this album go so hard. Feeling This, Violence, Stockholm Syndrome and Go absolutely rip. That first guitar riff has so much Tom Morello, the whole into could lead into any RATM song and I wouldn't even question it

  • Deleted
    There should be a law that says employers cannot ask you about employment gaps nor discriminate against you because of gaps.
  • Nah, school does count. I've given dozens of interviews, I usually don't worry about having every month accounted for. School is fine, taking a few months and living off savings is fine too. If I'm going to have to work with this person I want someone cool, I'd respect someone taking time off for themselves.

    6 months in Spanish school is a perfect explanation, a few years in Mexico though, you literally just glossed over years of your life. Are you younger and you were living with family? Were you running drugs for a cartel? The former is fine, the latter would be a red flag.

    They just want to know what you've been up to, if you refuse to account for years of your life that's weird, I don't know why that's such a problem

  • Canada extends ban on foreign ownership of housing by two years - Reuters
  • How do you define ‘corporate’ ownership? If you can own 100 properties as an individual, does that count as ‘corporate’?

    It's how you report the income. A corporation pays corporate tax rate on profit. An individual pays income tax. If someone wants to pay the individual income tax on 100 properties, that's awesome. 33% over 250k. Corporate tax rate can easily be half of that.

    Plus filing your taxes is waaaaaay easier having a corp hold all the assets and generating revenue, and the individual as an employee who draws a salary. If you're just an individual with 100 properties and you get audited, you're in for a bumpy ride trying to pick apart personal vs rental purchases

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